ProvoCATRICE: Eyeshadow palette “En Touche” review

It’s been a while since the last Catrice limited edition collection hit the shelves so I wasn’t too surprised when I opened my mailbox and realized that a new one is one the way. Catrice kindly provided me with an eyeshadow palette from the new ProvoCATRICE line which will be available until July. If you haven’t decided on the purchase yet, you can find my opinion about the lovely ProvoCATRICE Une Touche (touch) 5-pan palette down below.

Od zadnje limited edition kolekcije Catrice je minilo že kar nekaj časa, zato priznam, da nisem bila preveč presenečena, ko me je v nabiralniku pričakal paketek s paleto senčil iz nove linije ProvoCATRICE. Linija na police drogerij Tuš, v E.Leclerc MB, drogerije Ilirija in v spletno trgovino Click2Chic prihaja s 17.5. (in bo na voljo do julija), v kolikor pa se še nisi opogumila za nakup, pa si lahko v nadaljevanju prebereš moje mnenje o novi lepotički v moji zbirki – paleti petih senčil ProvoCATRICE Une Touche (dotik).

The entire line was inspired by the visual elements of lingerie and street fashion combos that are so popular on the streets these days. Besides the palette (5,29€), the ProvoCATRICE Line also includes five different rainbow nail polishes (3,29), two ombre blushes (4,29€), scented transparent powder (5,29), volumizing lash dust (4,29€) and two cushion matte lipsticks (5,29€). Personally, I’m most excited about the blushes and the polishes. I will be adding the latter to my collection of “not work appropriate but super cool for vacation and weekend gatherings with friends” collection.

Celotna linija navdih črpa iz vizualnih elementov kombinacije perila in ulične mode. Poleg spodaj predstavljene palete (5,29€) v njej lahko najdeš tudi pet mavričnih odtenkov lakov (3,29€), dvoje ombre rdečil za lička (4,29€), odišavljen transparentni puder (5,29€), prah za volumen trepalnic (4,29€) ter dve cushion mat šminki (5,29€). Osebno se najbolj navdušujem nad rdečili in laki, s katerimi bom verjetno še nekoliko obogatila svojo zbirko tistih lakov, ki morda niso najbolj primerni za v službo, jih bom pa še z večjim veseljem nosila med dopustom in vikend druženji s prijateljicami.

Une Touche palette is basically what could be the perfect palette. Small enough to fit in any purse and sturdy enough to withstand even the most exciting of travels. In general, I’d say that Catrice limited edition packagings are always of high quality and some of the best in my collection. I can tell that the palette was carefully curated. It contains two matte shadows (gray and light pink) great for the crease, two shimmery shadows for the lid and inside corner and a dark brown which is absolutely necessary for an evening look.

Paleta Une Touche je v osnovi popolna paleta. Dovolj majhna, da sodi v vsako torbico, dovolj trdna, da bi zdržala tudi kakšno bolj razburljivo potovanje. Na splošno so embalaže limited edition Catrice linij ene bolj trpežnih v moji zbirki. Pet odtenkov je bilo izbranih zelo premišljeno. Dva mat odtenka (siv in nežno roza) sta odlična za v pregib veke, z dvema svetlikajočima odtenkoma se poudari notranjost očesa in očesne kotičke, temno rjava barva pa je seveda nepogrešljiva za kakšen bolj večerni videz, ko rahlo zadimimo zunanje kotičke. View Post

Catrice Chocolate Nudes eyeshadow palette

It might sound a bit pretentious, but I think that the eyeshadow palettes are the one high-end product I really, really find worth the money. With a few exceptions, I find the drugstore palettes to be of poor quality which also explains the lack of posts about new palettes that some other bloggers rave about in their posts. When I first started to really enjoy make-up, I bought a couple of high-end palettes and learned to appreciate their quality.

With that being said, I do find that you can come upon a hidden jewel once in a while and this little Chocolate Nudes palette by Catrice is most definitely one of those. You can get it in most drugstores for about 5,5 €.

The packaging alone is where I feel a lot of money was saved on this palette – it’s a simple, small plastic black case with a (in my opinion) useless brush. There is also no mirror in sight.

The back of the palette gives you a little tutorial in how to create a glamorous smokey eye, if you would feel the want to wear something like that. It is true that there are only six shades in the palette, but the color combinations that you can play around with are practically endless.

But now, let’s talk about the good stuff – the actual shades. They are incredibly soft, almost buttery, which can cause a bit of a fallout if you’re being too aggressive, so I would suggest using good quality brushes with it.

As you are reading this, this palette is vacationing with me as the only palette I took along, since I didn’t really feel the need to bring anything else. The palette has a good white base, a highlighter, two nice crease/transition colors (in the middle) and two highly pigmented, absolutely stunning shades at the very right end. I swoon over the dark gold (almost rose-gold) shade that comes second to last in the palette – and I would not hand over this palette to anyone because of this shade alone.

If you’re on the hunt for a natural palette for a bargain price, I would definitely recommend you go out and get yourself one of these. Besides being a perfect traveling companion, this would also be a good palette for younger girls that are just starting to play around with make-up and with Christmas around the corner, there’s no time like the present to be that perfect friend/mother/aunt.

Until next time, stay beautiful!