If you just so happened to be in a coma for the past month, you probably missed it. If not, then you most likely know that DM brought their Trend It Up line into stores across Slovenia. I picked up a couple of products and have been trying them for the past month – now, I’m ready to tell you more about them!
Če si slučajno zadnji mesec preživela pod skalo, potem si verjetno zamudila… Če pa ne, potem najverjetneje veš, da je DM v svoje trgovine po Sloveniji pripeljal Trend It Up linijo. Sama sem kupila nekaj izdelkov in sem jih v preteklem mesecu testirala – sedaj pa sem pripravljena, da ti povem več o njih!
First, let me start of by saying that each and every one of the products I’ve tried is great value for money. Trend It Up is not an expensive line and you’ll be hard pressed to find anything over 10 € (unlike it’s sister brand BeYu which I’ll talk about next week). The selection is amazing and as far as I can tell, the products are really flying off the shelves.
Naj najprej povem, da prav za vsakega od spodnjih izdelkov velja, da prinaša dobro vrednost za svoj denar. Trend It Up ni draga znamka in težko boš našla kakšen izdelek nad 10 € (kar pa ni res za sestrsko znamko BeYu, o kateri bom govorila naslednji teden). Izbira je res čudovita in kolikor sem videla sama, so izdelki kar leteli s polic.
Let’s talk nail polish. I love the square bottles which are easy to store and the brush is short and wide, covering my nail in one single stroke. I wanted to show you a live swatch but my nails are not camera – worthy right now, so we’re left with the plastic nail 🙂 The shade 270 reminds me of a nice Cabarnet with a bit of pink undertones. The staying power is good, it lasted three days on my nails without top coat and five with a top coat.
Moving on to the Trend It Up Eyedorable Mascara – this was probably the biggest disappointment for me, but most mascaras usually are. I have long lashes that need volume and while this mascara is called Volume Ultra Black, it really didn’t deliver on that front just yet. I’m going to assume that after a month the formula isn’t going to change anymore so while it gives me some volume, it’s far from what I’d like to see, honestly.
Če sedaj spregovorim o Trend It Up Eyedorable maskari, lahko rečem, da je bila izmed vseh izdelkov zame največje razočaranje, ampak to velja kar za večino maskar, ki jih preizkusim. Imam dolge trepalnice, ki potrebujejo volumen in čeprav se maskara imenuje Volume Ultra Black, mi volumna ni prinesla. Predvidevam, da se formula po enem mesecu ne bo več spremenila, torej lahko rečem, da čeprav nekaj volumna doda, je rezultat daleč od tistega, ki bi ga osebno želela.
Trend It Up 2IN1 Camou Make-up&Concealer is supposed to be full coverage and add a glow effect. I will say that I don’t consider it full coverage (while thinking about my Estee Lauder or Kat Von D foundations), but rather a medium coverage foundation. On my normal skin with dry T-zone it lasted all day and I was reasonably satisfied with it. My shade (020) has a yellow undertone and doesn’t oxidize at all, which is a plus. I love that the bottle comes with a pump so it’s easier to handle. This foundation does have some scent to it so if you’re sensitive to that, smell it before you buy it.
Trend It Up 2IN1 Camou Make-up&Concealer naj bi bila visoko prekrivna podlaga s svetlečim efektom. Po mojem mnenju (sploh, če mislim na svoji Estee Lauder ali Kat Von D podlagi) to ni visoko prekrivna podlaga, ampak je prekrivnost srednja. Na moji normalni koži s suhim T področjem je zdržala cel dan, zato sem z rezultatom zadovoljna. Moj odtenek (020) ima rumen podton, velik plus pa je tudi, da podlaga ni oksidirala. Všeč mi je, da je na steklenički pumpica, saj je tako obvladovanje nanosa veliko bolj enostavno. Opozoriti moram, da ima podlaga rahel vonj – če te to moti, jo povonjaj, preden jo kupiš.
Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream is basically a matte liquid lipstick. While some bloggers say they don’t dry completely matte for them, I had no problem on that front. I like that after drying, it didn’t become sticky and didn’t dry my lips unbearably. I always carry a pot of lip balm around just in case – if my lips feel really dry, I just dab a tiny amount on the lips so they get some moisture. Anyway, these Ultra Matte Lipcreams are super inexpensive and very long lasting, so I would definitely recommend them. My only problem is the wand which is slightly too big in my opinion, but with a little practice that can be handled. The color in the photo above is 085.
Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream je v bistvu mat tekoča šminka. Nekatere blogerke pravijo, da se na njihovih ustnicah ni posušila popolnoma mat, vendar sama nisem imela tega problema. Všeč mi je, da po sušenju ne postane preveč lepljiva in ne izsuši mojih ustnic (za vsak primer pa s seboj nosim lonček balzama, ki ga čisto malo nanesem na ustnice, kadar so preveč izsušene). Kakorkoli že, te Ultra Matte Lipcream šminke so zelo poceni in dolgo obstojne, zato jih vsekakor priporočam. Moj edini problem je nekoliko prevelik aplikator, vendar pa se z nekoliko vaje da vse! Odtenek na sliki zgoraj je 085.
I’m finishing off with my absolute favorite in the bunch, the Trend It Up Powder Blush in 020. This has quickly become one of my top five blushes. A nice peach color, completely matte with no shimmer, it’s a blush every woman should have in her collection. The application is effortless because of the texture – it’s silky, but not too creamy, soft, but doesn’t crumble under the brush. It blends beautifully so I would compare it to some of my high-end blushes, such as Tarte or Bare Minerals. I’m going back for the other shade in store, which is a nice pink one.
To oceno zaključujem s svojim favoritom, Trend It Up Powder Blush-em, torej rdečilom v kamnu v odtenku 0. Ta je hitro postal eden mojih top pet rdečil. Lepa barva breskve, popolnoma mat brez kakršnih koli svetlikajočih delcev – rdečilo, ki ga bi morala imeti v kolekciji vsaka ženska. Nanos je popolnoma enostaven, saj je tekstura svilena, vendar pa ne kremasta, ob dotiku s čopičem pa je rdečilo mehko, vendar se ne drobi. Prav tako se ga enostavno zabriše na licih, tako da bi ga celo primerjala s kakšnim od mojih dražjih rdečil, npr. Tarte ali Bare Minerals. Vsekakor se bom v trgovino vrnila še po drug, pink odtenek.
This is what I’ve gathered about the products so far – but I’m going in store soon for round two! Probably a primer, another lipstick, a black liner and another line of nail polish. Stay tuned for that review but until then, let me know in the comments if you’ve already tried anything that you would recommend to me! Until next time, stay beautiful!
Mene so tudi najbolj navdušili blushi. Najprej sem kupila samo enega, potem pa šla še po dva odtenka :D. Med temi tudi po tega 020, ki mi je res všeč. Na sploh mi je všeč formula in finiš njihovih blushev :). Maskaro sem želela preizkusit eno, ampak še ni prišla na vrsto. Drugače pa je tudi meni všeč ta znamka. Predvsem zaradi cen. Tudi kvaliteta sploh ni slaba :).
Blush moram še preizkusiti, čudoviti izgledajo!