Blogmas 2016!

December is finally here! Each year, I can hardly wait for it to arrive, especially during the gray and boring month of November. But now, at last, it has arrived. Parties, hanging out with friends, good food and drinks, presents, decorations, shopping – I love everything!

Končno december. Vsako leto ga tako težko čakam, sploh siv in dolgočasen november se mi vleče v nedogled, potem pa vendarle – december! Zabave, druženje s prijatelji, dobra hrana in pijača, darila, okraševanje, nakupovanje – rada imam prav vse, kar mi prinese veseli december. 

This year, I wish for us to really hang out during this December. Throughout the month, you’ll find a new post on my blog every two days – fifteen in total! We’ll go through my gift guides, see what products I have loved the most in the past year, I’ll show you what I got for Christmas and what my baby boy is getting for his first Christmas, I’ll teach you how to bake potica, wrap presents, cure a hangover and so much more!

Letos si želim, da se čez december sprehodiva skupaj. Skozi cel december boš novo objavo na blogu lahko našla vsaka dva dni – skupaj jih bo torej kar petnajst! Sprehodili se bova čez moje nasvete za darila, pregledali, kateri izdelki so me najbolj navdušili v preteklem letu, pokazala ti bom, kaj sem dobila za božič in kaj bo za svoj prvi božič dobil moj sinček, naučila te bom, kako speči potico, zaviti darila in pozdraviti mačka ter še in še.

Now I can also give you a small hint – on the 13th of December, I’ll have a very special post that you certainly won’t want to miss so mark that day on your calendar! I’ll tell you something very special about myself.

Sedaj naj ti namignem, da te 13.12. čaka zelo posebna objava, ki je vsekakor ne smeš zamuditi, tako da si ta dan vsekakor označi na koledarju! Povedala ti bom nekaj zelo posebnega o sebi!

I also recommend that you don’t miss other posts as well. This year, the Christmas giveaway will be a little bit different. In each post, I’ll mark one word in a different color – have you spotted the word for today? From these words, you’ll  be able to put together a nice saying and by sending it to me, you’ll participate in the giveaway. I suggest that you write the words down each day so you won’t have to read everything on the last day. Also, let me tell you that giveaway package this year includes brands like Dvorec Trebnik, Benefit, Too Faced, Afrodita, Clarins and many more! Certainly a giveaway that you can’t miss. I’ll post all additional instructions in the middle of the month.

Vsekakor pa ti predlagam, da ne zamudiš tudi drugih objav. Letos bo namreč novoletna nagradna igra potekala malo drugače! V vsaki decembrski objavi bom eno besedo obarvala z drugačno barvo – si današnjo besedo že opazila? Iz teh besed boš lahko proti koncu meseca sestavila lepo misel in če mi jo boš poslala, boš s tem sodelovala v moji nagradni igri. Predlagam ti, da si besede kar sproti zapisuješ na kakšen listek, saj ti bo tako najlažje. Naj ti namignem, da so med darili tudi znamke, kot so Dvorec Trebnik, Benefit, Too Faced, Afrodita, Clarins in še in še! Vsekakor nagradna igra, ki je po mojem mnenju ne smeš zamuditi! Podrobna navodila za sodelovanje bom objavila v sredini meseca.

I hope that my posts will make your December even nicer and help you with gifts and preparation for the longest night of the year!

Upam, da ti bom z letošnjimi objavami polepšala december in ti pomagala pri pripravah na obdarovanje ter najdaljšo noč v letu!

Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!


  1. 1. 12. 2016 / 19:38

    Sedaj sem pa že firbčna kaj nam boš pripravila 13. 😀

  2. 1. 12. 2016 / 22:49

    Super ideja za nagradno igro in tudi mene že firbec matra, kaj pripravljaš trinajstega. 🙂

  3. 4. 12. 2016 / 21:38

    Mhm, bo še malo za počakat 🙂 Ampak tebi bi se morda lahko vsaj malo svitalo, kaj bo. In ne, nisem spet noseča 🙂

  4. 4. 12. 2016 / 21:38

    Taya hvala 🙂 Bo nekaj, kar se najbrž že nekaj časa od mene pričakuje… več pa naj ostane skrivnost 😉