Summer makeup routine 2017

summer makeup routine

I hate nothing more than the feeling of my make-up sliding up and down my face in warm summer days. Unfortunately, this feeling is often confirmed once I take a look in the mirror, but this only happens when I don’t do my summer makeup routine when applying make-up. Today, I’m introducing a couple of tricks on how you can make your make-up last longer throughout the day, regardless of the heat!

summer makeup routine The Ordinary high adherence silicone primer

I won’t go on and on about moisturizing the skin and applying a layer of SPF – surely, you’ve memorized the importance of that by now. I start my routine with a primer. I get so many questions about The Ordinary high-adherence silicone primer (which I already wrote about *here*) that I thought I’d show it to you one more time. In short, it’s not my favorite primer, but it does make for a good base before foundation application and somewhat prolongs its wear time. If you choose a primer without silicone, your make-up will last that much longer. I also apply an eyelid primer – currently I’m using the Avon primer which is quite soft and can be blended easily all over the eyelid. It also covers up discoloration and minor imperfections at the same time.

summer makeup routine Bell Hypoalergenic liquid foundation

I follow the primer with Bell Hypoallergenic Mat & Soft liquid foundation (more about it *here*). My skin has been looking better for the past couple of weeks meaning I don’t need a full coverage foundation. I like Bell liquid foundation because of the slightly matte finish  – if I want my skin to look more dewy, I can apply highlighter or liquid illuminator later on. Time permitting, I apply the It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye waterproof concealer. The formula is thick and quite dry so I need more time to blend it properly without any visible transitions, but I know that it. will. not. budge the entire day.

summer makeup routine L.O.V perfectitude 3in1 prime and fix spray

Naturally, you then apply all other make-up products such as bronzer, blush, maskara and so forth, but don’t forget to lock your foundation to prolong the wear time! For the past few weeks, I’ve been reaching for Paese transparent powder focusing the most on the under-eye area since the concealer tends to sink into my fine lines. It’s a really great product, very soft and fine which means it blends out nicely, not leaving a gray hue over the face as some other powders do. After completing my look, I give my face a couple of spritzes with L.O.V Perfectitude 3in1 Prime & Fix spray (more about it *here*) which really makes my make-up stay in place. For a cheaper alternative, I can also recommend Avon Mark fixing spray.

Sometimes, even all of these steps won’t help and you’ll need to freshen up your make-up during the day. I tend to blot my face with some blotting sheets (the best and cheapest are made by Essence) and then apply a new layer of a translucent powder that’s always in my purse. My favorite is the Rimmel Stay Matte which you can find in any drugstore. I hope this post helps and your make-up will look great all summer long thanks to this summer makeup routine. Until next time, stay beautiful!

Which primer to use? ***** Kateri primer je pravi zame?

Last week, I wrote an extensive post about my pre-foundation skincare routine and mentioned a few primers that help me set up a good base for the rest of my make-up. Since I often get asked about what primer I consider the best (and since I haven’t written a long post about my primers since 2015), I though this would be a good opportunity to show you what I’m currently using.

Prejšnji teden sem napisala dolgo objavo o moji rutini pred nanosom tekoče podlage in že v njej omenila nekaj primerjev, ki mi pomagajo pripraviti kožo za nanos podlage. Ker me bralke pogosto sprašujete, kateri primer se mi zdi najboljši (in tudi ker bolj odločno o temi primerjev nisem pisala že vse od leta 2015), bom to priložnost izkoristila, da ti predstavim primerje, ki jih trenutno uporabljam.

My skin is normal with dry zones, some enlarged pores on my T-zone and some redness around my nose and between my eyebrows. I choose primers according to my problems  – and you should do the same. Please, take a look at the pre-foundation routine post  for more information on that since I don’t want to repeat myself. Remember – different primers work in different ways so you need to choose yours carefully – do you need filling of the pores, blurring of wrinkles, some color correcting or simply want your make-up to last longer?

Moja koža je normalna z nekaj suhimi točkami, povečanimi porami na T-zoni in z nekaj rdečice okrog nosu in med obrvmi. Primerje tako izbiram glede na težave svoje kože, enako pa priporočam tudi tebi. Prosim, preberi si mojo objavo o rutini pred nanosom tekoče podlage (najdeš jo *tu*), saj je že v njej zapisanih kar nekaj pomembnih informacij, ki jih danes ne bi ponavljala. Različni primerji delujejo na različne načine – ali potrebuješ zapolniti pore, zabrisati gubice, popraviti kakšno barvno nepravilnost ali želiš le, da bi tvoja tekoča podlaga na obrazu ostala lepa dlje časa?

Generally speaking in terms of your skin type – if your skin is dry, it will probably handle silicone primers well. Silicones will help you get a more even application of the liquid foundation and prevent caking in the dry areas. You should stay away from mattifying primers which will only make the situation worse. On the other hand, silicone based primers don’t perform well on oily skin since they tend to slide around and will not help your make-up stay on longer. With oily skin, you’re better off with a mattifying prime that will blur out the imperfections and help your make-up stay on longer. This is the general rule of thumb. There are so many primers in the market (with and without SPF, mattifying, color correcting,  illuminating, …) that you’ll surely find the one that will be perfect for your skin.

Če govoriva povsem na splošno, potem za izbiro primerja veljajo določene zakonitosti. Če imaš suho kožo, bodo verjetno za tebe bolje delovali silikonski primerji. Te ti bodo pomagali ustvariti lepo osnovo za nanos tekoče podlage in bodo tej preprečili, da bi se nabirala na bolj suhih delih tvojega obraza. Izogibaj se matirnih primerjev, ki bodo tvoje težave s suho kožo še poudarili. Po drugi strani silikonski primerji po navadi niso najboljši za mastno kožo, saj drsijo po obrazu in bo tekoča podlaga drsela skupaj z njimi. Če imaš mastno kožo, bi ti priporočala, da izbereš matirni primer, ki bo prav tako zabrisal nepravilnosti in poskrbel za daljšo obstojnost tekoče podlage. Vendar pa so to le splošna pravila – na trgu je toliko primerjev (z in brez SPF, matirni, z barvnimi korekcijami, osvetljevalni, …), da boš gotovo našla tistega, ki je najboljši za tvojo kožo.

Let’s start off with the newest addition to the family, the Mark Magix Face Primer from the new Avon Mark line. This is a good silicone based primer that will help you if you want to blur out imperfections on your skin and prepare it for liquid foundation. I like that it has no harsh smell and it absorbs very quickly. The texture is a bit funny, but once you get used to it, it’s not a problem. Negatives: I didn’t feel like it helped my make-up stay on longer which is true for most silicone primers, at least in my case. It also didn’t do enough  to fill in the largest pores which were still slightly visible after use. Available from Avon salesforce. 3/5.

Začniva z najnovejšim članom moje družine primerjev, Mark Magix Face Primerjem iz nove Avon Mark linije. Gre za dober silikonski primer, ki bo zabrisal nepravilnosti in kožo dobro pripravil za tekočo podlago. Všeč mi je, da nima močnega vonja in se zelo hitro vpije v kožo. Sama tekstura tekočine je nekoliko drugačna kot pri večini primerjev, ampak se nanjo ni težko navaditi. Pomanjkljivost: zdi se mi, da ni podaljšal obstojnosti za mojo tekočo podlago, kar pa pri meni velja za večino silikonskih primerjev. Prav tako bi si želela videti večji učinek na moje pore, ki so bile po nanosu še vidne. Dostopen pri prodajalcih Avon. 3/5.

The second primer I’m currently using is the e.l.f. Poreless Face Primer. e.l.f. carries quite a few different primers and I’ve tried most of them. I like the texture which is silky smooth (again, this is a silicone based primer). For me, it evens out my complexion beautifully and really fills in my pores. It’s also the least expensive out of the bunch. Unfortunately, this is one of the foulest smelling beauty products I’ve ever come across which is why it’s hard for to to reach for it in the morning. Available from iHerb. 2/5.

Naslednji primer, ki ga trenutno uporabljam, je e.l.f. Poreless Face Primer. Znamka e.l.f. ima v svoji ponudbi kar nekaj primerjev, od katerih sem jih preizkusila že večino. Pri tem primerju mi je všeč tekstura (tudi tu gre za silikonski primer). Mojo kožo lepo poenoti in dobro zapolni moje pore. Je tudi najcenejši od vseh, ki ti jih predstavljam danes. Na žalost pa gre za enega najbolj smrdečih izdelkov, ki sem jih kadar koli preizkušala, zato se moram prav prisiliti, da ga zjutraj potegnem iz predala. Dostopen preko iHerb. 2/5.

Next I want to talk about the L’Oreal Infallible mattifying base. I fell in love with this in the spring but completely stopped using it in the summer because in the heat, my foundation was slipping off even without a silicone primer underneath. Lately, I started using it again in situations when I need my foundation to look great for the evening. In colder months, it lasts reasonably long and gives a semi-matte effect but doesn’t accentuate my dry spots. I would stay away if you have very dry skin, but other then that it would probably work fine for you. Available in drugstores (DM, Muller etc.). 4/5

Naslednji v moji zbirki je L’Oreal Infallible mattifying base. V ta primer sem se zaljubila spomladi, vendar pa ga praktično celo poletje v toplem vremenu nisem uporabljala, saj je tekoča podlaga že brez silikonskega primerja drsela okrog po mojem obrazu in je primer vse skupaj le še poslabšal. V hladnejših mesecih sem ga uporabljala predvsem takrat, ko sem želela, da moja podlaga krajše obdobje izgleda čudovito. Primer kožo delno matira, pri čemer ne poudari mojih suhih predelov. Ta primer ti odsvetujem, če imaš zelo suho kožo, v vseh nasprotnih primerih pa bo verjetno zate delal ok. Dostopen v drogerijah (DM, Muller itd.). 4/5

I already talked about The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone Primer *here*. In short, it’s a primer with a great price that will give your skin a smoother look but it will not cover any major imperfections or help your foundation last longer. Available from Deciem online store. 3/5

O The Ordinary High-Adhererence Silicone primerju sem že pisala *tu*. Na kratko – gre za ugoden primer, ki bo dal tvoji koži svilen videz, vendar pa ne bo zabrisal kakšnih večjih nepravilnosti ali pomagal k večji obstojnosti tvoje podlage. Dostopen preko Deciem spletne trgovine. 3/5

Last one of the bunch is the Etude House Baby Choux base in the shade Mint choux. It’s a color correcting primer which helps me reduce the redness I talked about previously. I like it in the summer months because it gives my skin a mattified effect so that I’m not shining like a lighthouse before lunchtime. It also boasts a SPF of 30 which is enough that you can get away without applying extra layer of protection. Negatives: it has a dry texture so it’s a bit more difficult to spread evenly across the face. But don’t worry about looking green in the face – once applied, it will turn into a while formula. Available from online stores that carry Korean cosmetics, such as Jolse. 4/5.

Zadnji primer, ki ga trenutno testiram in uporabljam, je Etude House Baby Choux Base v odtenku Mint Choux. Gre za primer, ki se osredotoča na barvno korekcijo in mi pomaga pri prekrivanju rdečice, ki sem jo omenila prej. Z veseljem ga uporabljam predvsem v poletnih mesecih, saj mojo kožo matira in mi pomaga, da se že pred časom kosila ne svetim kot svetilnik. Formula se ponaša tudi z SPF 30, kar je po mojem mnenju zadostna zaščita, da ne potrebujem še dodatnega sloja kreme za sončenje. Njegova največja pomanjkljivost je suha formula, zaradi česar je enakomeren nanos precej težak. Naj te zelena barva ne skrbi – v obraz ne boš zelena, saj se ob nanosu na rdečico primer obarva belo. Dostopen preko spletnih trgovin, ki ponujajo korejsko kozmetiko, kot na primer Jolse. 4/5

If you want to look for good alternatives in our drugstores, I’d suggest looking to the brands Catrice, L.O.V. and Bourjois which normally have a large array of primers for every skin type. Hopefully, this was useful – but if you have any additional questions, I’m here for you! Until next time, stay beautiful!

Če želiš dobro alternativo omenjenim primerjem poiskati v naših drogerijah, ti predlagam, da si ogledaš ponudbo znamk Catrice, L.O.V in Bourjois, ki imajo po navadi na voljo širok nabor primerjev z različnimi funkcijami, ki pomagajo različnim tipom kože. Upam, da ti bo moja objava pomagala pri izbiri, v kolikor pa imaš še kakšno vprašanje, ti z veseljem pomagam! Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!