For all of you beauties out there who have never heard of it, Dashbox is a Slovenian beauty box that promises to “deliver 5 luxury cosmetic products at your doorstep each month” for the price of 10 € per box and additional 2 or 3 € for shipping. I believe that you get some discount if you order for several months in advance and you also gather some Dashbox points that you can use in the online store. Get more info here – or not, whatever.
Anyhow, the moment I opened it I was again like – what is this? And where are my 5 luxury cosmetics products? This is what I found inside.
So let’s do a little recap, shall we? On the far bottom left, we have two 2ml Delarom whitening serum samples. Now this product OK and it really made a difference on my face in the 2 days I used it, but the full size is 54 € and I’m not really sure that it’s worth the money after just two uses. Pass.
Above it, we have a little L’Erbolario sample pack. There is no price value on this, but of course it is sold on the Dashbox online store. I have not yet used these nor am I very interested. Pass.
Right, we have the Greenland Fruit emotions 30 ml hand cream of apparent value of 5 €. Sure, it’s an OK hand cream deluxe sample, but it’s nothing special. And I would never pay that much for a hand cream. Pass.
Then we have the Pièce de résistance of this box, a set of imPRESS nails which is a set of 24 clip-on nails. Now I like the idea since this is something that many of us would like to try and really would not go out and buy, but come on, what is with the color? The last time I wore this kind of pink was in high school and I don’t intend to ever wear it again. Since these nails also come in many other great colors, my wild guess would be that they just bought the color that was not selling in bulk for pennies. I am thinking of doing a first impression with these – is it something you’d be interested in?
Last, we have two little samples of Philip Martin’s organic face cream, again with no value written on them, so basically it’s zero value. It’s an OK cream, but again I would not purchase a premium product (full size is 38 €) based on two uses. Pass.
So let’s get it straight. When you promise me 5 products, I am expecting products. I got one product, one deluxe sample and 7 samplers (3x L’Erbolario, 2x Delarom, 2x Philip Martins) that I could get in any drugstore with my product. I have so many of such products I don’t know where to start using them and I always demand to get at least 7 mini samples for the deluxe products to even start considering spending my money on it. I got 3 mini hand creams last week in L’Occitane just with a purchase of a regular body wash. Amirite or amirite, ladies? What did you think about the Dasbox, if you got it?
This box was a bust. Dasbox thanks, but no thanks. Get better or go fool someone else. The fact that I forgot to even take the box home with me for more than 3 weeks speaks volumes about how excited I was about the products.
Until next time, stay beautiful, stay awesome.
me veseli, da si nardila takšno objavo, ker že dolgo gledam tale Dashbox in so škatle vedno bolj krnekaj…te testerje pa vedno dobijo itak zastonj in ne vem zakaj so punce nad tem navdušene 😐 …za prvo škatlo sem pomislila, da bi jo kupila pol pa nikol več 🙂
Me veseli, da si se mu izognila Simona. Penasta sem bila kot ris, ampak sem si rekla OK, bom najprej stestirala, mogoče me pa kaj vrže na rit. Katastrofa od katastrofe, kar me res žalosti pa ni to, da sem vrgla 10€ čez okno, ampak to, da nimamo v Sloveniji enega dobrega beauty boxa.
Pričakujem pa še ta teden enega z Lookfantastic, bomo videli, kako se bo obnesel.. Je pa cena skoraj 1x višja, zato so tudi moja pričakovanja 🙂
sej smo blogerke že govorile o tem, ker so eno, ki ima svojo spletno trgovini prav ti iz Dashboxa prosli, če jim lahko PODARI testerje, če jih ima…poleg tega pa se stvari zadnje čase že ponavljajo v škatlah, ker jim itak ostanejo.
To škatlo iz LF sem tud jaz gledla in mislim, da ne boš razočarana, ker so običajno noter res dragi izdelki, tudi če so za pol manjši 🙂
Nisem nič zasledila na to temo… Sicer se meni ne zdi problem, kako pridejo do samplov, ker je to njihova stvar. Ampak še vedno pa pričakujem od njih pet izdelkov, in sample ni izdelek.
Aja, pa še to – jaz sem postala v zadnjem letu zelo skeptična do takšnih ocen, kjer se zadeve samo hvali in hvali. Si mislim, da veliko stvari dobijo blogerke zastonj in potem čutijo, da jih morajo pohvaliti. Sama mislim, da sicer moram kupit več stvari in to takrat, ko pridejo ven, da jih lahko stestiram namesto drugih, ampak če je nekaj bedno, je pač bedno. Kar nekaj izdelkov, ki sem jih prejela, je končalo na mojih buuuuu listah 🙂
ja, to je res problem, ko se ene stvari preveč hvalijo. Jaz poskušam bit čim bolj iskrena in sem vesela, da ne dobim toliko izdelkov, ker raje kupim in se vidi kaj mi je res bilo všeč 🙂
Word, sister 🙂
super ocena, res sem vesela da si je nisem naročila.. meni je to prav norčevanje iz ljudi, žal.. :S