If you don’t know Buzzfeed, you probably live under a rock. The hugely popular website presents us with videos ranging anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes (but usually quite short) about various topics. I love watching a few before going to bed every night, they usually put me in a good mood and today, I want to share with you some of my absolute favorites that revolve around beauty.
#1 What’s the best way to clean your Beautyblender?
We all have our own struggles keeping our make-up sponges clean so I think this is quite a useful video. I use my Freedom Brush Bath with good results, but I have tried a few of these before myself…
#2 Facts that will make you throw away your make-up
I wrote about expiration dates on make-up past Thursday (*click*), but jokes aside, we all know this isn’t a laughing matter. Check out some good tips to keep your skin safe.
#3 If cosmetics ads were honest
How often are you convinced to buy a product simply because what you see in an advertisement? I know I’m a sucker and fall for it every time even though I work in the industry and know how things roll around here. But either way, here are some clips of reality.
#4 Which lipstick lasts the longest?
This is a really good test of different lipstick brands. If you’re on the market for a new lippie (don’t lie, of course you are), then you should take a look at the video below.
#5 Which mascara lasts the longest?
A video similar to the one above, but way funnier. These mascaras were really put to the test in the Mascara Olympics!
#6 Man wear make-up for a week
Last but not least, I wanted to include a funny video. But the coolest thing about this video is that it really shows how make-up can make anyone feel better!
Do you have a favourite Buzzfeed video I should go and watch?
Until next time, stay beautiful!
Waaaa ke dobro. Buzzfeed ima ene res luštne! 😀 Tole zadnjo lih gledam prvič in se ful zabavam, haha.
OMG, zadnji video je bil freaking awesome. Resno. Loved it!!
Buzzfeed je res zabaven, sem ga nedolgo nazaj odkrila.. grem kar pogledat tele posnetke 😀
Marketing dela svoje #ifcosmeticadswerehonest 🙂 Buzfeed ima res dobre videe, kateri so zanimivi od prve do zadnje sekunde. xx Maja
Anee 🙂 Jaz sem se prav raznežila 🙂
Meni je fajn, ker so kratki, hitro zajamejo bistvo tega, kar želijo povedati in greš lahko na naslednjega. Kakšne dni jih pogledam čisto preveč 🙂
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Upam, da ti je bil nabor všeč 🙂 🙂