During the month of November, the streets are crowded with bearded and unshaven men. They proudly show off their facial hair (or lack of it) and I think they are enjoying the fact that they don’t have to shave for a month and nobody is judging them because of that. But I also think that many of them don’t know what Movember really stands for.
Meseca novembra se na cestah po svetu kar naenkrat pojavi ogromno bradatih, neobritih moških. Ponosno razkazujejo svoje bolj ali manj goste in dolge dlake in po mojem mnenju kar uživajo, ker se jim cel mesec ni treba obriti in jih zato nihče ne obsoja. Mislim pa, da jih v resnici kar veliko ne ve, kaj v resnici Movember sploh je.
The word originates from the words Mo (Mustache) and November. Long beards and mustache are supposed to draw attention to various issues that can trouble men but don’t get spoken about that often. Among these we can mention prostate cancer, testicular cancer (which is most common among young men!) and also psychological issues with special attention to suicide prevention.
Although health is first and foremost the task of every individual, ladies can take care of their men as well and remind them to self-check regularly and visit the doctor at least every so often. The same applies for mental health. Too often, men think that they can save themselves and the world, holding their emotions in until sometimes it’s all too much and help doesn’t come in time. Even a long, honest conversation can help your partner, brother, father, neighbor in distress a lot.
Čeprav je v prvi vrsti zdravje naloga vsakega posameznika, pa lahko tudi dame poskrbimo za svoje moške in jih spomnimo na redno samopregledovanje in redne preglede pri zdravniku. Enako velja za duševno zdravje. Moški vse prevečkrat menijo, da lahko sami rešujejo sebe in še svet in čustva držijo v sebi, dokler ni – včasih – vsega preveč in pomoč pride prepozno. Že samo dolg, odkrit pogovor lahko tvojemu partnerju, bratu, očetu, sosedu v stiski veliko pomaga.
When I was thinking about how to write about taking care of self, I took a peek into my partner’s bathroom cabinet and the topic was clear in my mind. What you see in the photo below are all the products that my hubby uses in everyday life. Afrodita shower gel, Ombia shaving foam, Carolina Herrera 212 Men NYC deodorant and aftershave and Johnson’s baby shampoo.
Ko sem razmišljala, kako bi o skrbi zase spregovorila v kontekstu svojega bloga, sem se zazrla v omarico mojega dragega in takoj mi je bilo jasno, o čem moram pisati. To, kar vidiš na sliki spodaj, so vsi kozmetični izdelki, ki jih uporablja v vsakdanjem življenju. Afroditin gel za tuširanje, Ombia peno za britje, Carolina Herrera 212 Men NYC deodorant in aftershave ter Johnson’s otroški šampon.
Final result – it doesn’t seem over the top, wouldn’t you say? If I only used eight products I would be spending much less time in the bathroom. Anyway, I will try to convince hubby to use each of these products every once in a while – perhaps I can help his skin even a little bit.
Končni rezultat – meni se ne zdi pretirano, pa tebi? Če bi sama uporabljala samo osem izdelkov, bi v kopalnici preživela precej manj časa. No, v vsakem primeru bom poizkusila vsaj vsake toliko tudi dragega prepričati v uporabo katerega od naštetih izdelkov – morda pa mi bo uspelo njegovo kožo vsaj malo spremeniti na bolje.
This post on the topic of Movember was written in collaboration with Tara from The Beauty of Nail Polish blog that also has an interesting post for you – click *here* to read all about it!
Ta objava o Movembru je nastala v sodelovanju s Taro z bloga The Beauty of Nail Polish, ki je prav tako pripravila zanimivo objavo. Klikni *tu* in si jo vsekakor preberi!
Odlična objava Maša! Zanimivo je videti kako ženske gledamo na moško nego! 🙂