December is FINALLY here and with it, here is the first post in my Blogmas series. I will be posting every other day, 16 posts in total. We’re also looking at 5 great giveaways, lots of “best of 2017” posts, some DIY and more and more. I’ve been planning Blogmas for months and I am so excited to start!
Today, I want to show you how to make a really simple advent calendar. I know that not everyone can afford to buy one or perhaps you just didn’t find one that would suit your taste. Why not make it yourself – for you, your loved one, your mother, best friend, child? You can include all kinds of different things in it ~ beauty products, candy, DIY supplies, candles or even different tasks, whatever you heart desires. I made a 10-day calendar which can be used in any given 10-day range in December.
To make an advent calendar, I used: a hot glue gun (you can also use superglue, obviously), some bags, small decorations, washing pins, some paper and ribbons, marker, scissors and a clothes hanger. Instead of the latter, you can also use a tree branch, pin them to a board or arrange them in any other way you wish.
First, I decorated the clothes hanger with some pieces of wood and wood stars. You can also use ribbon, glitter or anything else your heart desires. I really like the idea of a hanger because you can literally hang it anywhere in your house. Plus, it’s a wooden one so it fits nicely with the entire idea.
Next, I decorated the 10 bags. I used gold and red bags, but you could also use nice paper bags (or put some stickers on regular paper bags). I like these because they can be re-purposed once you’re done with your calendar.
Next are the numbers. I did a really simple gold paper and just drew the numbers on there. I used the wooden clothes pin to put them on the little bags, but you could also use a safety pin or glue them on.
After that, there’s nothing left to do but to hang the bags on the hanger and fill them up!
Do you like it? Well, it can be yours! In these bags, there are 10 brand spankin’ new Essence items ~ both from new collection and from limited edition collection. How to win?
1) Like my Facebook page Low Maintenance Beauty
2) Comment under this blog post what you’d like to get for Christmas this year.
3) You can earn one extra entry by sharing this post on your personal page, but this is optional (you can do it to earn 2 entries and increase your chance of winning).
Giveaway is open for Slovenia only. Giveaway will end on 5th of December 2017 and one person will receive all 10 items in the secret giveaway. This person has 3 days to send me their information, otherwise a new winner will be chosen. The winner will be declared in the blog post on 5th of December. This giveaway is not sponsored by Facebook and Facebook is in no way, shape or form connected to this giveaway.
Good luck everyone. Until next time, stay beautiful!
This post is also available in: Slovenščina
To pa je res luškano. Sem ravno danes omenjala, da bi bil kakšen custom made adventni koledar pa res luškano darilo za koga. Lahko prilagodiš vsem željam in tebi je več kot odlično uspel tudi vizualno. 🙂
Jaz sem zdaj že v letih, da kar si želim si kupim 🙂 Bi bila pa vesela kakšne knjige povezane z lepoto in pa eno dobro bonboniero – te so mi enostavno vedno zanimive :D.
Jaz se bom letos bolj osredotocila na bolj prakticne stvari za bozic, ker mi letos vse razpada, tako da bom bozicku verjetno kaj takega namignila, si pa vedno zelim kaj licil. Nazadnje me je ocaralo essence roza sencilo metal shock tako da si zelim kar vse ostale barve sedaj, pa vijolicna sminka iz le counting stars me tudi mika, samo je bila v nasem mullerju ze razprodana tako da ce jo kje najdem si jo verjetno privoscim. Take malenkosti, me je pa letos zelo premamil sleek adventni koledar ampak si ga kot studentka trenutno ne morem opraviciti xd 🙂