Bell Hypoallergenic – review & swatches

A while ago I attended an event hosted by Bell Cosmetics in order to show us some new goodies that were released in the past few months. In the end, I got to choose three products to take home with me and today, I want to share my thoughts and opinions with you. Bell Cosmetics are different because they are formulated with the assistance of dermatologists and ophthalmologists, meaning they are also appropriate for people with sensitive skin and eyes. None of their products are tested on animals.

I also want to take this opportunity to say the following: yes, the products in the photos are used. I don’t see the point in taking photos of brand new products – I want you to see that I really use these products, how they look like when they’re used and that I am giving you my honest user opinion. With that being said, let’s jump straight into it.

Pred nekaj meseci sem se udeležila dogodka Bell Hypoallergenic, na katerem so slovenskim lepotnim blogerkam predstavili nove izdelke, ki so na trg prišli v zadnjem času. Na koncu dogodka sem si lahko izbrala tri izdelke, danes pa želim s tabo deliti svoje mnenje o njih. Bell Cosmetics je kar posebna znamka, saj so formule dekorativne kozmetike razvite v sodelovanju z dermatologi in oftamologi, kar pomeni, da so primerni tudi za ljudi z občutljivo kožo in očmi. Izdelki niso testirani na živalih.

To priložnost bom izkoristila tudi za naslednje pojasnilo: ja, izdelki na fotografijah so bili uporabljani. Ne vidim razloga, da bi fotografirala popolnoma lepe, nove izdelke – želim, da vidiš, da jih uporabljam, kako izdelki izgledajo, ko so že uporabljani in da lahko na podlagi tega lažje razumeš mojo uporabniško izkušnjo. Tako, zdaj pa lahko začneva z oceno.

First, a few words about the Mat&Soft foundation (9,90€, shade 01 – light beige). It comes in a bottle with a pump which I appreciate because I don’t like touching the product in the packaging. I need two pumps for my entire face. The formulation certainly gives you a mat finish. At first, I was a bit disappointed in the coverage (which is quite light), but I quickly learned that it can be easily built up to medium coverage. If I’m going for a matte finish, I also pack on the mat powder after foundation, so the skin ends up looking flawless. I think that it wouldn’t work great for very dry skin, but other than that – if you’re looking for a light matte foundation, I would say try this one out. Downside: it only comes in three different shades.

Najprej nekaj besed o Mat&Soft tekoči podlagi (9,90€, odtenek 01 – light beige). Všeč mi je steklenička s pumpico, saj se ne maram dotikati produkta, dokler je v embalaži. Za svoj obraz porabim dve pumpici izdelka. Podlaga obljublja mat zaključek in to obljubo tudi izpolni. Na začetku sem bila nekoliko razočarana nad rahlo prekrivnostjo, vendar pa sem hitro ugotovila, da se lahko prekrivnost nadgradi z več sloji. Če želim popoln mat zaključek, na podlago nanesem še mat puder, po čemer koža izgleda čudovito. Mislim, da ta tekoča podlaga ni najbolj primerna za suho kožo, sicer pa bi ti jo priporočila, v kolikor iščeš mat podlago z lahno do srednjo prekrivnostjo. Minus? Dosegljiva je le v treh različnih odtenkih.

This is how a Bell Hypoallergenic eyebrow set (7,90€, shade 02) looks like after two months of use. I have already lost the little brush and spoolie that are a part of the set, but since I don’t carry this product around with me, I don’t have much use for them anyway. The wax in the left is a bit dirty since I sometimes go in with a dirty brush when I’m doing final corrections. And I’m about to hit pan on both shades. They are very soft and a bit crumbly, but I have a hard time finding perfect shades for my eyebrows and this set really is great. I do the bottom outline and the tail end with the darker color and fill the rest in with the lighter shade. I’m really enjoying this eyebrow set so I’ll probably be repurchasing it once I run out. There are three shade options – this one is the lightest.

Te zanima, kako izgleda Bell Hypoalergenic set za obrvi (7,90€, odtenek 02) po dveh mesecih uporabe? Seveda sem krtačko in majhen čopič že izgubila, kar pa me ne gane preveč, saj izdelka ne nosim s seboj, zato jih tudi ne uporabljam. Vosek na levi strani je umazan, saj včasih za majhne popravke vanj pomočim umazan čopič – tako pač je. Kar pa se tiče obeh odtenkov, ti lahko povem, da bom počasi na obeh zadela dno palete. Spodnji del obrvi in zaključek zarišem s temnejšo barvo, s svetlejšo pa zapolnim preostanek obrvi. Sama težko najdem prave odtenke za svoje obrvi, zato sem nad tem setom navdušena in ga bom verjetno ponovno kupila. Obstajajo tri variante te palete – moja je najsvetlejša.

Yes, I’ve hit pan on the Bell Hypoallergenic mat powder – natural effect (5,90€, shade 04). When I picked this product from the shelf, I doubted my decision since I really don’t have oily skin and I didn’t know how it will perform combined with a matte foundation. I do think that in that combination, it gives a flawless look – perhaps a bit too flawless if you know what I’m saying. For everyday wear, prefer to combine it with lighter moisturizing foundations so that the powder takes care of the dewy finish. I think that it will come really handy in the summer when even my skin tends to look a bit normal and needs to be put under control 😉 This powder is available in four different shades, this is the darkest one.


Pri Bell Hypoallergenic mat pudru v kamnu z naravnim učinkom (5,90€, odtenek 04) sem že zadela dno, saj ga uporabljam praktično vsak dan. Ko sem ga izbrala s police na dogodku, sem bila nekoliko skeptična nad svojo odločitvijo, saj sama nimam mastne kože in nisem bila prepričana, da se bo dobro obnesel v kombinaciji z mat tekočo podlago. Kot sem že napisala, ta kombinacija ustvari videz popolne kože, ki pa je morda celo nekoliko preveč “popoln”, če veš, kaj želim povedati. Za vsakdanjo uporabo ga raje kombiniram z lažjo, bolj hranljivo podlago, ta puder v kamnu pa poskrbi, da se moja koža ne sveti preveč. Mislim, da bo ta puder izredno uporaben poleti, ko celo moja normalna koža občasno izgleda mastna in jo je potrebno ukrotiti 😉 Puder je dostopen v štirih različnih odtenkih, moj je najtemnejši.

Bell Hypoallergenic products are available online and I also noticed a large, well stocked stand in Hipermarket Mercator Šiška in Ljubljana. I hope that these reviews help you with the decision. I have some more Bell products on my wish list (starting with the new liquid lipsticks, primer and their micellar water) so naturally, you can expect new reviews to come. Until next time, stay beautiful!

Bell Hypoallergenic izdelki so dostopni na spletu (*tu*), veliko in dobro založeno stojalo pa sem opazila tudi v Hipermarketu Mercator Šiška v Ljubljani. Upam, da so ti bile ocene v pomoč pri odločitvi, v kolikor si že razmišljala o preizkusu kakšnega od izdelkov. Na svoji listi želja imam še kar nekaj drugih Bell izdelkov (predvsem me trenutno mikajo tekoče šminke, primer in njihova micelarna vodica), zato lahko v prihodnosti pričakuješ še kakšno oceno izdelkov te znamke. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!