Skincare tag 2020

skincare tag

Sobota zvečer, ravno pravi čas, da se lotim in spišem skincare tag, v katerem me je označila naša zdravnica Ana. Kakšne posebne reklame ji verjetno ne rabim delat, ker sem prepričana, da verjetno praktično vsi, ki berete mene, berete tudi njo – ampak za vsak primer naj le omenim, da jo na Instagramu najdeš pod @antiageanasan.

Skratka Ana me je postavila pred kar resno in zahtevno nalogo, jaz sem se potrudila, pobrskala po omarah in imam pred sabo nabor izdelkov, o katerih bi v različnih kontekstih želela govoriti.


skincare tag

Tale kategorija je zame kar zahtevna, ker rada preizkušam nove cenovno ugodne znamke, predvsem zato, ker vedno iščem dobre “nadomestke” za dražje izdelke. Sicer se ta iskanja ne obnesejo vedno najboljše in moj obraz plača ceno, ampak v tem primeru se moram odločiti za The Ordinary. O TO sem na svojem blogu in Instagramu že ogromno govorila, preizkusila sem gotovo že tam okrog 15 različnih izdelkov. Nekako bi rekla, da je to zame znamka, pri kateri drži “dobro razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo”, vsaj pri večini izdelkov. Logika je približno enaka, kot pri trgovinskih znamkah:  vzameš dobre sestavine, zapakiraš jih v enostavno in razumno embalažo, jim postaviš razumno ceno in izdelki se bodo prodali sami.

Eni izdelki so bili za mojo kožo povsem neučinkoviti, recimo hialuronska in azelaična kislina, eni povsem brezvezni, medtem ko so nekateri zelo dobro učinkovali  – celo enako dobro ali celo boljše kot nekajkrat dražji ekvivalenti. Deloma je The Ordinary seveda nahajpan, ampak jaz imam bolj kot ne pozitivne izkušnje. 

Častna omemba gre niacinamidu, salicilni kislini, čistilcu s skvalanom in pa 23 % suspenziji vitamin C. Med tistimi “brezveznimi” pa so vsaj za mojo kožo kofein, azelaična, njihovi primerji in sončne Kreme.


skincare tag 1

Ufff. Tole je zame pravzaprav najtežje vprašanje od vseh, ker res težko izberem samo eno.  Pravzaprav kar težko verjamem, da bo katera koli od nas, ki bomo delale ta tag, izbrala samo eno znamko. Lahko pa omenim nekaj znamk, h katerim se znova in znova vračam, čeprav pri njih preizkušam različne izdelke. Tudi to, kaj je dražje, je za vsakogar relativno. Moja mama na primer ne trzne, ko kupi nočno kremo za sto evrov, jaz pa si za ta isti denar lahko omislim 4 izdelke, pa vsi štirje so verjetno boljši, kot njena priljubljena nočna krema… ampak to je že druga zgodba.

Skratka, iz kopalnice sem nabrala nekaj izdelkov, ki me res navdušujejo in za katere sem odštela nekaj več denarja oziroma, če so mi bili poslani, stanejo nekaj več denarja in prihajajo od znamk, h katerim se vračam oziroma bi se ponovno vrnila.

skincare tag Add Actives Tetraforce 1

Zakaj tako kompliciram z dikcijo? Predvsem zaradi prvega izmed izdelkov, zdaj že kultnega Add Actives Tetraforca. Gre za zaenkrat edini izdelek te znamke, čeprav Saška vztrajno namiguje, da se zna zgoditi še kaj, jaz upam, da čim prej! O Tetraforcu je bilo povedanega že toliko, da lahko samo ponovim že povedano, kar se mi ne zdi smiselno. Lahko pa povem, da sem Tetraforce bogato uporabljala tudi pri sinovih, ko sta decembra dobila norice in sem pri Marku opazila dve, pri Nikotu pa tri pikice na obrazu, ki so bile od globokih noric. O nobeni teh luknjic ni več ne duha, ne sluha in za to vsekakor pripisujem zasluge Tetraforcu. In zdaj že nakladam, tako da bom nehala, ker si Tetraforce zasluži čisto svojo oceno (o njem pa še nekaj pišem tudi v nadaljevanju), ampak Add Actives je definitivno ena tistih resnično, resnično dobrih znamk, vrednih svojega denarja.

Skincare tag Dermalogica

Še ena znamka, ki me navdušuje, je Dermalogica. Dermalogica je ena tistih no-nonsense znamk, pri katerih je treba bolj malo razmišljati, kar je zame, ki nisem ravno skincare junkie, čisto primerno. Vsi njihovi izdelki so brez parfumov, brez mineralnih olj, brez barvil, brez slabih alkoholov – skratka, karkoli vržeš v košarico, je vsaj na tem nivoju OK. Imajo širok nabor izdelkov, od mask do serumov, od čistilcev do krem. Če bi morala izbrati do konca življenja samo eno znamko izdelkov, je velika verjetnost, da bi izbrala prav to. Čistilec na fotografiji je super, eden tistih izdelkov, ki dobro očistijo, vendar so do kože še vedno nežni in z nje ne poberejo do zadnje molekule olja, zaradi česar je po kakšnih čistilcih koža takšna, da kar škripa. Ta gel je definitivno eden mojih zaveznikov pri ohranjanju zdrave bariere.

skincare tag Afrodita Professional

Še zadnja znamka, ki bi jo tu na hitro omenila, je Afrodita Professional. Zdaj, ko so nekoliko razširili dostopnost Professional linij, jih tudi raje priporočam. Izdelki imajo dobre formulacije, so nežni do kože in dobro opravijo svojo nalogo. Kaj več morda kdaj v kakšni ločeni oceni, če vas zanima, ker danes sem definitivno predolga, pa smo šele pri drugem vprašanju.


Skorajda ni znamke, pri kateri ne najdem vsaj kakšnega izdelka, ki mi ustreza. V sobi in v kopalnici sem prekopala vse police, pa nisem našla nobenega primera, da bi lahko rekla – ah, od tele znamke je pa res vse zanič. Je pa ena znamka, ki je res zelo, zelo blizu temu, in to je Garnier, če govorimo samo o negi kože. Pri Garnier sem preizkusila marsikaj – dve micelni vodici, tonik, odstranjevalec ličil, dnevno kremo, sheet maske, skratka, kar obsežen nabor izdelkov. Pa ni bilo niti ene stvari izmed vseh naštetih, za katero bi lahko rekla, da je bila dobra, oziroma še več, večina je bila podpovprečnih oziroma naravnost obupnih.

So tudi druge znamke, ki so me že razočarale, seveda – pravzaprav bi verjetno težje našla znamko, pri kateri me nikoli ni razočaral prav noben izdelek, ampak ja… če moram izbrati eno, potem je to recimo Garnier.


Skincare tag The Body Shop Drops of Youth

Ufff, tule imam pa verjetno nepriljubljeno opinion, ker ne bom z vsemi štirimi udrihala čez parfume oziroma sintetične dišave. Pač… seveda jaz tudi raje vidim, da pride vonj v izdelku od naravnih sestavin, recimo od eteričnih olj, ampak vonj ni tisti ključni faktor, zaradi katerega izdelek bom kupila oziroma ni ključni faktor, zaradi katerega izdelka ne bom kupila. Še najmanj me dišave me motijo v kremicah, ki pa jih itak uporabljam precej redko, saj ponavadi nego zaključujem z olji.

Torej… jaz dišavam res ne rečem ne, se pa umetnih dišav izognem, v kolikor obstaja kakšna enako dobra ali boljša alternativa.


skincare tag The Body Shop piling

Tu je seveda treba ločiti dobre in slabe alkohole, priznam, da sem sama rabila kar nekaj časa, da sem se tega naučila in sem se nehala zgražati vsakič, ko kje v INCIju vidim napisano alcohol. Glavni krivci med alkoholi so etilni alkohol ozirom etanol, alkohol denat oziroma SD (denaturiran alkohol).  oziroma etanol, ki pač ima v kozmetiki svojo funkcijo, vendar pa jo izsušuje,  zaradi česar se koža, ko izgublja vlago, začne luščiti in sčasoma lahko postane iritirana oziroma vneta. Teh alkoholov ne gre mešat z maščobnimi alkohol, kot so stearil, cetearil in pogosto viden cetil, cetilni alkohol. Te alkoholi opravljajo vlogo stabilizatorjev in služijo kot emolienti in niso škodljivi za kožo.

Zdaj, če govorimo samo o slabih alkoholih, mirne duše priznam, da pri njih velja enako, kot pri parfumih. Če je možno, se jim ognem, vendar pa uporabljam kar nekaj izdelkov, v katerih je alkohol denat visoko, pa je moja koža kljub temu z njimi zelo zadovoljna. Dva od teh sem potegnila ven, in sicer Vitamin C piling od The Body Shop in Drops of Youth serum od iste znamke. Oba ima moja koža zelo rada, Drops of Youth uporabljam že drugo stekleničko in pač v primeru, da je moja koža z izdelkom zadovoljna, dejstvo o vsebnosti slabega alkohola ignoriram. Je pa ta moj odnos posledica tega, da nekih pravih težav s kožo z izjemo melazme pravzaprav nimam, zato sem posledično tudi manj “previdna”. Vsekakor pa bi na splošno tudi sama uporabo izdelkov, ki so alkoholne bombe, odsvetovala.


skincare tag Add Actives Tetraforce 2

Najljubša sestavina je v veliki meri odvisna od tega, kaj me v tistem trenutku pesti. Če pa pogledam po svoji kopalnici in razmislim, po čem najpogosteje posežem, so to vsekakor izdelki z vitaminom C v taki ali drugačni obliki. Izdelki z vitaminom C, s tem mislim DOBRE izdelke z vitaminom C vsebujejo kopico antioksidantov, ki kožo ščitijo pred zunanjimi vplivi, hkrati pa vplivajo tudi na produkcijo kolagena, kar pripomore k zmanjšanjem pojavljanju gubic.

Moj najljubši vitamin C je vsekakor Tetraforce, ki vsebuje najbolj stabilno obliko vitamina C in kup naravnih antioksidantov. Upočasnjuje fotostaranje, posvetli hiperpigmentacije, tudi tiste postinflamatorne, ki jih poznamo tiste, ki ne znamo reči ne stiskanju mozoljčkov. Obenem, kot sem že omenila, zavira pojav staranja na koži, in čeprav moja koža ni ravno nagnjena k zgodnjim znakom staranja, je vsekakor bolje preprečiti kot zdraviti, sploh, ker imam tudi nekaj slabih navad, ki procese staranja pospešujejo.

Skratka, vitamin C je taka all-around dobra sestavina in nepogrešljiva v moji vsakodnevni rutini.


skincare tag GlamGlow

Pri telesu nisem prav zelo izbirčna in brez težav posežem po mehanskih pilingih, sploh sem pristranska do kavnih in pa tistih od The Body Shop, ki imajo “umetne” kroglice in so brez ostrih robov. Pri obrazu pa se že kar nekaj let odločam izključno za kemične pilinge, ki res odstranijo samo odmrle celice in ne poškodujejo globjih plasti kože. Zelo všeč so mi tudi tisti v obliki maske, recimo GlamGlow Supermud maska bi rekla, da na tem področju opravi kar nekaj dobrega dela. Sicer pa sta moja najljubša pilinga Elemis Enzyme Papaya piling, ki ga trenuno žal nimam, saj sem ga nekaj tednov nazaj vrgla stran, ker mu je potekel rok, in pa The Body Shop piling z vitaminom C.  Kot rečeno tudi ta vsebuje alkohol denat čisto pri vrhu sestavin, ampak tudi pri tem pogledam stran, ker dobro opravi svoje delo, itak pa na obrazu ne ostane dolgo. Nenazadnje pa je treba v tej kategoriji omeniti še Afrodita Professional encimski piling, s katerim je sicer nekaj packanja, a je zelo učinkovit.


Tu je moje mišljenje povsem enostavno: live and let live. Jaz zaenkrat ne čutim ne po enem, ne po drugem nobene potrebe. Glede na moj tip obraza je bolj verjetno, da se bom prej odločila za fillerje, kot za botoks, ker kakšnih prav izrazitih gub še nimam, glede na to, kako je še v pozni starosti izgledala moja babica, po kateri sem podedovala svoje obrazne poteze, pa tudi ni verjetno, da bom kdaj imela prav izrazite. Ampak – nikoli ne reči nikoli, v kolikor bi se mi zdelo, da bi se v svoji koži bolje počutila, bi se odločila za enega, drugega ali oba od posegov.


Hm… če bi morala izbrati, bi verjetno izbrala retinol, ampak potenten, zaresen retinol, ne tistega od The Ordinary. Tretinoin (Airol) sem letos pozimi uporabljala nekaj mesecev, pa nisem opazila nobene bistvene razlike razen luščenja. Razumem, da gre pri tretinoinih za tek na dolge proge, vendar za to trenutno nimam potrpljenja. Po drugi strani pri retinolu pa jo opazim praktično takoj, predvsem pri hiperpigmentacijah. Nisem pa v tem trenutku die hard fan ne enega, ne drugega.

Iskrene čestitke, če si se prebila do konca tega zapisa. Sama sem med brskanjem po kopalnici našla kar nekaj izdelkov, na katere sem malo pozabila, pa si zaslužijo svojo oceno, hkrati pa mi je bilo v užitek po dolgem času spisati eno res dolgo oceno.

Hvala, da si z mano. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

Natura Siberica Northern Collection for dry and sensitive skin

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

In the past year, the offer of  new brands in our drugstores expanded beyond my wildest dreams. These new brands offer variability that we so desperately needed – now everyone can find the products most appropriate for their skin. I recently tested products from Natura Siberica Northern Collection for dry and sensitive skin that are already available in our drugstores. In this post, I’ll tell you all about the new micellar water, cleansing butter and face mask from the line that is mainly based on active charcoal, different herbs and oils. They also offer a white line, made with white clay, which is more suited for normal skin.

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

I won’t be listing all of the ECO certifications that were awarded to Natura Siberica – that list would be far too long. But I am excited that each of the products contains a large share of ingredients from ecological farming. I think that with time, that will require more and more of our attention. I’m not denying the fact that I also use products that don’t follow that specific idea – especially in the area of products with “hardcore” active ingredients. But if I can get through basic cleansing and nurturing of my skin with natural products, that makes me really happy.

Natura Siberica Northern Collection – black cleansing butter

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

Let’s start with the product that impressed me the most – black cleansing butter. I’ve mainly been using only oil-based products for first cleanse for some time now, since they turned out to be the most efficient. Formulated with activated charcoal, flax seeds, various and various oils, it makes for a really quality product. I scoop some butter out with my finger – you don’t need a whole lot to get your entire face clean. I apply it to moist face, gently rub it around and use a washcloth to take it all off. It also works well to remove eye make-up, but there I recommend applying it to your eyes and waiting for about 20 seconds before removing with a washcloth or cotton round. That way the butter will really do its job and you won’t have to be rough on your eyes.

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

Active charcoal in the butter certainly does it job but it’s also quite stripping, meaning that I really have to apply a bit more hydration to my face after using it. But this cleansing effect is important in battling impurities so it definitely serves a purpose.

The pot is massive, contains 120ml of product (14,90€) and I’m sure it will last me a good three, four months. I like that the consistency is actually buttery, meaning I can get out exactly the right amount and not waste any product. Comparing it with Clinique Take The Day Off Balm, I prefer this texture. With the latter, I often get out chunks that are way to big and therefore waste some every day, which adds up. The price is also much more consumer friendly.

Natura Siberica Northern Collection – Black cleansing mask

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

This mask is formulated with activated charcoal and rosemary. I was quite surprised when I first used it since it has a warming effect to the skin which starts happening almost immediately when you put the mask on. The first time I used it I didn’t enjoy it at all, since I feared that the mask will drip from my face. Well, that didn’t happen – the formula is thick enough that it stays in place. The main benefit of this warming effect is that the mask doesn’t dry up at all and hence keeps actively working all the time while it’s on your face.

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

I don’t expect miracles from such masks like rejuvenated or significantly different skin, but masks have been and remain an important part of my beauty routine. I will probably be using this mask more in the winter months – right now, with the current temperatures, I don’t really enjoy the warming effect. There are 80ml in the bottle for RRP of 9,90€.

Natura Siberica Northern Line cleansing micellar water with activated charcoal

Natura Siberica Northern Collection

I can’t deny the interesting look of this micellar water – once you shake it up, it turns dark gray because of all the charcoal in it. But I was least impressed with it out of all the products. I think that for 9,90 €, it’s just not that special. It didn’t remove all my make-up and didn’t feel like much for second cleanse. I now use it for cleaning my face in the morning but I don’t notice much difference from other, cheaper products. I personally wouldn’t purchase this product.

If you’re one of those looking to include more natural products with ecologically produced ingredients into your skincare, I suggest you look into Natura Siberica. If you want to try one product first, I suggest starting with the cleansing butter since it’s really excellent and does it job superbly.

Until next time, stay beautiful!

Does beauty really require pain? I’m testing the Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller and facial oil

Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller

I don’t count myself among people who are the first to test new and revolutionary skincare products immediately when they hit the shelves. I prefer to wait, read about the new trends a bit more and then decide if it’s something I want to try at all. The story is similar with the case of dramatic derma rollers – I waited for expert opinions and now I want to try it for myself as well.

Together with the online store, we decided that for the next few months, I’ll be testing the Cougar Beauty Active derma roller (see more *here*) and the Cougar beauty oil with hyaluronic acid (there are several different oils available, read more *here*). Today, I want to show you how derma roller works and at the end of the summer we will see if it produced the desired results.

What is Derma rolling?

Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller

Active Derma Roller has hundreds of small titanium needles. These pierce the top two layers of the skin when you’re rolling it across your face. The skin immediately reacts to this damage and starts producing collagen and elastin to rectify the damage. The same process takes place with every skin injury, but with derma rolling, the damage we’re doing is controlled. I won’t say that I can’t feel any pain at all when using the derma roller, but the pain is – at least to me – minimal. My derma roller has 0,3 cm long needles and such derma rollers are recommended for home use. They use rollers with much longer needles in salons, but I think that that requires an expert and I wouldn’t recommend trying anything like that at home. I also don’t use the roller directly under the eyes and anywhere where I have any active acne.

What do I expect from derma rolling?

Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller

I’m only using the derma roller on half on my face and will continue to do so because I want to see what the difference will be. I don’t have any major wrinkles with 30+ years old, but I’m interested to see if even the small wrinkles will be diminished. The main goal is to see if derma rolling can reduce my pigmentation – mainly caused by my very unprofessional agression toward my pimples before I started taking care of my skin a bit better.

What I don’t expect from derma rolling?

I certainly don’t expect any miracles, like derma roller erasing all my wrinkles or rejuvenating the left side of my face by ten years. Every product has its limitations and personally, I like to have rational expectations.

How does derma rolling work?

Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller

I really imagined I will have to drag the derma roller around my face for at least 10 minutes but that’s really not the case. First, I give my Derma Roller a good disinfection – after all, it will be piercing my skin! I set it to a certain point on my face and draw a star with it – up and down, left and right and in both diagonals. I repeat that three times. Then, I find another spot and so forth until I have done the entire half of my face. It takes me about three minutes in total. I also remember to disinfect after use. At the moment, I’m using the derma roller twice a week, but perhaps I’ll be using it more often as time passes.

How about Cougar Beauty oil with hyaluronic acid?

Cougar Beauty Active Derma Roller

Another advantage to these “injuries” the derma roller causes to the skin is that all products used on the face after rolling absorb much more effectively than they normally would. Now, I’ll be trying out the Cougar oil with hyaluronic acid as the first step after rolling. The ingredients give me much hope that it will turn out to be a good product for my skin, but as usual, I will report back.

This is my first time using The Cougar products so I’ll be watching for other new additions from the brand on the website. If you’re interested in derma rolling or have any other questions about it, ask away and I’ll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability. Until next time, stay beautiful!

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur – youth in a jar?

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur

In the past few years, I’ve been noticing changes on my face. These changes don’t have so much to do with my lifestyle as with…well.. my age. I’ll be turning 34 in a couple of months. Therefore, I’m happy to test out new serums, creams and all other products that could contribute to my skin keeping as much youthful appearance as possible for years to come.

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur – a cream-oil for youthful appearance is a face cream that got me hooked after only a couple of weeks of use. It’s fomulated with 5 % argan oil and promises to reduce the appearance of fine lines, tighten the skin and improve the contours of the face. 99 % of all ingredients are natural and 25 % of them come from ecological farming.

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur

My skin is mixed and I was slightly concerned that with that much argan oil, it will not work through the day. For a few weeks, I only used it in my night time routine. I quickly learned I have little to worry about – the cream absorbs very quickly and doesn’t leave an oily film on your face. I can attest that it’s appropriate for mixed skin as well, but if your skin is dry, I’m sure it would love this cream even more!

You only need a tiny amount for each application. I’ve been using this 50ml jar since November twice a day and I’ve still got about a months’ use left. In the spring and summer months, I’ll reach for some other cream, perhaps one with more moisturizing performance to really give my skin that extra boost in the warm weather. If you have dry skin, this cream would be appropriate throughout the year.

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur

If you want to try out the Melvita Argane Concentrate Pur, it’s available ** for 42€. You can also get a discount by applying for their newsletter.

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur

Melvita Argan Concentrate Pur cream is one of those products I’ll probably keep going back to again and again. I find that having such reliable products in my “arsenal” is extremely important as I test many new products which often irritates my skin a lot.

Until next time, stay beautiful!


New In #1 2018: new beauty products in my life

new beauty products january 2018

In the blog about 2017 and plans for 2018, I promised a New In each final Friday of the month. Naturally, I also receive some packages in the final days of the month, but these will be included in the post of the following month. I’ll include a short review wherever I can, but in most cases, you’ll have to wait a little while longer for any real evaluation of the products. If there’s something you’re really interested in, let me know in the comments below and I’ll try my best to review that product for you. Now, let’s go ahead and get started. All the products I bought on my own are marked with a * for full disclosure.

new beauty products Vichy

Vichy kindly sent me a  gorgeous suede make-up bag, Vichy Nutrilogie 2 Intense cream for very dy skin, cute notebook and Vichy Slow Age Eyes, targeted care for developing signs of ageing with anti oxidant baicalin, bifidus and gingko. It’s meant to help reduce puffiness, dark circles and fine lines.

new beauty products Nabla

If you didn’t know, I’m a moderator for a Slovenian group about cosmetics. Every once in a while, all of us gather and have a little party and this time, we also got some presents! I got the cutest set with Nabla Velvetine long-lasting lip pencil in the shade Grace and Nabla metallic liquid lipstick in the same shade. They are absolutely gorgeous and I’ve been wearing them a lot lately.

new beauty products Derma.E

At the same moderator meet-up, I also received Derma E Essentials – Microdermabrasion scrub from Beautybottled that blends away dullness and smooths the fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. I’ve used it a couple of times so far, gently massaging it into my face for about three minutes before I rinse it of. It’s a microdermabrasion scrub that shouldn’t be used too often in order not to damage the skin, but once a week or so seems just right for my skin. I really like it so far and I’m happy to add another eco product to my stash.

new beauty products Dr.Organic

Dr. Organic is a new brand to Slovenia and I was excited to try their products. They sent me the Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner, Hemp oil Body Wash and Virgin Coconut Oil deodorant. The latter is formulated without aluminium, SLS, paraben and alcohol, which is perfect for our sensitive skin and prevents any clogging of the pores. I’ve got a full post about these coming next week so stay tuned for that.

new beauty products Essence

Essence is celebrating their 15th Birthday this year and apparently, it means gifts for everyone (think Oprah). I was sent the stunning Ready, set, glow holographic make-up bag, Essence Be my highlight eyeshadow palette, Make me special lipstick topper and a gorgeous eyeshadow blending brush.

new beauty products La Roche-Posay

I’m always excited for new LRP products, especially since I’ve started my love affair with Serozinc. I was sent La Roche-Posay Toleriane Teint Mineral compact powder with SPF 25 (Sand beige) and the Eau Micellaire ultra, micelar water for sensitive skin.

new beauty products e.l.f.

i did a little bit of shopping myself. I bought the e.l.f. powder brush* and Blush&bronzer duo in St.Lucia*. Both of these are repuchases and i got them from iHerb. Sadly, they changed the shades in the St. Lucia compact and I think both will be far too light for my skin tone. View Post