Blogmas 2017 #7: A peek into my Christmas home

Today, I’m offering you a rare glimpse into my home and my Christmas home decoration. I don’t have any particular theme going on since I’m a rather impulsive shopper. I do the main bit of decorating in the living room and the dining area, but occasionaly I put decorations in other rooms as well. Naturally, I’m not showing you everything, but enough to satisfy those of you who’re more curious by heart.

Christmas home decoration centerpiece

Christmas home decoration centerpiece

This is our dining room centerpiece this year, made by the incredible Marjan Lovšin. The flowers are real and waxed so I’m curious to see how it will dry out. I love the little Christmas house in the center as well.

Christmas home decoration reindeer

This is Clarence. He doesn’t exactly fit the theme but Baby M loves him so we put him up besides  the window.

Christmas home decoration Woodwick

I love candles. Normally, I’m a big fan of Yankee Candles and have quite the collection, but last winter I discovered the WoodWick candles which cracle as they burn and smell amazing. I’m half way done with my second one so I’m hoping that Santa noticed I need a new one.

Christmas home decoration christmas tree

Christmas home decoration snowman

There’s always an overload of presents under the Christmas tree and since they’re mostly for children, the wrappings are in numerous colors and prints. Therefore, I like to keep the tree more minimalistic as most people. I really love this little snowman and I hope that Baby M doesn’t get any weird ideas with the tree because I’d be sorry to see it go. He’s been acting nice so far so fingers crossed we have no accidents this year.

Christmas home decoration

Christmas home decoration

A poinsettia is a must in our home and I usually go through at least two of them. This year, this one is holding up incredibly well so hopefully, she’ll be with us for a long time. The bowl next to pointsettia sometimes holdes tangerines and sometimes candy – depending on my mood.

Christmas home decoration

I have this beautiful lamp on the piano and normally it doesn’t get much love. Since I really like this corner of the living room, I decided to put some small lights on it to make it stand out a little bit more.

Do you like anything in particular? Do you decorate more or less? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, stay beautiful!

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