Golden Rose event

Golden Rose brand recently celebrated its first year since bringing the brand to the Slovenian market. I’ve mentioned their products quite a lot on my blog already since Golden Rose brand has a wide variety of products and the prices are very reasonable.

Znamka Golden Rose je pred kratkim praznovala prvo leto, odkar so svoje izdelke pripeljali na slovenski trg. Na mojem blogu sem o znamki že večkrat spregovorila, ker gre za znamko s pestro ponudbo izdelkov in žepu prijaznimi cenami. 

Until now it was only easy for us girls from Ljubljana to get the Golden Rose products (in BTC Hala A and City Park), but this story changed a couple of months ago – now, you can buy their products in the online store and shops in Celje and Velenje.

Do sedaj smo imele le Ljubljančanke ta privilegij, da smo z lahkoto lahko prišle do Golden Rose izdelkov (v BTC Hala A in City Parku), vendar pa se je zgodba bistveno spremenila nekaj mesecev nazaj – sedaj lahko namreč izdelke kupiš tudi v spletni trgovini ter v trgovinicah v Celju in Velenju.


Along with my fellow beauty bloggers, I attended a birthday celebration of Golden Rose where we celebrated along Slovenian brand owner Enisa Musai, Gregor from online store and make-up artist Mateja Pozeb.  We also had a chance to try out some new products from the offer but unfortunately the lighting was quite bad so photos don’t do justice to the products.

Tokrat smo se blogerke ob prvem rojstnem dnevu znamke Golden Rose družile z lastnico blagovne znamke Eniso Musai, Gregorjem iz spletne trgovine ter vizažistko Matejo Pozeb. Kasneje smo imele možnost kar nekaj novosti v ponudbi tudi preizkusiti, vendar je bila žal svetloba preslaba, da bi fotografije ne delale krivice izdelkom.

And here is my question for you: are you interested in any specific Golden Rose product but don’t want to try your luck buying it and would like to see my review first?  You can leave all your suggestions in the comments!

Moje vprašanje zate pa je sledeče: ali te zanima kakšen določen izdelek Golden Rose, pa si ga ne želiš kupiti “na pamet” in bi raje prej videla mojo oceno? Vse predloge mi zapiši v komentar! 

Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!