New Bits and Bobs for July 2016

It’s the same story every month – I don’t really feel like I’m shopping at all, but at the end of the month when I try to take a photo of all new products, I fail miserably. So yes, there are a few missing in the photo above.

Let’s start with some bigger things. I’m going to start using this Biobaza 3-1 cleanser this week since I just ran out of my previous one from L’Oreal yesterday. I got sent the Avon Sun Light spray – perfect timing as my vacation is quickly approaching. I bought the Verde Vera hand cream in Spar because I like the packaging and I also like having a cream in a jar for the kitchen.

This Victoria’s secret Exotic fragrance lotion was a gift from a friend who recently returned from the states. I bet it smells amazing but I’m working on an Afrodita mousse at the moment and don’t want to open this one too quickly. I also “ordered” a couple of Bath&Bodyworks PocketBac antibacterial gels that now travel with me anywhere I go.

My nail polish collection welcomed three new members – Avon Nailwear Pro+ in Minty (PR), Kiss Vita base coat and Deborah gel effect nail polish. I will swatch the two colors in the review post in two weeks’ time.

I won’t talk a lot about the products above from the 40th anniversary line of L’Occitane – you can read about it *here*.

It’s been ages since I had a new perfume – I just keep stocking up on the smells I already own and trust to behave nicely on my skin. But I just had to have this Marc Jacobs Daisy Blush perfume. It smells very flowery but is not too strong. I don’t know if it’s really a summer smell but I like it nonetheless.

Besides receiving a bunch of samples in L’Occitane (I’m sad I don’t get to choose them anymore ~ I liked it because I could always try something new and now you receive a package without knowing what’s inside), I’m dying to try out these Finger Masques from Montagne Jeunesse I received from Something new and exciting on the market, definitely worth a shot.

Let’s go over the new make-up very quickly. I bought two new things from Nabla – a bronzer and a lip liner. I also went and got myself a Golden Rose Longstay liquid matte lipstick. My goodie bag from USA included the Cover FX custom cover drops, a new Beautyblender and Laura Mercier translucent powder. 

Two nice purchases from the past month are the Too Faced Better than sex mascara and Benefit They’re real push-up liner. 

Last, let me show you the thing I’m most excited about – my new Cheekathon palette by Benefit. It contains 5 different Benefit products (4 blushes and 1 bronzer) and I can’t wait to play around with it.

Is there anything from above you’d like to see a detailed review of? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, stay beautiful!


  1. 3. 8. 2016 / 9:14

    Najprej sem mislila, da imaš ob Dasy parfumu kurjo taco haha.
    BBW PocketBac so res super, sem imela do sedaj 2 in so mi precej boljši kot naša gel razkužila iz drogerij. Kakšna ti je Golden Rose tekoča šminka? Imam še vedno tisti kupon za free šminko od konference…pa bi mogoče za tekočo porabila, ampak me skrbi, da me je Milani preveč razvadil.
    Push up liner in pa Cheekathon pa upam, da bom imela kdaj šanso sprobat…naj začnejo že Benefit pri nas prodajat.
    Si Loccitane naročila preko neta? Ker vem, da imaš opcijo, da si sam izbereš 3 vzorčke. V trgovini pa mene vedno vprašajo, če imam kakšno željo 😀
    Če si prišla do konca tega rezanca od komentarja, svaka čast!

  2. 3. 8. 2016 / 9:51

    Uaau, pol stvari iz tega haula bi tudi jaz imela! 😮 Sem že hotela vzeti Custom Cover drops, pa se nisem mogla odločiti za dotenek. Better Than Sex maskara je čudovita, jamčim. 🙂 Zagotovo si bom kupila še vodoodporno verzijo. Cheekathon! <3 Jaz to rabim! 😀 Ampak se ne morem odločit a bi vzela to paleto ali rajši Hourglass Ambient Lightning… Laura Mercier puder si že imela? Jaz imam trenutno Vichy Dermablend in mi je super, res tak drobno mlet, bi pa tudi tega preizkusila. 🙂

  3. 3. 8. 2016 / 19:35

    Kurjo taco hahaha, naglas sem se smejala, ko sem prebrala. Mislim, da je jasno, da mora v smeti 😀

    Meni so tudi ta razkužila od B&B top, ker so res priročna, ful poceni, pa še lepo dišijo. Od naših mi je še najboljši kar od Balee, ker je malo manj alkoholen, ampak se vedno založim z B&B, ko se lahko.

    Iskreno mi je ta GR šminka najslabša stvar, kar sem jih kupila od njih. Usede se mi v gubice, suši usta in vsaj meni osebno smrdi. Tako da je vsekakor ne bi priporočala.

    Push-up liner gre v moj giveaway, ko dosežemo 500 lajkov, tako da… 🙂 Cheekathon moram pa še stestirat, ampak se mu nisem mogla upret.

    L'Occitane pa še nikoli nisem naročila preko neta – ful uživam v tem, da grem v trgovinico. In ja, do zdaj sem vedno lahko izbrala sama, zdaj imajo pa take predpakirane (ful lepe) kuvertice in dobiš, kar dobiš očitno.

  4. 3. 8. 2016 / 19:37

    Better than sex je tudi meni super maskara, ta je že moja četrta. Sem pa slišala za vodoodporno, da je bolj tako-tako, zato se pri taki ceni raje odločim za preverjeno.
    Cheekathon je meni na prvi pogled zelo fajn, ampak Benefit me je že dostikrat razočaral, tako da bomo videli. Sem pa kupila 2 leti nazaj Hourglass paletko in se mi je v kufru razletela na 1000 koščkov. Prisežem, da sem skoraj jokala.

    Tega pudra pa še nisem imela, ampak sem slišala tooooliko dobrih stvari o njem, da sem ga enostavno morala preizkusiti. Enako velja za Cover FX, ki me zdaj po nekaj dneh uporabe popolnoma navdušujejo. Sem imela pa srečo z odtenkom, težko je to preko interneta.

    Uživaj 🙂

  5. 8. 8. 2016 / 11:01

    Čudovite stvari, komaj čakam ocene :). Jaz se nisem mogla odločit v Sephori ali naj vzamem mini Better Than Sex ali They're Real maskaro in sem vzela They're Real, ampak po prvem preizkusu me je razočarala. Mogoče bi bilo bolje će bi izbrala Better Than Sex. Vsekakor se veselim ocene Nabla bronzerja in Cover FX :).

  6. 8. 8. 2016 / 19:41

    A veš, da mene They're real tudi ni prepričala, je pa postala precej boljša po kakšnem mesecu, tako da je še ne zabrisat stran 🙂 Druga zgodba je pa seveda boj vsak večer, ko jo je treba spravit s trepalnic – jaz je samo zaradi tega ne bi kupila več.

    Nabla in Cover FX bosta pa verjetno oba Friday superstars 🙂 🙂