I still get the giggles when remembering a giveaway about a year ago. To participate, you needed to fill out a short quiz about me (very modest, I know) and one of the questions on the list was to name my favorite stores. Each single participant remembered to name L’Occitane – for a good reason. I think that I write about their products almost as often as I venture in their shops.
Še danes se zabavam, ko se spomnim nagradne igre pred dobrim letom dni. Za sodelovanje je bilo potrebno sodelovanje v kratkem kvizu o meni (kako prevzetno, mar ne?) in eno od vprašanj je bilo, v katerih trgovinah najraje nakupujem. Takrat prav nobena od vas ni pozabila na znamko L’Occitane in to z razlogom – na mojem blogu namreč gostuje skoraj tako pogosto, kot jaz gostujem v njihovih trgovinah.
In my spring favorites (find the post *here*), I was writing about the L’Occitane almond milk concentrate for firmer and smoother skin. It’s one of my favorite L’Occitane products and at least one jar of this magical cream is always somewhere in my home. Then, I got a message that a new and improved formula is hitting the shelves in May. Can you imagine my excitement? How could this product get any better? Ladies at L’Occitane obviously knew about my addicition and kindly provided me this new cream that I’ve been using for the past three months.
Že v spomladanskih naj izdelkih (objava se skriva *tu*) sem pisala o mandljevem mlečnem koncentratu za učvrščevanje in glajenje kože. Gre za enega mojih najljubših izdelkov znamke L’Occitane in v mojem domu nikoli ne manjka vsaj en lonček te čudovite kremice. Potem pa je prišlo obvestilo, da na police z majem prihaja nova, še izboljšana formula in seveda me je izredno zanimalo, kako je lahko tak super izdelek sploh še boljši? Gospodične so bile očitno seznanjene z mojo odvisnostjo in mi v testiranje prijazno poslale en lonček kremice, ki me sedaj spremlja že skoraj tri tedne.
The new Almond Smoothing and beautifying milk concentrate is a combination of almond protein, caffeine, almond oil from Provanse and an extract of almond pulp gathered with oil extraction from ground almond nuts. All these active ingredients make your skin firm and softer, reduce the appearance of cellulite and make your skin super gentle after each use.
Nov mandljev izboljševalni koncentrat vsebuje mandljeve beljakovine, kofein, olja mandljev iz Provanse in izvleček iz mandljeve puple, ki se pridobiva s stiskanjem olja iz zmletih mandljevih jedrc. Vse te aktivne sestavine poskrbijo za napeto in prožnejšo kožo, zmanjšano opaznost pomarančne kože (po domače celulita) in izjemno mehkobo kože po nanosu.
Let’s start with the obvious – the jar is absolutely gorgeous and even prettier than the last one. Even though I occasionally nag about heavy glass jars, I cannot imagine this product in any other packaging. Each jar contains 200ml of cream.
Za začetek začnimo pri očitnemu – embalaža je absolutno čudovita in še lepša, kot je bila prejšnja. Kljub temu, da običajno sitnarim zaradi težkih steklenih lončkov, si izboljševalnega koncentrata enostavno ne predstavljam v kakršni koli drugačni obliki. V lončku se skriva 200ml kremice.
The smell of almond would be enough to convince me personally. Silky, soft and fresh at the same time – it doesn’t only hug my body, but also envelops my bathroom and bedroom into rich fragrances. After the morning application, I can smell it for the entire day which makes me feel great knowing that I did something good for myself first thing in the morning.
Vonj mandlja je pri tem koncentratu tisto, kar bi me prepričalo že samo po sebi. Svilen, nežen in hkrati svež vonj objame ne samo moje telo, ampak po njem diši tudi moja kopalnica in spalnica. Po jutranjem nanosu ga vonjam še cel dan, kar me spravlja v dobro voljo, saj me spominja, da sem že zjutraj naredila nekaj dobrega zase.
I can say some good things about its effects but let’s get something straight first – it would take a miracle cream to erase the aftermath of my birth a year ago and the relatively unhealthy lifestyle I’ve been leading for the past year. I’ve been taking better care of myself since I returned to work – I try to drink more and the season of awesome fruit is finally here. With that being said, I can say that after three weeks of use the appearance of cellulite on the back on my legs and tummy is reduced which leaves me hoping that it will be gone by the time I put on my bathing suit for the first time. So the concentrate definitely delivers on that promise.
Glede učinkov lahko povem nekaj pozitivnih stvari, vendar pa je dejstvo, da še tako odlična krema ne bo izbrisala posledic poroda leto nazaj in relativno nezdravega življenjskega sloga v vsem preteklem letu. Sedaj po vrnitvi v službo bolj pazim nase, več pijem in končno je tu tudi sezona obilice svežega sadja! Že po treh tednih pa opažam, da je moj celulit na zadnji strani nog in trebuščku bistveno manj opazen, kar me navdaja z upanjem, da ga do prvega skoka v kopalke praktično ne bo več opaziti. Kremica torej stori to, kar obljublja.
Because of oils and extract from almond pulp, the concentrate won’t soak into your skin in minutes, but I find five minutes to be more than enough. Because of my hectic mornings, I can also confirm that it doesn’t stain your clothes.
Zaradi obilice olja in izvlečka iz mandljeve pulpe mandljev izboljševalni ni formuliran tako, da bi se vpil izredno hitro, vendar pa mu slabih pet minut po mojih izkušnjah več kot zadošča. Ker so moja jutra včasih hektična, lahko potrdim tudi, da na oblačilih ne pušča madežev, če se oblečemo nekoliko hitreje.
The only negative aspect of L’Occitane products in general is their price – a jar of concentrate doesn’t come cheap (49,80€). I never regretted buying the previous version for a second since I know the product, I know that it’s great and worth every penny. The amount in the jar lasts me a good three months – if you’re on the skinny side, you could stretch it to four months 🙂 L’Occitane invests a lot of money into development, quality ingredients and beautiful packaging – everything that we want as consumers and what we need to pay for, as well.
Edini minus L’Occitane izdelkov na splošno je njihova cena – lonček koncentrata namreč stane kar precej (49,80 €). Meni se za nakup prejšnje variante izdelka ni bilo nikoli težko odločiti, ker izdelek poznam, vem, da je odličen in vreden vsakega centa. Poleg tega mi količina v lončku zadošča za dobre tri mesece – če pa imaš kakšno kilo manj od mene, bi verjetno lahko ta čas raztegnila tudi na štiri mesece 🙂 L’Occitane je znamka, ki veliko vlaga v razvoj, kakovostne sestavine in prelepo embalažo – torej vse tisto, kar potrošnice želimo, seveda pa moramo to tudi plačati.
The final verdict cannot be anything else than: exception. It’s another product proving that L’Occitane products are unique, effective and an absolute must in every beauty junkie’s collection.
Končna ocena ne more biti druga kot: izjemno. Še en izdelek, s katerim L’Occitane dokazuje, da so njihovi izdelki res unikatni, učinkoviti in ne smejo manjkati v kolekciji nobene lepotne navdušenke.
What’s your favorite L’Occitane product? Let me know down below so I can try it for myself in case I haven’t done so already. Until next time, stay beautiful!
Kateri pa je tvoj najljubši L’Occitane izdelek? Zaupaj mi ga v komentarjih, da ga tudi sama preizkusim, v kolikor ga slučajno še nisem! Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!