I don’t normally do somewhat negative reviews of a single product but I’ve received so many questions about the new Golden Rose liquid matte lipsticks that I feel like I must put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, to be more exact) and write my thoughts and opinions about it.
A quick disclaimer: as you’ll see, I really don’t like this lipstick, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the brand in general – they have some awesome products that I wrote about a bunch already.
Anyway, this is my lipstick. It’s in the shade 11 – a nice warm brown color. The selection of colors is quite nice. The price is quite steep for Golden Rose brand – this one will set you back 5,60 € for 5,5 ml.
The lipstick promises to be ~ ultra long lasting, ~ with no transfer film ~ enriched with vitamin E.
The packaging is pretty standard with all the ingredients on the back of the packaging. The bullet is pretty simple. It’s nothing special compared to other brands, but in case of Golden Rose, you’re really paying that less because of it so it doesn’t bother me much.
I don’t like the applicator at all. I’m very used to the doe foot applicators and this one looks more like a straight spatula, making the application much more difficult, especially in places where more precision is needed. I can just get away with application of this shade, but I would definitely suggest using a precision lip brush for any bolder colors.
The next thing I don’t like but can’t really show on the photo is the smell. It’s a strong vanilla scent, but not the nice grandmabakedcookies vanilla, but rather the 2€/liter essence you’ll get in your supermarket. I can also smell it once it’s on the lips which is very off putting.
But the thing that matters the most is the formula. It’s quite soft going on the lips, although somewhat patchy, but once it dries (which is quite quickly), it becomes sticky and settles into the lip lines. I tried prepping my lips with a scrub and it made no difference. Even when it’s dry it’s very stick and eventually starts to flake off. It will last longer than your average drugstore lipstick, but my lips are definitely not happy once I remove it.
So there you have it. I would advise you against buying this particular lipstick, but if it’s a good matte lipstick in general you’re after, they have some great velvet matte lipsticks. Just look for a lovely fuchsia colored bullets once you visit their stand.
Until next time, stay beautiful.
Ta šminka je njihova novost, ne? Vsaj kolikor sem uspela videti. Pa me je že malo mikalo, da bi jo kupila, pa sem si premislila. Škoda, da razočara in da ni obljubljenega rezultata :/ Se pa strinjam s tem, da GR kozmetika še vseeno v celoti ni slaba. Mislim, da so njihove Velvet Matte šminke neko res zelo dobro odkritje. Lahko bi rekla, da so mi njihove šminke najboljše, celo boljše od Catrice, Essence in Avon recimo 🙂 Kar ne morem prehvaliti njihove obstojnosti 🙂
Je tudi mene zanimalo kakšne so, ampak jih očitno lahko preskočim.:) Nimam rada izredno obstojnih tekočih šmink, ker se mi zdi, da mi izsušijo ustnice. Če pa so še lepljive, pa itak ne. Sem zdaj prebrala prvo oceno teh šmink :). Odtenek mi je pa drugače zelo všeč.
Ja, to se mi zdi, da je kar povprek problem tekočih šmink. Po drugi strani pa je pri močnejših barvah seveda fajn, da so obstojne, saj se drugače vsaj pri meni znajdejo povsod, samo na ustnicah ne 🙂 Tako da mislim, da so njihove navadne mat šminke precej boljša izbira 🙂
Jaz sem jih zadnjič videla prvič in hitro eno kupila, ravno toliko, da jo preizkusim, ker sem sicer precej zadovoljna z večino njihovih izdelkov, ki sem jih imela do zdaj, sploh v razmerju kakovost:cena. Mat šminke so pa tudi meni super!
Barva je čudovita. Ampak po tej oceni mislim, da bom kar pri Velvet Matt ostala 😀
Škoda, da ni tako v redu. Slišala se je precej obetavno! Mogoče pa jo bodo kaj izboljšali v prihodnosti, če dovolj ljudem ne bo všeč. 🙂
Koker za koga. Meni pa so super. Pa tudi po mnogih drugih reviewih je lahko videti, da niso tako zelo slabe. Ne morete po enem reviewu oceniti izdelka. In tudi 5,90€ pa res ni veliko (za ZELO dolgo obstojno šminko), da se sproba in ustvari lastno mnenje.
Tako kot pri hrani, oblekah in partnerjih, so tudi pri licilih naši okusi različni. Posledično so lahko različne tudi ocene.
Ker je blog moj, lahko na njemu ličila, ki mi niso všeč, pokritiziram. Odločitev vsakega posameznika pa je, ali potem izdelek kupi ali ne.