Being low maintenance and all (yeah, right, wait ‘till you see the most recent haul, even I was a bit ashamed of myself), I tend to use the simplest method of all to get rid of the main part of my make-up every evening. And since I feel an obligation to you lovely beauties to try everything once, I have tested out no less than five different brands or types in the last few months.
When using a make-up wipe, I need it to be effective, meaning it actually does remove some of my make-up and doesn’t just move it around my face. Secondly, I want it to be soft on my skin. I am not a fan of rougher wipes – I swear that I can literally hear some scraping at my skin. Thirdly, I want them to smell nice, and when I say nice, I don’t mean some nasty fake smell. I want them to smell clean, if that makes any sense. Next up, I want them to have enough moisture in them so I can use them all over my face. And last but not least, I want the packaging to be designed in a way that it can be closed well so that the wipes don’t dry out in the first couple of days.
Low maintenance maybe, but my standards regarding make-up wipes are quite high 😉
Anyway, I will just go over these five in the picture below briefly, while trying to rank them from worst to best. Your thoughts, comments and opinions are as always highly appreciated.
4th runner up: Müller Cadeavera Vital (35+ years)
Nope, nope, nope. These wipes were so rough against my skin that I ended cleaning up the fallout around my sink with them after I’m done applying my make-up. They didn’t have an unpleasant smell, but they were also less than effective in doing some serious damage to my make-up. Will not, would not, am not going to repurchase.
3rd runner up: Essence My skin wipes.
These were I believe the least expensive out of all of them. They smelled fantastic and were quite soft, but at the same time they were so thin that I actually ripped some of them while scrubbing off the make-up. I was not a fan of packaging either – it looked very nice but it didn’t seal well so the last 5 wipes were so dry they were practically unusable. Will probably not repurchase, unless it was for travel etc. and I was planning on leaving whatever is left behind.
2nd runner up: Garnier Essentials for sensitive skin
These wipes don’t have any alcohol and any perfumes in them and consequently do smell very clean. I liked the consistency and also the packaging – it held up pretty well for almost a month and I didn’t end up wasting any product. They were quite cheap I believe, around 3,5 € in Müller.
1st runner up: Garnier Fresh Essentials
Mmmmm.. I would eat these if I could. They smell so fruity and delicious, they are soft, gentle and wet enough that one suffices for the general scrub. They are in my opinion also the best at removing make up, which is the general idea, don’t you agree?
Winner: Yes to grapefruit – brightenning facial wipes
So why are these the winners? Yes, there was a tiny bit of make-up left on my face after using these (I of course use other products as well, don’t worry), but they feel and smell amazing. When I started using them I was a bit unsure about the “brightening” effect but I can definitely see the change after a couple of days – they seem to very gently exfoliate the skin which leaves my face looking nice and fresh and doesn’t dry out my skin. I also like the fact that one wipe is absolutely huge – you can easily cover your entire face with it, whereas when wearing a lot of make-up I needed to use more than one from all of the other brands.
And, can we just take a moment to admire this inspirational message on the inside of the very sturdy packaging 🙂
And, can we just take a moment to admire this inspirational message on the inside of the very sturdy packaging 🙂
They are unfortunately the only ones that don’t sell in Slovenia by my knowledge. Ordering them is easy-peasy though, you can get them at Feel Unique for about 5€ – the shipping is free over 10 £ which I can assure you it’s easy enough to reach. I will probably not repurchase them in the near future though – I am very happy with the Garnier Fresh Essentials which will probably become my staple wipes from now on. Or at least until I find something new that intrigues me 😉
Which make-up wipes do you use? Have you had some really good or really bad experience with any brands? Let me know!
Until next time, stay beautiful, stay awesome!
Ti Yes čistilni robčki me kar mikajo,že nekaj časa, pa mogoče bi garnierove preizkusila, glede na to da sem zadovoljna z njihovo miceralno vodico :)) Drugače pa sem sama zelo zadovoljna z L'Oreal Skin Perfection Cleansing Wipes Dry & Sensitive Skin 🙂 po njih posegam predvsem na kakih krajših potovanjih,ko sem prelena da bi nosila vse s sabo, ali pa včasih doma, da pač ne grem z makeupom v posteljo 🙂 Jih je blo kar nekaj, ki so bli polomija :S
Sabina Garnierovi so res primerljivi s temi Yes robčki, pa še pri nas se jih dobi, kar je seveda dodaten plus. Obstajajo še v nekaj drugih vonjih & z drugimi nameni, ampak se nekako ne morem pripraviti, da bi si na obraz dajala nekaj, kar diši po korenju 🙂 Mogoče se opogumim in naročim kumarico ali borovnice…
Sem si pa ravnokar na shopping list dodala še te, ki jih predlagaš, da jih preizkusim. Se strinjam, da so čistilni robčki sicer lahko izhod v sili, jaz pa jih vsakodnevno uporabljam za tisto čisto prvo metodo, ki odstrani vrhnji sloj, pa še primerni so za odstranjevanje pudra po vratu.
O polomijah pa… v kakšnem drugem postu 🙂
Kumarica bi znala bit osvežilna 🙂 No jaz si pa dam te na wishlisto, da preizkusim končno 🙂
Upam da ti bo od loreala všeč 🙂 Sicer je pa tak, da pač vsaka uporablja drugo metodo za čiščenje obrazam, jaz najraje uporabim najprej milo.. je pa res kot praviš da so primerni za odstranjevanje pudra po vratu, ker recimo z milom je res tečno odstranjevat po vratu 😀