This post is way overdue, especially due to the fact that my spare closet was starting too look like some hoarder’s wet dream. A bunch of empties and no time to share my thoughts on them with you, my beauties. But this changes – right now!
Let’s start with some haircare.
I used up the Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair for dry and damaged hair – and for once, the shampoo and the conditioner both lasted the exact same amount of washes. I don’t know why, but usually I use up the conditioner way faster. Anyway, this came recommended by a friend and I loved the product. It really did make a difference in my hair, leaving it a bit shinier and I’ve also noticed less frizz and fewer flyaways. I also use the deep conditioning mask, but I’ve got a couple more uses in that one.
As for this Essence Road Trip dry shampoo, I just don’t know. It was a random purchase and I used it just as randomly. It didn’t really convince me in making my hair any less greasy, so I mainly used it if my hair was clean but had a smell (e.g. if I was baking/cooking something with a heavy smell). So I wouldn’t repurchase this.
I have rambled about the Axe Anarchy deodorant so much in my empties, I’m not going to repeat myself. I was however slightly surprised by the Nivea Angel Star Invisible deodorant. I think they changed the formula on that one – when I used it in the past it really did the job, but for some reason this one just did not perform. It’s not really empty, but I am throwing it away since it’s useless.

For skincare, I did a bit of experimentation with the Yes To cleaning wipes, trying out the Blueberry (age refresh) and the Cucumber (soothing) ones for the first time. We all know I’m a fan of the Grapefruit (correct and repair) ones and I must say that both other versions were just as good. I will however stick to the Grapefruit ones because of the lovely refreshing smell. I would only recommend the Cucumber tissues if you don’t mind a strong cucumber smell – it was a bit disturbing for me at times. I get these on Asos for about 5-6 €, they often have promotions where you can get them even cheaper. I’m thinking of investing in a cleansing gel from this same brand, since I’m obviously a fan.
I used up two cleansers in the past months. The Decleor Eye Make-up remover with essential oils is one of my absolute favorite products of all time. It can remove almost any mascara under the face of the planet and although it’s quite expensive, I think it’s worth the money. The other empty from this category is the Nivea Pure&Natural cleansing milk. It doesn’t have quite the power of Decleor, but for the price, I still find it a good product. Plus, I’m a sucker for the classic Nivea smell in the face products – it just makes me feel clean, if you know what I mean.
Last up is a mini sample of Paula’s choice. I don’t know why I included it here, since I’m going to do a Sample Empties soon. So, you know, just ignore it.

Last up, my beloved mascaras. If I knew how wonderful each and every one of these three mascaras is, I would have never opened them at the same time. I’ve talked about them before here – I think it’s a good post with a decent comparison. Anyway, it’s in the trash with these three and on with the hunt with a mascara that comes even close to these three.
jaz sem pa edina, ko ji Chloe parfum ne diši 🙁 ..diši mi v trgovini in na testerjih, ampak se z mojo kožo ne meša dobro :/
Simona, izvoli naslednjo zgodbo. In ni hec, je dejanski dogodek.
Pred leti sem za rojstni dan prejela parfum Tommy Girl (Tommy Hilfiger). Seveda sem ga TAKOJ naslednji dan nanesla, preden sem se usedla v avto in se peljala v službo.
Se vozim, vozim, vmes si na enem semaforju popravljam lase in se mi zdi, da se nekaj žge. OK, panika. Ustavim na naslednji avtobusni postaji, izstopim. Grem enkrat okrog avta, ne vidim nič. Ljudje na avtobusni me seveda z zanimanjem opazujejo. Še en krog – nič. Grem v avto, poiščem gumb za odpiranje havbe. Se 3 minute mučim z odpiranjem. Ljudje na avtobusni so vedno bolj zainteresirani.
Končno odprem pokrov, gledam, nič ne vidim. Prižgem avto, še enkrat gledam, še vedno nič ne vidim – razen ljudi, ki skupaj z mano kukajo pod havbo. OK, si rečem – to je samo tvoja domišljija. Zaprem in se peljem naprej v službo.
Nekaj ur kasneje v službi – si spenjam lase. In spet smrdi po zažganem. No, potem sem vložila nekaj več možganske energije in ugotovila, da Tommy Girl na moji koži smrdi po zažgani plastiki. In sem ga lahko samo dala naprej, pa mi je tako lepo dišal, da sem se skoraj zjokala ob tem.
So yeah, I feel your pain 🙁