Most of you probably know that October stands for the breast cancer awareness month. Along with fellow Slovenian bloggers, we decided to join together and dedicate one of our posts to this issue.
As with many other illnesses, prevention and early detection is the key factor. Remember to do regular check-ups and remind your loved ones to do that as well. If you need additional information, talk to your doctor or visit the website of Europa Donna which is a great foundation that fights breast cancer.
For my post, I went through my products and selected those that I really love in the color pink, which is the official color of breast cancer awareness month.

I love the Sleek blush trio in Pink lemonade which includes two powders (left and right) and one cream blush (middle). For highlighter, I can’t go wrong with The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer. Both of these are available from

The powder blushes are quite intense, so I usually tap away the excess from my brush before applying it. I particularly love the far right shade called Icing sugar for the autumn and winter months – it’s a nice coral shade which I think would look great on any skin tone.

The formula of the powder blushes is a bit powdery, but it doesn’t really show when you apply it with a good blush brush.

Chanel Marilyn is my only Chanel nail polish and I’ve had it pretty much since I can remember. It’s a hot pink color with a coral underrtone and a bit of shimmer for a bit of surprise.

It was not difficult at all to choose my favorite pink combo – It’s the Maybelline Color Elixir in Captivating Carnation and the Essence Longlasting Liner in Sweetheart.

This liner gives me the perfect amount of color and it lasts all day long. The Color Elixir is quite sheer but provides my lips with a bit of hydration and doesn’t make them too sticky. The benefit of this color is also in the fact that it can be applied without mirror – anytime and anyplace really, perfect for the girl on-the-go.
These are my pink favorites. Please, do check out the posts by fellow Slovenian bloggers as well – I think that this really is a great collaboration for a good cause.
Until next time, stay beautiful!
An InLinkz Link-up
Dobra izbira izdelkov. Še čopič je roza <3
Jaz sem jih našla bolj malo pink, ali so preveč temni ali preveč marelični odtenki. 😀
Si jih kar veliko nabrala. 🙂
super izbor izdelkov 🙂 kateri RT čopič pa je na prvih dveh slikah? Izgleda super 🙂
Lakec Chanel <3
Mary in Chanel:):):) super rožnat izbor.
Chanel lak. <3
Meni je tudi ta Essence Sweetheart lipliner ljub, sem ga tudi izbrala med naj roza izdelki. 😀
Lak izgleda super! Sleek paletka je pa ena mojih najljubših, te 3 odtenke so res super zadeli. 🙂
maybelline tekoča šminka ! <3 dugače pa super objava ! <3
Ma seveda, mora biti vse v stilu 🙂 🙂
Larisa, iskreno, očitno rada kupujem roza embalaže, ker sem se kar težko odločila med vsem, kar sem našla v predalih. Ampak te so res moji <3 🙂
Krasne rozike <3. Sploh Chanel lakec mi je padel v oči.
To je Real Techniques Blush Brush – podoben je temu, samo da je moj iz neke limited edition kolekcije (ki je bila ravno na razprodaji).
Meni so to super čopiči, zelo priporočam.
Ja, saj vem 🙂 🙂 Sem pa dejansko poiskala po internetu in je iz 2006 kolekcije, kar pomeni,da mu moram naslednje leto že skoraj speči torto 😛
Mary je do sedaj edini osvetljevalec, ki na meni izgleda super in po katerem se ne svetim kot riba 🙂 Zame je vsekakor vreden svojega denarja.
Sandra vsi te Essence lip linerji z izjemo Plum Cake so meni prekrasni – sploh prvič se mi je zgodilo, da sem hodila po različnih drogerijah samo zato, da sem nabrala čim več odtenkov, kot kakšna sraka 🙂
Sleek paletke so na splošno meni dober value for money, ta pa me je res očarala. Sicer so mi jo podarili na, ampak sem potem kupila še dve drugi Sleek paletki samo zato, ker sem bila tako navdušena nad njimi 🙂
Hvala Rebeka 🙂
Te šminkice, oziroma lipglossi, so super, res ne vem, zakaj nas Maybelline v Sloveniji noče razvajati z njimi 🙁
Tamara hvala 🙂 Lakec je res čudovit, pa še tako ime ima, da ostane v spominu 🙂
Kako je pa kaj obstojen Chanel?
Me veseli, da si se nam pridružila z roza postom. 🙂
Super izbor izdelkov 🙂
Sleek paleta blushev mi je ful všeč. 😀
Joj, Pink Lemonade je že tako dolgo na moji WL, mislim, da je zadnji čas, da si ga končno privoščim 🙂 Pa Essence lip liner je krasen, I need it! 😀
Sleek blushe si pa že dolgo ogledujem *.* Super objava!
Chanel lakec <3