Intervju leta: lepotno in osebno z Majo Švener


Ko sem razmišljala, kako bi zastavila letošnji Blogmas, sem bila prepričana o dveh stvareh. Prvo, da nisem sposobna spisati 24 objav, kot sem to storila že nekajkrat v preteklosti. Drugo pa, da si želim drugačnih objav, kot v preteklih letih. In kaj je lahko bolj drugače, kot da ti predstavim eno prav zelo posebno žensko. Maja Švener je lepotni skupnosti in poslovni javnosti v Sloveniji poznana kot mama znamk in trgovin in Pink Panda. Je uspešna poslovna ženska z ogromno znanja.

Ampak zame je prvo in najprej tista Maja, ob kateri se vedno počutiš dobrodošlega. Se vedno počutiš, kot da se poznata že sto let. Maja, ki jih lahko brezpogojno zaupaš in ki skrbi zate. Maja, ki je zame res zelo, zelo posebna oseba in prav zato sem želela, da jo bolje spoznaš tudi ti.

V nadaljevanju si lahko prebereš najin intervju, v katerem sva se poglobili v Majino lepotno rutino, življenje med korono in praznični čas. Maja, tebi pa hvala ti za tvoj čas, voljo in vse lepo, kar prinašaš v moje življenje.

Maja, živjo! Za nami bo kmalu eno res nenavadno leto, ki je marsikaj obrnilo na glavo, tudi naše nakupne navade. Delež nakupovanja preko spleta se je povečal in verjamem, da se vam je to poznalo tudi na PANDA. Kako pa se tebi uspe sprostiti v teh norih časih? Kaj ti daje energijo, ki jo potrebuješ za delo?

Maša, živjo! Imaš prav, letošnje leto je bilo filmsko. Marca se nam življenje  v podjetju popolnoma obrnilo na glavo. Med prvi valom sicer nisem najbolj dojela vsega, ker je bilo moje življenje en mesec  in pol Gardalandov Blue Tornado. Od jutra do večera delo, vseskozi spremljati novice, omejitve. Marsikdo namreč ne ve, da nismo prisotni samo v Sloveniji, ampak na 9-ih EU trgih z blagovno znamko PINK PANDA. Slovenija je za nas eden izmed najmanjših trgov. Prav vsak dan nismo vedeli, če bomo lahko izdelke dostavili v različne države.  Pa potem vsaka pošta s svojimi omejitvami. Hkrati pa so naročila eksplodirala. En mesec sem govorila, da imamo vsak dan Black Friday. Skladišče imamo namreč centralno v Ljubljani, potem pa s kombiji vozimo na lokalne pošte v tujini. Bilo je res adrenalinsko. Po tem obdobju pa smo vsi ujeli ritem in se navadili na »novo realnost« in optimizirali vse procese do te mere, da je življenje postalo popolnoma »normalno«.

Energijo pa mi vedno dajejo novi projekti znotraj podjetja, kjer je trenutno fokus na razvoju lastnih izdelkov. Izven službe pa narava, hoja v gore. Še zdaj, novembra, hodim redno tja, kamor megla ne seže in to je zame ena velika meditacija. Srečo imam, da zelo cenim malenkosti, tako da je tudi v tem obdobju ogromno stvari, ki me napolnijo z energijo in mi dajo veselje. Se pa tudi jaz veselim časov, ko se bomo lahko spet vsi objemali, kofetkali, potovali.

Mraz je že kar pošteno pritisnil – mi lahko poveš, kakšna je tvoja jutranja rutina nege kože, da jo zaščitiš pred zunanjimi vplivi? Kateri so tisti izdelki, brez katerih vsekakor ne moreš?

Moja jutranja rutina je v bistvu izjemno, izjemno preprosta. Obraz si osvežim  s hladno vodo in nanesem ogromno količino SPF kreme. Prisegam na Paula’s Choice Essential Glow Moisturizer. Ugotovila sem, da je to zame dovolj v jutranji rutini. Sem eksperimentirala še z ostalimi koraki, pa sem se vedno potem vrnila nazaj k tej preprosti rutini. Potem sledi nanos »primerja«. Trenutno testiram Urban Decay Quick Fix Hydra Charged priming spray, za katerega sem ugotovila, da mi ustreza najbolj, če ga nanesem po SPF kremi. Potem sledi nanos ličil in rutina je končana. Ponavadi mi to vzame maksimalno 15 minut.

Kako pa kožo nahraniš in pocrkljaš zvečer?

OK, tukaj je pa stvari bolj kompleksna. Zvečer prisegam na dvojno čiščenje in sploh ne  morem verjeti, da tega nisem prakticirala od rojstva 😀 Prvi korak je čiščenje s PURITO čistilnim oljem. Pri čistilnih oljih sem imela vedno problem, da moje oči niso bile prijateljice z njimi in so me pekle ali se solzile še par ur po čiščenju. Pri PURITO čistilcu teh težav nimam, prav tako obožujem njegovo teksturo. Drugi korak je čiščenje s PURITO Defence Barrier PH Cleanser-jem, ki odstrani še  preostale ostanke ličil. Sledi nanos tonika, kjer uporabljam AROMATICA Reviving Rose Infusion Treatment Toner.

Nato sledi nanos PURITO Centella seruma in kreme pod očmi PURITO Centella Green Eye Level. Trenutno uporabljam tudi Tarte Baba Bomb, kamor vsake 2 dni vmešam Tetraforce. Zaključim z AROMATICA Neroli oljem za obraz. Enkrat tedensko uporabim tudi Skintegra Lumion.

Imaš morda kakšen poseben lepotni ritual, ki bi ga lahko delila z nami?

Ne vem, če to šteje, a redno uporabljam Molash serum za trepalnice. Moje trepalnice so tako čudovite po njegovi uporabi, da brez tega izdelka ne zmorem več. Prav tako vsak večer nanesem balzam za ustnice, kremo za noge (imam izjemno suha stopala) in sedaj se trudim tudi kremo za roke, čeprav nimam rada občutka kreme na rokah.

Priznam, da vedno občudujem, kako si urejena, hkrati pa je tvoj make-up res minimalen. Kateri so tisti izdelki, brez katerih na nek običajen delovni dan vsekakor ne moreš?

V bistvu imaš kar prav, zelo se trudim, da moj makeup izpade minimalno, čeprav realno sploh ni 😀 Rada imam takšen Charlotte Tilbury  inspired natural glowy videz. Tak videz dosežem z Nabla Futuristic Foundation podlago in zaključnim pudrom Charlotte Tilbury  Airbrush Finishing Powderjem. S tem dosežem res tak lep, zdrav, naraven videz. Potem pa se vsak dan igram z različnimi blushi, senčili, na koncu pa fiksiram s sprejem. Nimam pa rada full coverage look-a, ker se mi zdi, da moji osebnosti tudi enostavno ne ustreza. Na nekaterih pa to zgleda božansko.

Ali je sploh možno, da izbereš lepotni izdelek, ki te je najbolj navdušil v letu 2020? Gotovo nas vse zanima, kateri je in zakaj si ga izbrala!

Purito čistilno olje za obraz, to je moj »must have«. Potem NYX Bare With Me Brow Setter (končno en brow setter, ki moje obrvi postavi na svoje mesto, pa še drag ni), Nabla Big Powder brush za nanos pudra v kamnu, Makeup Revolution Soph X paleta highlighterjev. Seznam lahko gre v neskončnost. Zato sem namesto enega izbrala štiri in se tukaj tudi ustavila.

Na (PINK PANDA) ponujate res ogromno znamk. Katere pa so tiste znamke, pri katerih se ti osebno vedno najbolj razveseliš novosti? Česa vsekakor ne smemo zamuditi?

Moj obred je, da čisto vsak dan preverim naše novosti na strani. Ponavadi se res razveselim prav vseh novih izdelkov, mi prav dogaja. Ampak res, res pa rada preverim Nabla novosti, ker niso pogoste, jaz pa sem zvesta zbiralka njihovih izdelkov. Kvaliteta nikolo ne razočara, hkrati pa so vizualno res popolni. Prav tako imam ful rada NYX, Revolution brande, Lovely, Wibo, Essence, Catrice, naše korejske skincare brande in še in še. Ni mi hudo vodit naše spletne trgovine, vsak dan je božič 😀

Povej nam po pravici – si šla letos kdaj spat brez čiščenja obraza?

Nikoli in nikdar! Zelo sem občutljiva, če nimam očiščenega obraza pred spanjem in je pri meni v isti kategoriji kot to, da se (vsaj) enkrat na dan stuširaš 🙂

Praznični mesec je pred vrati in mislim, da deliva ljubezen do teh praznikov ? Glede na to, da imaš mlado mucko – bo letos smrečica sploh stala?

I love your questions! Ne, smrečka letos ne bo stala, bo pa zato par 10 EUR več okrasja na zgornjem delu zaves 😀 Prav tako imam že par let tradicijo, da zunaj hišo okrasim do te mere, da bi lahko pri meni snemali Coca-Cola reklamo. Muc Max enostavno odstrani vse okraske v sekundi, zato nima smisla karkoli postavljat v njegovem dosegu 😀

Zelo aktualna tema so vsak december tudi adventni koledarji – imaš letos tudi zase kakšnega, ali pa ti to ni v navadi? Katerega bi priporočala tistim, ki naju berejo? Katera znamka po tvoje ponuja najboljšo vrednost za naš denar?

Jaz pri adventnih koledarjih ne gledam toliko na samo hot deal, kjer privarčuješ. Ampak izbiram po tem, da bom res uživala, ko bom to odpirala in to tudi uporabljala. Letos sem si vzela NYX 12 Day Lipstick Countdown. Tukaj pa bi se rada ustavila, ker rada kupim le stvari, za katere vem, da jih bom uporabljala. Nisem ena izmed tistih, ki ima doma na tone ličil, ki jih potem nikoli ne uporabi.

Pri nas imamo letos zelo lepo in razširjeno ponudbo adventnih koledarjev. Od klasičnega in najbolje prodajanega Makeup Revolution koledarja, do NYX koledarjev (ki so že tik pred razprodajo) do MAD Beauty, ki ima luštne Disney in Friends adventne koledarje.

Sicer imam še ogromno vprašanj, a vem, da si zaposlena, zato te vprašam le še sledeče: če bi ti zlata ribica v letu 2021 lahko izpolnila tri želje, kaj bi si zaželela?

Da greva kmalu na sok, da greva kmalu na kosilo in da mi prineseš še eno zlato ribico 😀

Draga Maja, naj se ti uresničijo vse tri želje! Tebi, ki si tole prebrala do konca pa z Majo podarjava dve stvari: prva je promo koda MASA2020, ki jo lahko do konca leta uporabiš za brezplačno poštnino ne glede na višino nakupa! Druga pa je čudovita Nabla Dreamy paletka, ki kar kliče po uporabi v prazničnih dneh, gotovo pa ne bo ostala pozabljena tudi preostale dni v letu. Kako sodeluješ v nagradni igri, preveri na mojem instagramu (masa.muster).

Do naslednjič,

Blogmas 2017 #11: Simple hair care routine and best products of 2017

simple hair care routine

My bathroom and cabinet are filled with skincare and make-up but for some reason, I manage to keep my haircare products in check. I don’t have a very sensitive scalp or any particular hair issues so I can afford the luxury of constantly trying out new products that enter the market.

Simple hair care routine – shampoo and conditioner

simple hair care routine L'Oreal Elseve L'Occitane

I always start with shampoo and continue with conditioner. For a while, people were saying to apply conditioner beforehand and I tried that a couple of times. Honestly, I didn’t see any difference. I try to wash my hair with lukewarm water whenever possible. This year, my #1 choice of shampoo and conditioner was the L’Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay purifying shampoo and conditioner. I’ve gone through three bottles of each and couldn’t bring myself to use many other shampoos instead of these. They have a great smell, the shampoo really felt purifying and the conditioner left my hair super soft and less frizzy.

Once every few weeks, I also apply the L’Occitane revitalizing fresh cleansing scrub – I wrote a whole post about it *here* for those of you who want to know more. In short, it’s a cleansing shampoo to really get rid of all the build-up on your hair. I’d definitely recommend the investment since you’ll be hard pressed to use this 150ml bottle in 12 months.

Simple hair care routine – hair luxuries

simple hair care routine Avon leave in conditioner

My all-time favorite hair-care product is the Avon Advanced Techniques Quick Touch leave-in conditioner. I swear that I have been using about 3 bottles of this for the past five years at least, perhaps more. It’s definitely not the most luxurious product based on ingredients (perfume and alcohol are very high up there) but for some reason, this makes my hair look like silk. I can apply it all over my hair and scalp without having to worry about any greasiness or weighed down hair. A product I absolutely adore and costs next to nothing.

simple hair care routine L'Oreal

Another product I discovered this year (year of oils, remember?) is the L’Oreal Professionel Mythic Oil. This is a mixture of silicones and oils and, when applied sparingly to the roots, makes your hair look soft and silky. I use it on my ends whenever I’m late with a hairdresser appointment and it really masks the fact that my ends are already split.

Simple hair care routine – new products for 2018

simple hair care routine Olaplex

In the following year, I’m very excited to try out some new products. First is the Olaplex #3 for home use. I always get Olaplex full treatment in my hair salon, but I’ve actually never tried their products on my own. Somehow, the idea of Olaplex always seemed super professional to me and therefore something that you cannot attempt on your own. Turns out, it’s really as simple as any other conditioner, so I can’t wait to give it a proper go!

simple hair care routine Vichy Dercos Densi-Solutions

I’m also really excited to try the new Vichy Dercos Densi Solutions thickening balm, shampoo and concentrate. This new Vichy line is promising visibly stronger and denser looking hair that also looks softer. I’m excited to see how it will work for my hair.

What were your hair care favorites of 2017? I’ll be happy to find out about them and perhaps add some more to my wishlist! Until next time, stay beautiful!

Blogmas 2017 #9: Blogging lessons from 2017

The year’s about to come to an end and as always, it’s time to take a step back and look at the results. From blogging point of view, 2018 was great for me and hopefully, this trend will continue into 2018. Today, I want to share some lessons that I learned in the past year and really tell you what beauty blogging means to me.

Lesson #1 of beauty blogging: Invest time and effort into brands that are close to you

beauty blogging

In the past, I received PR packages and then panicked until I tested them all and wrote the necessary blog posts. Now, I’m much more picky about what I’ll try out, both in make-up and skincare. I don’t work with brands I don’t believe in, but I try really hard to support those that are close to me. And no, despite a few offers, I still haven’t taken money for my posts. This year, the brand family that I’m happy to participate with has grown quite a lot. It was joined by Mirta, Natura Siberica, The Body Shop, Yankee Candle, Yanumi, Dr. Organic, La Roche-Posay, Paese and many others. These are brands that try to do well and even more often, brands that find sustainability important. Of course, a part of my heart (and my blog) is still reserved for brands that have been with me from the start – Nivea, Catrice, Essence and L.O.V, Avon, L’Occitane, Melvita, Medex and others.

Lesson #2 of beauty blogging: Stress less, laugh more

beauty blogging

I didn’t get a brand collaboration I really wanted? I didn’t get invited to an event? The photo on the Instagram didn’t get almost any likes? SO WHAT! Brands that want to work with me know why they chose me. Events are nice, but not the only thing in the world (which is also why I missed quite a few this year) and the likes on photos can be attributed to a dozen factors. A year or so ago, I would stress endlessly about these things, but now I just wave them off and make a cool looking smiling selfie instead. The world instantly seems brighter.

Lesson #3 of beauty blogging: Invest in equipment

beauty blogging

This year, I had to find space in my home for new lights, backdrops and tons of decorations for photos. But even more importantly, our family extended by one Canon named Lucy. As you can see, the blog is also now separated into English and Slovenian page, which took quite a bit of work (and will take lots more) and was also quite an investment. But it’s totally worthy it. I feel so lucky every time someone notices the changes on my blog and I’m also much happier with the photos now. Beauty blogging is not a source of income for me, but I still want my blog to be as pretty as possible while also keeping the quality of contents in check.

Lesson #4 of beauty blogging: Everything is easier with friends by your side

beauty blogging

The universe was kind enough to send three amazing women into my life. Each day, they make me laugh and fill me with positive energy. We share the good, the bad and the ugly, blogging adventures and personal lives. Gabi, Metka, Maja – I love you. Hopefully, 2018 will be a great year for our friendship.
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Blogmas #8: best make-up 2017

The post you’ve been asking for over the last couple of weeks – best make-up of 2017! This year, it’s exclusively drugstore (although some prices are pushing over to the high-end side) and to be honest, I’m really happy about that. I don’t think that things we enjoy should cost and arm and a leg so I’m happy if I can find inexpensive products that are awesome. Enjoy (and also, get yourself some wine and popcorn, because it’s a long one).

Best make-up 2017 – great base

best make-up 2017 foundation

It was easy to choose my favorite foundation for the year 2017. It’s Paese Liquid Powder Double Skin Aqua – lightweight and moisturizing foundation (mine in the shade 20A). Their foundations have 4 squares on the side. This particular foundation has 3 filled up which means medium coverage, so I’m guessing all four would mean full coverage. Easy way to find the foundation you’re looking for. The application with the doe-foot applicator is easy and although it tends to oxidize on me the tiniest bit, it’s nothing compared to other foundations. I’d say this one would be great for almost any skin type.

best make-up 2017 foundation Paese

It’s primer galore in my house and I’ve tried many great primers this year, but again, I have to go for the same brand. Paese mattifying make-up base (for oily and combination skin). It’s a silicone primer which will make your foundation look beautiful. I don’t think it would do any favors to super oily skin though – silicones tend to slide right off it. In combination with the foundation mentioned above, it looks stunning.

I’m not a big believer in  BB creams but Vipera BB Cream (02 natural) that reduces redness and evens out the complexion totally changed the game for me. To be quite honest, I don’t even see it as a BB cream but a medium-coverage foundation which covers up all imperfections quite well. I enjoy using it when I don’t want to worry too much about my foundation. I’d definitely recommend it if you’re still on the hunt for a good BB cream.

I’ve tried perhaps a dozen concealers this year – both high-end and drugstore – and haven’t been impressed at all until I bumped into Catrice Liquid Camouflage high-coverage concealer. My first one – I don’t know how I’ve never come across it before. I don’t apply it directly on my under-eye circles directly because it’s quite fair and would make them stand out even more. First, i cover them up with a concealer closer to my skin tone and then I apply this concealer to brighten up the area. Also use it to carve out my eyebrow when I feel like it. Great full coverage concealer for less then 5€? Sold!

best make-up 2017 finishing powder

For finishing powder with some extra coverage, I can’t say enough good words about Bell Hypoallergenic Mat Powder (I think 04 – I’m a bit annoyed it doesn’t say anywhere on the packaging itself). I’m on my second one, and I’ve got a back-up as well. It’s not exactly lightweight, but applied over a light weight foundation, it gives you that extra coverage and makes your skin look beautiful. Low Maintenance Beauty approved! Read more about it *here*.

best make-up 2017 finishing powder

2017 was definitely a year of translucent powders. Out of all I tried, the price-performance ratio was the best with Avon Mark Magix HD Finishing powder. Why yes, I do also pay attention to the price. If I’m going to recommend something for 40€, it better be  worth it (which it usually isn’t in my opinion) and the same way around – if I’m going to find a powder for a couple of Euro that works (almost) just as well as the one for 30€, I’ll recommend it to you. The Avon Mark magix powder is very finely mild and will definitely keep the shine at bay! You can read more about it *here*.

Best make-up 2017 – adding some color to the face

best make-up 2017 contouring


Powder highlighters are my nemesis as I’m drawn to them like a moth to a flame. My absolute favorite this year has been Essence Cubanita Jumbo Highlighter
(unfortunately, LE but perhaps you can still find it somewhere). A beautiful golden shade and powdery formula, this highlighter is super simple to work with. The size promises at least a couple of years of use so I’m in love.

Liquid highlights are also tempting, but I’m hard pressed to find ones that show up well and are at the same time not difficult to blend out. L.O.V LOVglow Highlighting drops meet both criteria. I like that they aren’t too difficult to work it and not over-pigmented, so I can easily control the level of shine on my face. They come with a great easy to use dropper which is perfect for liquid products. Don’t forget to always apply liquid products before you set your face, otherwise it will look unnatural! I did some swatches *here*.

best make-up 2017 contouring View Post

Blogmas 2017 #7: A peek into my Christmas home

Today, I’m offering you a rare glimpse into my home and my Christmas home decoration. I don’t have any particular theme going on since I’m a rather impulsive shopper. I do the main bit of decorating in the living room and the dining area, but occasionaly I put decorations in other rooms as well. Naturally, I’m not showing you everything, but enough to satisfy those of you who’re more curious by heart.

Christmas home decoration centerpiece

Christmas home decoration centerpiece

This is our dining room centerpiece this year, made by the incredible Marjan Lovšin. The flowers are real and waxed so I’m curious to see how it will dry out. I love the little Christmas house in the center as well.

Christmas home decoration reindeer

This is Clarence. He doesn’t exactly fit the theme but Baby M loves him so we put him up besides  the window.

Christmas home decoration Woodwick

I love candles. Normally, I’m a big fan of Yankee Candles and have quite the collection, but last winter I discovered the WoodWick candles which cracle as they burn and smell amazing. I’m half way done with my second one so I’m hoping that Santa noticed I need a new one.

Christmas home decoration christmas tree

Christmas home decoration snowman

There’s always an overload of presents under the Christmas tree and since they’re mostly for children, the wrappings are in numerous colors and prints. Therefore, I like to keep the tree more minimalistic as most people. I really love this little snowman and I hope that Baby M doesn’t get any weird ideas with the tree because I’d be sorry to see it go. He’s been acting nice so far so fingers crossed we have no accidents this year.

Christmas home decoration

Christmas home decoration

A poinsettia is a must in our home and I usually go through at least two of them. This year, this one is holding up incredibly well so hopefully, she’ll be with us for a long time. The bowl next to pointsettia sometimes holdes tangerines and sometimes candy – depending on my mood.

Christmas home decoration

I have this beautiful lamp on the piano and normally it doesn’t get much love. Since I really like this corner of the living room, I decided to put some small lights on it to make it stand out a little bit more.

Do you like anything in particular? Do you decorate more or less? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, stay beautiful!