5 things beauty bloggers do, and I don’t (but should?)

The title itself may suggest drama, but I promise you there will be no drama in this post. Throughout years of blogging, I’ve been noticing certain habits my fellow beauty bloggers have and I don’t – but perhaps I should? Let me know in the comments!



On beauty blogs, I’ll often see photos of products that haven’t been touched along with a long, nice review of the products. I’m not suggesting that these reviews are fake in any way. I know that the bloggers take photos of the products once they buy or receive them and before they start using them. I admit that I don’t have the patience for that so my photos often look like the one above. Do you find this OK or should I take photos of products before I start using them?



I’ll occasionally share snippets of my personal life on Instagram Stories – a good pizza, a glass of wine, a captured moment with my boy or my dirty kitchen. But mostly, I keep the content beauty related. I see that my fellow colleagues try and capture as many moments as possible through their phone cameras – cooking, shopping, work activities, driving, watching a football game and so forth. I love looking at these and I wonder – would you like it if I did the same and took you along with me every day? View Post

Blogmas #10: Silent night or Driving home for Christmas

I must admit I’m a complete sucker when it comes to Christmas music. When at work, I start listening to my YouTube playlist sometime in mid November and don’t stop until mid January. Sometimes, I’ll even annoy my coworkers with it – all for a bit of Christmas spirit.

Priznam, ljubim božično glasbo. V službi sem božične pesmi preko YouTuba običajno začela poslušati že sredi novembra in jih poslušala še dober čas v januarju. Včasih sem s kakšno posebej super pesmijo malo jezila tudi moje sodelavce – vse v duhu čarobnega božiča, seveda.

This year I’m spending more time in my car since baby M and I are doing some light shopping each day and I love playing the Christmas tunes out loud to him while singing along. I’m sure he doesn’t get the whole X-mas thing just yet, but better start early, right?

Letos se z malim M-jem skoraj vsak dan odpraviva na kakšen potep (in v nakupe), kar pomeni, da veliko časa preživim v avtu. Tudi njemu seveda naglas predvajam božične pesmi in si seveda popevam obenem. Čeprav sem prepričana, da koncepta božiča še ne razume, ni nikoli prezgodaj za nekaj pozitivnega vpliva, mar ne?

Anyway, today I wanted to share with you my top 5 Christmas songs that I could listen to all year long. Maybe use them as a background while you‘re creating a holiday manicure, baking cookies or simply relax, close your eyes and drift along. The choice is yours. View Post

Blogmas #7: Who is Low Maintenance Beauty?

If you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you probably only know me as Maša. That Maša who never publishes her own photos. As mentioned many times I had a solid reason for keeping my privacy in that aspect, but now some things have changed and today – for the first time – I’m happy to share my face with you.

Če me spremljaš že dlje, me poznaš samo kot Mašo – tisto Mašo, ki nikoli ne objavi svoje fotografije. Že večkrat sem napisala, da imam za to tehten razlog, vendar pa so se zdaj okoliščine nekoliko spremenile in svoj obraz danes – prvič – z veseljem delim s teboj.

Naturally, this also means that my blog will change a bit. Now, I’ll be able to show you the make-up on my face, create a make-up look for special occasions or share my photos from events. I’m looking forward to the freedom this change will give me.

To seveda pomeni, da se bo nekoliko spremenil tudi moj blog – sedaj vam bom lahko ličila pokazala na obrazu, lahko bom ustvarila kakšen videz za posebne priložnosti, ali pa fotografijo s kakšnega dogodka. Veselim se svobode, ki mi jo prinaša to, da vam lahko pokažem – sebe.

 I only see it fitting that we catch up on a couple of moments from past years when you had to take my word for everything I was doing and testing. I’d like to share some photos with you – photos that show me for who I am and what I love in life. These are not professional photos – just those that mean something to me and captured special moments of my life. Hopefully, you like this change and will continue my journey with me.

Ker pa se mi zdi prav, da prineseva noter vsaj kakšen trenutek iz preteklih let, ko si mi morala vedno le na besedo verjeti, kaj se mi dogaja v življenju, pa s tabo delim nekaj fotografij, ki so mi še posebej pri srcu in kažejo, kdo sem, kakšna sem in kaj me v življenju veseli. To niso profesionalne fotografije – le takšne, ki mi nekaj pomenijo in ki so ujele meni dragocene trenutke. Upam, da ti bo ta sprememba všeč in da ostaneš z mano še naprej.

I love to travel, in fact that’s one of my favorite things in the world. I’ve seen over 40 countries and look forward to add more to the list. This photo is from one of the travels – Death Valley at 50’C. ***** Ljubim potovanja, ki so ena mojih najljubših stvari v življenju. Videla sem že več kot 40 držav in komaj čakam, da jih na seznam dodam še več. Fotografija je iz enega bolj zanimivih krajev na svetu – Doline smrti pri 50’C.

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My love affair with the summer

I really, really love two months in a year. December, since it means spending time with family, joyful experiences and good food, and May, because it brings the beginning of the summer. This year, I had to wait a bit longer for that, but now summer is really here and I couldn’t be happier.

Here are ten things that make me happy in the summer, in no particular order.

~ Long days. I am miserable during the months when I get to the office in half-darkness and leave when it’s pitch dark. I feel like a vampire and it drains all my energy. I love it when the days get longer and I can enjoy the sun for hours and hours after I get home from work.

~ The taste of great ice cream. I am super picky when it comes to ice cream and I often ask for a tiny sample before ordering my two scoops. I would say that about 8 times out of 10, it doesn’t cut it. I am quite partial to Zvezda and Lolita ice creams in Ljubljana but won’t say no to Carte D’Or, Haagen Dazs and Ben&Jerry.

~ My birthday. I am a summer baby and I always get the day off since I celebrate on the day that Slovenia won its independence. Special bonus: I can celebrate the day before with my friends and nobody has to go to work with a hangover 🙂

~ Wide selection of fruit for pennies. Tangerines, watermelon, strawberries and cherries. I can live off fruit for most days in the summer. I had to make some cutbacks this year because I have to think about baby M as well, but I still manage to get my fair share of the tasty fresh goodness.

~ Beach hair. Gone are the days of hair straightners and blowouts. Nine times out of ten, I will let my hair air dry which produces various kinds of curls. I just put in a bit of mousse to give them some texture and I’m good to go.

~ Good vibes. Have you notices how everybody gets a little less cranky and a bit more adventurous in the summer? It takes one to know one, so I see it all around me.

~ Summer baby clothes. This is a new obsession, obviously, but I don’t think the little tops and cute shorts could get any cuter. Baby M has a wardrobe that is fit for Nice or Cannes. And I just Can’t. Stop. Spending. Thank goodness he’s growing so fast 😉

~ A quick shower after getting out of the sea. I love swimming but hate the feeling of being salty afterwards. The combination of a good water workout and a brisk shower leaves me feeling awesome.

~ Natural make-up and playing with the colors. Everything goes in the summer, right? With a bit of strobing I can go for a natural, healthy looking skin or I can pull out a colorful palette and play around with it.

~ Creating memories. As far back as I can remember, most of the best moments of my life have been tied to summer. So I am writing this from the seaside, enjoying special moments that will become tomorrow’s precious memories.

I would love it if you share what’s special for you in the summer time. <3

Until next time, stay beautiful.

My view on blogging

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while for a while, you know I have a full time job. I wouldn’t even call it a full time job, more of a 1+1 job, since it’s not unusual for me to reach 250+ hours per month. I also have different hobbies, a house, hubby and a princess kitty to take care of and quite recently, I added a baby to the mix. So it’s not like my life was boring before I started blogging.

When I wrote the first post, I seriously doubted anyone will ever read anything I wrote. I didn’t know how to take photos (I mean, they are still not excellent, but looking back I will say that I’ve come a long way in the past two years), I didn’t know how to tag, how to address people, what information to include and so on.

Two years later, I don’t really care about blogging rules that much I like my photos as they are and I’m not willing to invest more money into new gadgets and aids to make them any better. I don’t buy subscribers on any platform. I don’t really use GA. I know that people prefer shorter posts and more photos, but I don’t care about that – I will give you long, like super long posts most of the time. I love writing so that’s the way I roll – if you don’t like it, nobody is forcing you to read it. View Post