Whenever autumn rolls around I realize that I don’t have any dark lipsticks in my collection and then search the web in the quest for that perfect autumnal lipstick. This year, I won’t need to do that, though, since I received the Freedom Pro Lipstick Kit – Vamp collection at the Beautiful Bloggers conference by none other than Licila.si.
Vsako jesen ugotovim, da v svoji kolekciji nimam nobene temne šminke in potem prebrskam ves splet v iskanju tiste ene popolne jesenske šminke. Letos mi na srečo tega ne bo treba početi, saj sem od Licila.si na Beautiful Bloggers konferenci prejela Freedom Pro Lipstick kit – Vamp collection.

In the set, there are 5 full size lipsticks in various shades. There are many of these sets, so I suggest you look in the online store (link is below) for various options – there are nudes, pinks, retro mattes – something for everyone.
Set vključuje 5 šmink različnih barv v celotni velikosti. Teh setov je kar nekaj, zato ti predlagam, da kar v spletni trgovinici (povezavo najdeš spodaj) preveriš različne opcije – nude šminke, roza šminke, retro mat šminke – torej nekaj za vsakogar.

My set includes the following lipsticks (left to right): Pure Vamp, Vamp Noir, Dusk Till Dawn, Dark Paradise and Intense Noir. Below, you will also find the swatches. I like that the color is shown at the bottom of the bullet, so I can easily find the shade I’m looking for.
V mojem setu je sledečih pet šmink (z leve proti desni): Pure Vamp, Vamp Noir, Dusk Till Dawn, Dark Paradise in Intense Noir. Spodaj si lahko ogledaš tudi swatche. Všeč mi je, da je barva vidna na dnu embalaže, saj tako lahko hitreje najdem šminko, ki jo iščem.

The lipsticks are quite creamy and apply nicely with the exception of the darkest color, Intense Noir, which is somewhat patchy. All of them can be built up pretty nicely if you want a darker color. Pure Vamp, Dusk Till Dawn and Dark Paradise have some shimmer in them, but it’s barely noticeable on the lips, so I don’t mind it at all. I will say that when I first saw the darkest two shades I was thinking – no way I’ll ever wear these. But it turns out they are not as dark as they seem at first and are actually very wearable colors, especially in the colder months.
I will say that while they are beautiful to wear, the wear time is actually just decent and nothing more – you will have to reapply these lipsticks after meals. With the exception of the darkest shade, none of them stained my lips dramatically.
Šminke so lepo kremaste in se lepo nanašajo, z izjemo najtemnejšega odtenka Intense Noir, ki ob nanosu pušča rahle zaplate temnejše barve. Pri vseh se s ponovnim nanosom lahko barva lepo nadgradi, v kolikor si želiš temnejše ustnice. Šminke Pure Vamp, Dusk Till Dawn in Dark Paradise imajo v sebi nekoliko sijaja, vendar se ga na ustnicah komajda opazi in mene osebno ne moti. Priznati moram, da sem ob prvem pogledu na najtemnejša odtenka mislila, da jih nikoli ne bom nosila, vendar pa nista tako temna, kot se zdita na pri pogled in sta zelo nosljivi barvi, še posebej v temnejših mesecih.
Opozoriti moram, da šminke izgledajo čudovito na ustnicah, vendar pa je njihova obstojnost samo OK in nič posebnega – šminko boš morala ponovno nanesti po obrokih. Z izjemo najtemnejšega odtenka pa noben ni pustil dramatičnih sledov na mojih ustnicah.
You can get the set for 6,99 € at Licila.si (prices vary a bit, but none of the sets is more expensive then 7,99 €). I will say that for five lipsticks, that’s a bargain and if I take into account the quality, I will say that in my opinion, you’re getting more than you paid for.
Set lahko kupiš za 6,99 € na Licila.si (cene se razlikujejo, ampak noben od setov ni dražji kot 7,99 €). Za pet šmink se meni to zdi dobra kupčija in če upoštevam še kakovost, menim, da boš za svoj denar dobila res veliko.
Until next time, stay beautiful! / do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!
Barve so pa kar huuude! <3
Odtenki so mi ful všeč! Sem že večkrat razmišljala o nakupu, ampak mi je pri teh kremnih šminkah res velik minus, da moram vedno znova nanašat in se ob tem počutim kot neka Barbie – hate it.