Once again, I dug out my beauty trash. I tried to keep your advice in mind and do this post a bit earlier this time so the post doesn’t stretch into infinity. I don’t think I did very well, though.
Let’s start small. I’ve gotten or purchased quite a lot of samples and for once, I managed to use some as well.
I love Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting exfoliator. It was my first time trying something with BHA gel and I’m really tempted to get a full size of this. It made my skin bright, I really had a feeling that it was clean and soft. I can’t say the same for the Delarom Infinite White serum – I noticed no difference to my skin after using a couple of these samples (which I got in the Dashbox).
I will get my behind whooped by beauty bloggers for saying this, but I was really, really unimpressed with the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor. My hair didn’t feel any different or feel any different after I used it. I might try some other Aussie products in the future, but I will not be purchasing this any time soon.
Sticking with the hair theme, I used up my Syoss Anti-Grease Dry Shampoo. This was an OK product – it lasted me quite long, but I only used it on 3rd day hair which doesn’t happen very often to me to be honest. The smell is nice and it does suck some of the grease out. Hint: I usually spray this into my hair first thing in the morning and let it do its magic for a good 10 minutes before brushing out. I would repurchase this, but I might also go for Batiste again, simply because I prefer the smell.
This Caudalíe Gentle Cleansing Milk had a couple of uses in it when I shot these photos, but by now it’s well and truly done. I like that it’s a natural product and I also like the smell, but I will admit that it struggled to remove most of my eye make-up, so I mainly used it as a follow-up on my face after removing the first layer with wipes. I would repurchase this, however, since it really did a good job at cleansing my face in general.
I go through make-up wipes like it’s nobody’s business. I talked about the Garnier wipes before (find the link here) and I’ve gone through quite a few packages of Nivea Refreshing Cleansing Wipes for normal skin as well – I find them easy to use and they get the job done, but I always like to treat my face to something special. It’s no surprise I’m in love with the Yes To brand when it comes to make-up wipes and I’ve never tried the Coconut Hydrate & Restore version. I will say that it’s the least favorite of all I’ve tried so far (find the reviews here and here), but they were still OK. I would not repurchase them, though.
Again, I managed to empty a whole bottle of the Dvorec Trebnik bath salt, this time infused with Marigold. I must admit that this was my least favorite so far, simply because tiny pieces (I believe that it was actual marigold pieces) floating around in the bathtub make me nervous. I did however like the smell a lot and my skin felt quite moisturized and nourished afterwards. I will of course repurchase their bath salt, but I think I’ll go back to my beloved Orange bath salt (read about it here).
I’ve raved about the Essence Nail Polish Remover with coconut and papaya on my Instagram a couple of months back. I feel like I’ve never had a nail polish remover that would do its job on nail polish with glitter so well. Seeing that I also enjoyed the smell and that the price is (as usually with Essence) a real bargain, I will repurchase this remover in a heartbeat when I see it again.
I cannot say the same for the E.L.F. Nourishing Cuticle pen. I used it about two times and when I tried to push my cuticles back, the whole tip slide inside the holder. There is no way that I will ever get to the tip again, so I will just chuck this product and never purchase it again.
Now, let’s talk a bit of make-up. I went through two foundations. I’ve already talked loads about the Rimmel Match Perfection (find the link here) since it’s one of my favorites, but I’ve never really disucssed the Covergirl Tru Blend. I had to use this one up since it was getting pretty old, but to be honest there wasn’t a lot left to use at all. This is a medium coverage foundation that felt quite oily when applied, but literally did not move on my face for the entire day at all, not even in the heat. I will buy this again at the first chance I get, but I am not aware of Covergirl being available in EU? If you have some top secret info for me, let me know in the comments!
Last but not least, I went through two concealers that I used for highlighting under my eyes and on the bridge of my nose, one from the absolute bargain end of the scale and the other from the absolute »ripoff« end. I loved both of them – the Makeup Revolution Liquid Concealer in fair and the Yves Saint Laurent Touche Ėclat which cost about ten times as much.
I don’t think I have to emphasize the fact of MUR concealer being much better value for money. While both products did a good job, I will say that the YSL held on a bit better since it was also a bit creamier, but I would only repurchase the MUR concealer again because of the price:quality ratio.
And that’s it for my current empties. I hope I didn’t bore you to death and that the mini reviews were interesting enough. If you have any other questions about certain products, leave me a comment down below!
Until next time, stay beautiful!
Definitivno te razumem glede Paula´s Choice skin perfecting exfoliator, njihovi exfoliatorji so res najboljši izdelki za kožo nagnjeno h nepravilnostmi in tudi sama jih pripročam vsem! 🙂
Sem pa vesela, da si podala tudi mnenje glede YSL izdelka, saj sem ga sama kar nekaj časa nameravala vreči v košarico pa me je cena nekoliko odvrnila, glede na to kako hitro sama porabim highlighterje/korektorje…me je pa pritegnila alternativa, mogoče jo le preizkusim 🙂
Le še majhen nasvetek za prihodnost: Mogoče bi lahko pri izdelkih, kjer je to mogoče, dodala povezavo kje se jih lahko dobi/kupi, vsaj pri izdelkih, ki ne prejmejo toliko hypa, pa punce še ne vedno kje bi jih dobile ali pa s(m)o prelene, da bi iskale..
Aleksandra, mogoče še malo počakaj, ker bom v kratkem zvlekla ven vse korektorje in jih dala na primerjavo – zdaj se jih je nabralo že kar nekaj.
Glede tega dodajanja linkov pa sem sama malo skeptična – ne vem, če bi bilo to higienično, ker nekatere izdelke lahko kupimo na več kot eni strani… razen če bi poskusila poiskati, kje je najcenejši? Mogoče bom za začetek dopisala samo kje sem kupila in cene – en tak post gre ravnokar gor 🙂 Hvala za nasvet!