BEAUTIFUL PINK OCTOBER (Slovenian beauty bloggers collaboration)

Why pink, you might ask? Sure, there is nothing pink about it if you look at the nature – all golds and greens and yellows everywhere you look. But the color pink is tied to the month of October in a different way.

In the month of October, me and my fellow Slovenian beauty bloggers want to remind every girl, mother, woman, sister out there that none of us are safe from the danger of breast cancer that is commonly connected to the pink bow, like the one in the photo below.

I want to remind you that self-checking is important. Early detection is key to successful treatments! Ideally, you would check your breasts every month, about 7-10 days into your monthly cycle. On this webpage (click!) you can read more about how to check yourself and can also download an app that will remind you to check your breasts and show you exactly how you do it.

Remember that not every change in the breasts means malignant cancer, so if you feel something, there is no reason to panic! Talk to your doctor and together you will choose the right way to proceed. I am knocking on wood, though, that none of us will ever have to go through that!

Also an useful tip that I regularly remember – you can also ask your gynecologist to check your breasts, although not many of them do it on their own! They know exactly what they are looking for and will also teach you how to check for yourself, if you want to learn.

Before I talk some more about the other pink thing in this post, I have a favor to ask. Are you up for it?

In the month of October, choose three of your friends or family and remind them about Pink October and prevention from breast cancer. This way, you can save a life!

With that being said, I want October to be beautiful in pink, even though we are tackling some very serious topics! In the photo below, I chose my favorite pink and purple lipsticks or lipsticks with pink undertones.

The lipsticks in the photo with the corresponding letters are: Bourjois Rouge Edition n. 32 (No to…), Golden Rose Velvet Matte – n. 10 (C), Golden Rose Velvet Matte Pink&Perfect (A), Avon Extreme – Mauve (N), MakeUp Revolution – Not in Love (C), MAC – Crosswires (E) and Avon Shine Burst – Grapefruit (R).

Each shade is a little bit different – for instance Golden Rose Velvet Matte n.2 is a beautiful full pink with red undertones, MAC Crossires is a pink orange and the Avon Shine Burst in Grapefruit a perfect shiny pink. Each of these shades would look good on anyone, in my opinion.

Here are the swatches without flash (left) and with flash (right).

I hope you liked this post and that you support the idea behind it. We need to take care of ourselves and we can look good and strong while doing it!

Below, you can check out the other posts by Slovenian beauty bloggers in regards to Pink October 🙂


  1. 12. 10. 2016 / 18:29

    Si me zelo razveselila s sodelovanjem. Kljub kratkem časovnem roku in malemu princu, si našla čas še za to. *rožica*
    Zdaj grem pa študirati katere šminke še potrebujem od predstavljenih. 😛

  2. 13. 10. 2016 / 7:59

    Super objava. Dodala bi samo, da tudi moški niso imuni na to bolezen, na žalost. Moj dedek je tako umrl 🙁
    Pa da zaključim malo bolj veselo. MAC Crosswire ♥ izgleda fenomenalno

  3. 13. 10. 2016 / 8:14

    Oh, mislim da sem ravnokar na WL dodala nekaj šmink… ker jih sploh nimam dovolj! 🙂
    Krasna objava Maša! <3

  4. 13. 10. 2016 / 18:44

    Mislim da bo vsaj ena izmed teh šminkic pristala v moji zbirki. Super objava 🙂 <3

  5. 14. 10. 2016 / 19:31

    Super izbor rozik 🙂 Golden Rose Velvet matte mi je sploh super linija.