Battle of dry shampoos – Aussie vs. Batiste

OK, OK, it’s not a battle – but it sure sounds interesting, doesn’t it? I did a Battle of the blenders a while ago comparing Real Techniques and Beautyblender sponges (*click*) so I thought I’d stick to the tradition.

Today, I wanted to do a quick comparison of two popular dry shampoos – Batiste Original and Aussie Festival Fresh dry shampoo.

Price and availability

Batiste dry shampoos can be bought at for 4,90 € per bottle (200 ml), while you can get Aussie dry shampoo at Muller drugstore (probably also DM, but I’m not sure about that) for about 4 € per bottle (180 ml).

Packaging and spraying distribution

Well, although Aussie is trying hard to be hip, I still love the retro look of Batiste dry shampoos with the swirls, cherries and flowers they put on their bottles. The distribution of the product is approximately similar with both, but the softer cap on Aussie shampoo makes it a bit easier to control how much product you want to get out.

Color, scent and application

Aussie is the clear winner here – because it’s clear. You spray it on, rub it in a little bit and you’re done! Batiste has a very dry formula and looks like white talcum powder which needs to be massaged into the roots quite vigorously to disappear entirely, at least on my brown hair with blonde highlights. I could go for the Dark & Deep brown Batiste shampoo, but I suspect it would be too dark.

One spray of Batiste dry shampoo
The smell of Aussie dry shampoo reminds me of cherries, while Batiste smells slightly of lemons. I prefer the smell of Batiste, since it smells more fresh which is what I associate with clean hair. If you prefer other scents, you can get Batiste Tropical, Sweetie or Cherry.

Delivering on the promise

Both dry shampoos do their job well – I can vouch for that as a new mum who sometimes doesn’t have the luxury of washing her hair every other day. I will say that I need to leave Batiste in a moment or two longer, but I usually spray it, wash my face and brush my teeth and then do the massage bit, so it doesn’t really bother me.

Final verdict

I am not disappointed with either of these dry shampoos. In some ways, I prefer Batiste, but since I visit Muller almost at a weekly basis, it’s a bit easier to get my hands on it. For me, that is the deciding factor, but it may be something completely else for you.

Until next time, stay beautiful!


  1. 21. 7. 2016 / 14:25

    Živjo, zelo zanimivo branje. Nisem vedela da ima Aussie nov suhi šampon, sem pred nekaj časa imela njihovega 'originalnega' in mi ni odgovarjal. Vonj mi je bil neznosen pa lase mi je zlepil, imela sem občutek da uporabljam lak za lase. Zanima me če si slučajno stestrala njihovega navadnega in kako se primerja s tem?

  2. 21. 7. 2016 / 21:15

    Najprej hvala za lepe besede 🙂

    Čisto originalnega, najbolj navadnega, nisem imela nikoli. Imela sem pa enega njihovega za barvane lase, ti spodaj pripenjam objavo.

    Za nekaj sprejev mi ga je še ostalo in sem ga šla zdajle na hitro še enkrat preizkusit – tudi po pol leta je še vedno nespremenjen, mogoče je edino vonj malo bolj alkoholen, kot se ga spominjam.

    Mislim, da je res fora tudi v tem, kako se ga nanese. Jaz ga poskusim res nasprejati direktno na lasišče, večkrat res na kratko popršim, da se enakomerno razporedi preko cele glave. Potem mu pustim nekaj časa, da deluje. Nato začnem masirati od lasišča navzdol po laseh, na koncu pa še spustim glavo, da mi lasje prosto padejo in še nekajkrat pomasiram, da res izdelek tudi pade dol z las, če se ni vpil (ja, sesamo vsak dan) 🙂

    Na pamet pa bom rekla tudi, da je gotovo odvisno od tipa las, stanja lasišča in verjetno še česa. Meni med nosečnostjo ni pomagal noben suhi šampon na tem svetu, sedaj je pa spet vse po starem. Predlagam, da mogoče preizkusiš še Batiste – ravno danes sem dobila kodo BATISTE15, ki jo lahko na do konca avgusta izkoristiš za 15 % popust na vse Batiste izdelke.

    (prihaja pa tudi ena nagradna igra z enim njihovim izdelkom) 🙂