Santa stopped by our house and I must admit that I was more excited to see Baby M open his gifts than I was about opening my own. Not because my gifts wouldn’t be great, but I was more happy to see him all excited, tearing the paper, playing with the ribbon and gushing over his building blocks and stuffed animals. But as I’ve been good all year long (or so they say), Santa also got me a few presents of my own.
Božiček se je ustavil tudi pri nas in priznam, da sem se letos veliko bolj veselila daril malega M-ja, kot pa svojih lastnih. Pa ne zato, ker moja darila ne bi bila super, ampak mi je veliko več pomenilo njegovo veselje, ko je trgal papir, se igral s trakci in navduševal nad kockami in plišastimi igračami. Ker pa sem bila bojda celo leto pridna, je božiček vseeno nekaj prinesel tudi meni.

The first gift was from me to myself, namely my L’Occitane advent calendar that certainly didn’t disappoint. I’m stocked up on hand creams for the year and I’ll also get to try some products that I haven’t tried before. I’m looking forward to a new calendar next year.
Prvo darilo sem si podarila kar sama, in sicer moj L’Occitane adventni koledar, ki me tudi letos ni razočaral. Sedaj sem za celo leto preskrbljena s kremicami za roke, preizkusila pa bom lahko tudi kar nekaj izdelkov, ki jih še poznam. Veselim se že, da bom naslednje leto preizkusila kakšnega novega.

I often mention Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue as my favorite perfume and I recently used up my last one. Santa must have noticed because I got a brand new perfume and the deodorant to match, which is very thoughtful of him.
Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue pogosto omenjam kot svoj najljubši parfum in ravno pred nekaj meseci sem porabila zadnjega. Božiček je to očitno opazil in mi prinesel novega, pa še pripadajoč deodorant po vrhu, kar je zelo pozorno od njega.

Santa has obviously been paying a lot of attention to my wishes lately since he made some serious effort to bring gifts from overseas. I must say that I was really surprised by this gift – I got two cream sticks for contouring from Colourpop and I can’t wait to try them out.
Božiček je bil letos očitno tudi zelo pozoren na moje želje, saj se je potrudil in darila prinesel kar preko oceana – moram reči, da me je to darilo res presenetilo. Prejela sem dva kremna stika za senčenje in osvetljevanje Colourpop in komaj čakam, da se lotim preizkušanja.

We’ve been living in our apartment for seven years now and somehow I never get around to ordering the glass for the wall in the kitchen. Santa knows that I hate it when that wall gets dirty so he brought me a gift certificate so I can choose a glass of my own choice and bring some extra color into our home.
V najinem stanovanju sva že sedem let in nekako mi kar ne uspe naročiti stekla za steno v kuhinji. Božiček ve, da ne maram umazane stene, zato mi je prinesel darilni bon, s katerim si bom lahko izbrala steklo po lastni izbiri in naš dom spet malo osvežila z nekaj barve.

I actually asked Santa for the last gift since my previous electric toothbrush retired after seven years. He brought me the Megasonex ultrasound toothbrush thus making sure that my teeth stay clean and healthy, for which I thank him greatly.
Za zadnje darilo pa sem božička prosila, saj je moja zadnja električna ščetka po sedmih letih izdahnila. Prinesel mi je Megasonex ultrazvočno zobno ščetko in tako poskrbel, da bodo moji zobje še naprej zdravi, za kar se mu najlepše zahvaljujem.
I must say that this Santa is really a cool guy – he knows what I need and also what will make me happy. I hope that you also received something that you wanted or needed, or that perhaps Santa surprised you as well. You know – the good men know even our most secret wishes.
Ah, ta božiček je res ena faca, točno ve, kaj potrebujem, pa tudi, s čim me bo razveselil. Upam, da si tudi ti dobila kaj, kar si res želela ali potrebovala, morda pa te je tudi s čim prijetno presenetil. Saj veš – dobri mož včasih pozna tudi naše najbolj skrivne želje in se jih potrudi uresničiti.
We are only a couple of days away from the end of the giveaway – have you found all the words yet? I’m sure that the task won’t be too hard. Until next time, stay beautiful!
Samo še nekaj dni nas loči do zaključka nagradne igre – si že poiskala vse skrivne besede, potrebne za sodelovanje? Verjamem, da jih ne bo pretežko najti. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!