Essence SS 2017 and other new products (review&swatches)

Essence has been bringing it lately – really following the latest trends while at the same time making sure that the quality of the products remains solid. And as I mention every single time – with Essence, you really can’t beat the price. I think that the latest SS 2017 release got me more excited than any other I’ve seen before. I noticed a new (and full!) stand in Muller and of course grabbed a couple of products and the next day, Essence Slovenia kindly sent me a couple of bits and pieces as well. If you’re interested to see what I’d recommend, keep on reading!

Essence zadnje čase res pozitivno preseneča – sledijo najnovejšim trendom, obenem pa še vedno skrbijo za dobro kakovost izdelkov. Poleg tega je pri znamki Essence pomembna tudi cenovna dostopnost. Mislim, da se še nobene spremembe pri Essence nisem tako razveselila kot nove linije pomlad/poletje 2017. Novo (in dobro založeno!) stojalo sem opazila v Mullerju in hitro izbrala nekaj izdelkov, naslednji dan pa sem od Essence Slovenija prejela še paketek z nekaj novostmi. Če te zanima, kaj ti vsekakor priporočam, beri naprej!

Essence Instant Matt super long-lasting foundation (4,40€, shade Ivory) unfortunately isn’t for me. It really is a mattifying foundation which doesn’t sit well with my dry patches. I tried to wear it with a silicone primer but unfortunately it caked really badly everywhere where my skin is dry. It’s a medium coverage finish and available in three colors – Ivory (rose undertone), Sand (warm undertone) and Vanilla (dark). I would recommend this if you have oily skin and need something to keep that in check.

Essence Instant Matt super long-lasting foundation (4,40€, odtenek Ivory) je tekoča podlaga, ki pa na žalost ni primerna za mene. Ima srednjo prekrivnost in res lep mat zaključek, vendar pa se je meni prijela na suhe predele obraza in se tam vidno zgostila. Priporočam ti jo, v kolikor imaš mastno kožo in želiš to težavo odpraviti. Podlaga je na razpolago samo v treh barvah  – Ivory (roza podton), Sand (rumen, topel podton) in Vanilla (temnejši odtenek).

Essence Camouflage – full coverage concealer (2,80€, 05- ivory) is not as pigmented as it likes to think – I’ve seen concealers ten times more pigmented. But that doesn’t mean it’s not good – I like the way it covers my dark circles in a very natural way, without any highlighting. I’m slightly annoyed that the opening in the bottle is so small because I need to get the doe shaped wand into the bottle four to five times to cover everything, but other than that, it’s pretty good. Again, it’s only available in two colors (05 – ivory and 10 – nude) and neither of them is very light.

Essence Camouflage – full coverage concealer (2,80€, 05- ivory) je korektor, ki sicer obljublja polno prekrivnost, vendar pa sem sama že naletela na korektorje, ki so bili bistveno bolj pigmentirani. To pa še ne pomeni, da ne gre za dober izdelek  – meni je všeč za prekrivanje mojih podočnjakov, saj jih prekrije popolnoma naravno, ne da bi obenem osvetlil področje pod očmi. Moti me majhna odprtina v steklenički, saj moram aplikator v stekleničko pomočiti tudi štirikrat ali petkrat, da ven dobim dovolj izdelka, razen tega pa nimam bistvenih pripomb. Dostopen je samo v dveh barvah (05 – ivory in 10 – nude), od katerih nobena ni pretirano svetla.

Essence Colour Correcting Liquid Concealer (2,80€, 30 – pastel green) is one of three new color correcting concealers in the new release – the other two are pink and yellow. The green one is supposed to neutralize the redness on your face which we’ve already talked about a lot recently. I like the trend but I will say that color correcting in general is something you want to practice, not try for the first time getting ready for an important date. The coverage of the concealer is buildable and again, my only problem with it is the small opening in the bottle that scrapes the product off when you’re pulling the applicator out.

Essence Colour Correcting Liquid Concealer (2,80€, 30 – pastel green) je eden od treh novih barvnih tekočih korektorjev v novi liniji – na voljo je še rumen in roza. Zelen naj bi nevtraliziral rdečico na obrazu, o čemer sem zadnje čase na blogu kar nekaj že pisala. Trend barvnih korekcij mi je všeč, vendar pa ti priporočam, da ga malo povadiš in takšnih izdelkov ne preizkusiš prvič, ko se pripravljaš na vroč zmenek 😉 Pigmentacija je OK, pri čemer sem ga sama nanesla v več slojih, tudi pri tej steklenički pa me moti majhna odprtina, ki z aplikatorja potegne ogromno izdelka, kar podaljša čas nanosa. Sicer mi je izdelek všeč in tudi cena je dobra.

Essence Matt Touch Blush (30 – rose me up!) is a part of their permanent collection but I haven’t seen it before so I had to grab it! It’s a beautiful mat blush in a cocoa color with rose undertones, a completely new color to my blush collection. I love these Matt Touch blushes since they are not heavily pigmented so I can layer them up without worrying I’ll end up looking like a clown.

Essence Matt Touch Blush (30 – rose me up!)  je del redne kolekcije, vendar ga do sedaj še nisem videla in sem ga seveda morala kupiti. Gre za čudovito mat rdečilo v barvi kakava z roza podtoni, popolnoma novo barvo v moji kolekciji rdečil. Matt Touch Blushi so mi tudi sicer zelo všeč, saj niso zelo pigmentirani, zato jih lahko glede na svoje želje nanesem v več slojih in sem brez skrbi, da bom na koncu izgledala kot klovn.

Essence Prismatic Rainbow glow highlighter (3,79€) is a product everyone is talking about. When I first saw it I was like – what are you? But after swatching it I quickly learned that by swirling around in different shades, the end result is a beautiful golden highlight that is perfect for everyday wear. If you want to lean toward the pink side, make sure to swirl your brush in the top shades, but in any case you’ll end up looking gorgeous. For this price, it’s a product you should definitely try and play around with it.

Essence Prismatic Rainbow glow highlighter (3,79€) je izdelek, ki je v tej kolekciji res pritegnil pozornost vsakogar. Ko sem ga prvič videla, nisem bila prepričana, kaj naj počnem z njim, vendar pa sem hitro ugotovila, da z mešanjem vseh barv ven dobim čudovit zlat osvetljevalec, ki je nadvse primeren za vsakdanjo rabo. Če se s čopičem osredotočiš bolj na vrh, potem bo osvetljevalec nekoliko bolj roza, v vsakem primeru pa bo končni izgled super. Za to ceno vsekakor izdelek, ki si ga moraš privoščiti in se poigrati z različnimi možnostmi, ki ti jih ponuja.

Essence Eyebrow gel (01 – brown) is again not part of the release, but I just had to grab it and try it out since I seriously missed the color on my last eyebrow gel purchase (Artdeco). I can say that this is a much closer match for me. It’s not as pigmented as the Artdeco eyebrow gel and needs a bit of building, but I think that if you want to do your eyebrows with a gel, you need a lot of precision and this works for me. Unfortunately, I was not impressed by the Essence eyebrow brush which has a beautiful design and is nicely shaped, but the bristles are not pliable enough and consequently the brush is difficult to guide. I’ll probably use it for other purposes, like smudging my liner.

Essence eyebrow gel (01 – brown) prav tako ni del nove kolecije, vendar sem pri zadnjem nakupu gela za obrvi z barvo (Artdeco) tako brcnila mimo, da sem enostavno morala kupiti novega. Barva mi vsekakor precej bolj ustreza. Ni tako pigmentiran kot Artdeco gel za obrvi, vendar me to pri tem konkretnem izdelku prav nič ne moti  – če si obrvi oblikujem z gelom, to zahteva preveč natančnosti, zato raje gib ponovim dvakrat, kot da bi bil končni videz nenaraven. Kupila sem tudi Essence čopič za obrvi, ki me je prepričal s čudovitim dizajnom in natančno prirezanimi ščetinami, vendar pa te na žalost niso upogljive in je posledično čopič težko vodljiv. Verjetno ga bom uporabila za kaj drugega, na primer zabrisovanje eyelinerja.

I also have two new lip products in my collection. First is the Essence Matt-Matt-Matt Longlasting Lipgloss (02 – Beauty Approved) which is a soft nude color with a pink undertone. It does dry mat as promised and has a medium staying power but what I like about it is that it wears off over evenly over the entire lip and doesn’t just leave a bare center. There is a huge color selection so I’m sure you’ll be able to find something to your liking. The second lip product is the Essence Shine-Shine-Shine Wet Look Lipgloss (12 – runway, your way) . It’s been years since I’ve worn a proper dark lipgloss so I was excited to try one again. The product comes out much more sheer than it appears in the bottle so don’t be afraid to reach for some bolder shades. It isn’t sticky, which I like, and it smells like blueberries which I don’t mind at all. I must say that I’ve grown so accustomed to matte lip products in the past year or so that I found the feeling a bit strange and I kept forgetting that it will transfer like crazy, but it was a nice change.

Zbirki sem dodala tudi dva nova izdelka za ustnice. Prvi je Essence Matt-Matt-Matt Longlasting Lipgloss (02 – Beauty Approved), lip gloss v nežni nevtralni barvi z roza podtonom. Posušen ima res popoln mat videz in na ustnicah zdrži kar dolgo, všeč pa mi je predvsem, da se je med nošenjem enakomerno obrabil po celi ustnici, ne samo po sredini. Izbira barv je ogromna, tako da boš gotovo našla kakšno barvo zase. Drugi izdelek za ustnice je Essence Shine-Shine-Shine Wet Look Lipgloss (12 – runway, your way). Pravega temnega lip glossa nisem nosila že leta, zato sem bila precej navdušena, da ga lahko spet preizkusim. Ni preveč lepljiv, kar mi je všeč, diši pa po borovnicah, kar me ne moti preveč. V zadnjem času sem se tako navadila na mat šminke, da mi je bil občutek na ustnicah kar precej nenavaden, predvsem pa sem ves čas pozabljala, da se bo seveda prenesel na vse, česar se bo dotaknila.

I saved the best for last – I was amazed by this idea and my respect for Essence has grown by a million. They did what we all want but can rarely get – we can design a palette of our own choice! My Must Haves palette & refills are my TOP product from this collection. The process is simple – first you choose an empty palette (4 colors 1,60€ or 8 colors 2,20€) and then fill it up with shades of your choice. You can choose from 20 different eyeshadow pans (shimmer and matte), a highlighter, fixing powder, bronzer, two blushes and two lip products. Each refill costs 1,59€ which is a great price! Once you’re done choosing, you simply press the refills into the palette and that’s it! The pans fit perfectly into the palette so there is no danger of them falling out – and if you change your mind, you can get them out just as easily. Well done, Essence! I chose four colors, not thinking about the palette as a whole but simply going for colors I don’t have or don’t like in my other palettes. From left to right, they are 09  -Chilly Vanilly, 08 – Peach Party (that was already abused by my son), 07 – Mauve time in 03 – Miss Foxy Roxy.  Pigmentation is better with shimmers, but very decent with matte colors as well. If you can get one product – this is the one you should get!

Nenazadnje še nekaj besed o novosti, ki me je vrgla na zadnjo plat, če se lepo izrazim. Essence je namreč storil tisto, kar si vse želimo, pa nam le malokatera znamka dejansko omogoči – sestavimo si lahko paleto po svojem okusu! My Must Have paleta & senčila so moj N A J izdelek spomladansko poletne kolekcije. Stvar je povsem enostavna – najprej izbereš prazno paleto (za 4 barve 1,60€ ali za 8 barv 2,20€), nato pa jo napolniš z barvami po lastni želji. Na izbiro imaš 20 različnih senčil za oči (šimraste in mat barve), osvetljevalec, fiksirni puder, bronzer ter dve rdečili, pa tudi dva izdelka za ustnice. Vsako polnilo stane 1,59€, kar je super cena. Ko narediš svoj izbor, senčke enostavno pritisneš v paleto in to je to! Glede na to, da se velikost senčil popolnoma prilega paleti, ni nobene nevarnosti, da bi padle ven, v kolikor pa želiš svoj izbor spremeniti, pa jih prav tako enostavno lahko dobiš ven. Bravo Essence! Sama sem izbrala štiri barve, pri čemer nisem razmišljala o tem, da bom imela paleto za ustvarjanje celotnega videza, ampak sem izbrala barve, ki jih še nimam oziroma mi v drugih paletah niso všeč. Od leve proti desni so to 09  -Chilly Vanilly, 08 – Peach Party (nad katero se je malo znesel moj sine), 07 – Mauve time in 03 – Miss Foxy Roxy Pigmentacija je nekoliko boljša pri šimrastih senčilih, vendar pa zelo dostojna tudi pri mat odtenkih. Vsekakor priporočam!!!

I hope you enjoyed this review – I’m sure there’s something that cought your attention. Make sure to check out the new stands since the products above are only a handful of 50 or so new releases which are all very exciting. Do you have another recommendation for me as well? I’d love to hear from you! Until next time, stay beautiful!

Upam, da so ti bile ocene v pomoč  – prepričana sem, da je kaj pritegnilo tvojo pozornost. Predlagam ti, da nova stojala preveriš v živo, saj zgornji izdelki predstavljajo le peščico izmed 50 ali več novosti, ki se že nahajajo na policah. Ali sem sama izpustila kakšno, ki mi jo priporočaš? Z veseljem bom prebrala tvoje priporočilo! Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!



  1. 8. 3. 2017 / 13:13

    Uuuuu, Mauve time bo moj <3 Pa Matt, matt, matt bom tudi preizkusila 😉 Super ocene, hvala!
    Xoxo, A.

    • Maša Muster
      8. 3. 2017 / 21:20

      Z veseljem 🙂 Jaz bom šla tudi še po kakšno, za “rezervo” 😉