Top 5 spring nail polishes **** Top 5 spomladanskih lakov za nohte


Until I started loving make-up more, I never even considered which nail polish would be suitable for a certain season. I wore lime green in winter and dark red in the summer and even though I still mix it up, I prefer to keep my nails appropriate to the weather and my mood that goes along with it. Here in Slovenia, spring already arrived a couple of days ago and I was inspired to go through my stash and find the nail polishes I will be wearing in the following months. Here are my favorites.

Včasih, ko v mojem življenju make-up ni igral posebne vloge, nisem niti razmišljala o tem, kateri lak za nohte bom izbrala v določenem letnem času. Pozimi sem nosila limetasto zelen lak, poleti temno rdečega in čeprav to še vedno občasno naredim, se večino časa moji nohti ujemajo z vremenom in seveda mojim razpoloženjem, ki se spreminja skozi letne čase. V Sloveniji je pomlad prav zares že tu, zato sem pobrskala po svoji zbirki lakov in izbrala tiste, ki jih bom z veseljem nosila v prihodnjih mesecih. Predstavljam ti pet mojih najljubših.

OPI  – I believe in manicures

OPI I believe in manicures is a light blue polish, the color of the spring sky and a color I associate strongly with Easter eggs. It’s a part of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s collection. The formula is very easy to apply as with moth OPI polishes. I prefer three coats but you’ll get a strong color with two coats as well.

OPI I believe in manicures je svetlo plav lak za nohte, lak v barvi spomladanskega neba in v barvi, ki jo sama močno povezujem z velikonočnimi jajci. Ta lak je del kolekcije Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Formula je kot pri večini OPI lakov enostavna za nanos. Sama ga nanesem v treh slojih, že dva pa zadoščata za močan odtenek čudovite plave barve.

Catrice Soft Blossom – Coachella Vibes

This nail polish will surprise you with a slight flowery scent once applied and dry. It looks brighter in the bottle than it comes out on the nails but it’s still warm enough to be considered a spring polish in my book. It gives a semi-matte finish which you can either accept or top it off with a shiny top coat to give it that extra shine. The pigmentation is comparable to any other high-end nail polish – in the photo, I’m only wearing one coat!  There are six different shades available in the collection, each unique in its own way.

Ta lak te bo po sušenju presenetil z lahnim cvetličnim vonjem. V steklenički izgleda nekoliko svetlejši, kot na nohtih, vendar pa se mi barva še vedno zdi nadvse spomladanska. Zaključek je rahlo mat, seveda pa z nanosom nadlaka še vedno lahko dosežeš svetleč zaključek. Pigmentacija tega laka je primerljiva s kakšnimi mnogo dražjimi znamkami – na fotografiji imam nanešen samo en sloj! V kolekciji je šest različnih odtenkov, prav vsak poseben na svoj način.

Revlon Parfumerie – Lime Basil

It’s been years since I bought the Revlon Parfumerie nail polish in the shade Lime Basil, but you can still find it in stores and online. Again, it’s a scented nail polish which I don’t mind at all. The color in the bottle is a bit brighter than on the nails, but that’s due to the fact that you’ll definitely need two coats to get full potential from this polish. The color of fresh grass in the morning is not something I can wear to work, but I do enjoy putting it on my nails when I have some days off.

Ta Revlon Parfumerie lak v odtenku Lime Basil sem kupila že leta nazaj, še vedno pa ga občasno vidim v drogerijah in v spletnih trgovinah. Ponovno gre za odišavljen lak, kar mene ne moti. V tem primeru je barva laka v steklenički svetlejša kot na nohtih, kar je tudi posledica tega, da za lepo barvo vsekakor potrebuješ nanesti dva sloja. Barva sveže trave v spomladanskem jutru sicer ni nekaj, kar bi bilo zame primerno za službo, vendar pa ga z veseljem nosim med vikendi in takrat, ko me ne čaka noben pomemben sestanek.

L’Oreal – Dimanche Apres-Midi

The name of this nail polish translates to “Sunday afternoon” which incidentally is also the time when I always paint my nails. It’s one of the prettiest nail polishes that I found in 2017 and the formula of these “grenade” L’Oreal Color Riche polishes is absolutely amazing, I have no trouble applying them at all! The pigmentation is super strong – I’m wearing two very thin coats in the photo, but you can get full coverage in the color of faded ballet slippers with two thicker coats or three thin coats. This is a “wedding” color every woman should have in her collection.

Ime tega laka v dobesednem prevodu pomeni “nedeljsko popoldne”, kar je čisto po naključju tudi čas, ko si sama vedno lakiram nohte. Gre za enega najlepših lakov, ki sem jih do sedaj našla v letu 2017. Formula teh “granat” – L’Oreal Color Riche lakov je odlična. Sama z nanosom nimam prav nobenih težav. Pigmentacija je zelo močna – na fotografiji sem nanesla dva tanka sloja, polno prekrivnost v barvi zbledelih baletnih copatkov pa lahko dosežeš z dvema debelejšima ali tremi tanjšimi sloji. Gre za “poročno” barvo, ki bi jo prav vsaka ženska morala imeti v svoji zbirki!

Deborah Milano gel effect – 73 (swimming blue)

This Deborah nail polish matches the color of a tropical sea somewhere in the Maldives. Since not many of us get to see that sea (read that out loud) whenever we feel like it, why not bring some color into our lives on our nails? This is actually the first Deborah nail polish I ever bought and I’m impressed by the color payoff and the formula, which is very forgiving. I usually apply to coats to get the best effect. The finish is gel-like, so super shiny, but I prefer to put on a top coat to make sure the color stays in place. A definite must for the spring season.

Barva tega Deborah laka za nohte me spominja na barvo morja nekje na Maldivih. Ker pa Maldivov večina ne more obiskati ravno vsakič, ko se nam zahoče, lahko nekaj barve v svoje življenje prinesemo tudi na nohtih. Gre za prvi Deborah Milano lak, ki sem ga kdajkoli kupila. Formula je enostavna za nanos, pigmentacija pa zelo solidna – običajno sama nanesem dva sloja. Kljub temu, da je zaključek res gel, torej izredno sijoč, preko tega laka nanesem še nadlak, ki mi zagotavlja daljšo obstojnost. Zame vsekakor nujno potrebna spomladanska barva.

These are my top five polishes for this spring season. I’m already looking forward to doing some fun manicures with these – make sure to follow me on Instagram (scroll down for the feed or follow me on @low_maintenance_beauty) to see what I’ll create. I hope it’s warm wherever you are and that you’re already getting some sunshine in your life! Until next time, stay beautiful!

Tako, to je mojih pet najljubših barv za to pomlad. Veselim se ustvarjanja kakšne posebne manikure – če mi slediš na Instagramu (fotografije lahko najdeš čisto na dnu te strani ali mi slediš na @low_maintenance_beauty), si boš lahko ogledala kakšno od mojih stvaritev. Upam, da je tudi tam, kjer se nahajaš že toplo in te božajo sončni žarki. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

New blog look + A-Z tag!

I have been thinking about getting my blog a new home and a new look. It took a while (a whole month, to be exact), but finally, it’s here! I hope you like the way it looks – I think it’s prettier and much easier to navigate. On the top, you have different categories you can browse through and on the right, you can use search to look for specific things that might interest you. I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out although I still have a lot of work to do since all the old posts look a bit different and need a bit of TLC (and computer skills). Hopefully, I will get everything just the way it’s supposed to be in a couple of months.

Že kar nekaj časa sem želela svoj blog preseliti na njegov lasten naslov in mu podariti tudi nov videz. Trajalo je kar dolgo (cel mesec, da smo čisto natančni), ampak končno je tu! Upam, da ti je nov videz všeč – meni se zdi lepši in precej bolj pregleden. Na vrhu lahko najdeš različne kategorije zapisov, na desni pa z iskalnikom lahko poiščeš vse, kar bi te morda zanimalo. Čeprav bo s starimi objavami še kar nekaj dela, saj se jim je videz med prenosom kar precej spremenil, pa sem osebno zelo vesela, da smo že skoraj na cilju. Upam, da bo čez kakšen mesec vse izgledalo tako, kot želim.

While I was sorting through old content, I found an old tag post (almost two years old) that I enjoyed very much and wanted to do it again. I’m talking about the A-Z tag where you choose one favorite brand and one favorite product from that brand for the entire alphabet. I am missing H & I (since I apparently don’t have any favorites for those letters), but other than that – here they are!

Ko sem brskala po starih zapisih, sem našla tag, v katerem sem zelo uživala, zato sem ga želela ponoviti (do takratne objave je namreč že dve leti). Gre za A-Z tag, v katerem za vsako črko abecede izbereš eno najljubšo znamko in znotraj tiste znamke še najljubši izdelek. Priznam, da nisem našla nobenega res dobrega izdelka za črki H & I, ampak vse ostale favorite ti predstavljam tu.

A, B, C, D

Avon has many great products and it was hard to choose one, but I love the color of this Avon Nailwear Pro+ in Minty. It’s similar to Essie Mint Candy, but the formula is better and it stays on my nails for up to a week. Bell Hypoalergenic is a relatively new brand to me but I’m really enjoying the Mat Powder (natural effect) and I’m about to hit pan! It’s a fine tinted pressed powder which makes my skin look flawless but doesn’t cake up on the liquid foundation. Catrice is my favorite drugstore brand and I have a large collection, but the winners in my book are the Shine Appeal Fluid Lipsticks that are light, well pigmented and not sticky at all. The shades and the packaging are gorgeous as well. Dvorec Trebnik is one of the best Slovenian beauty brands in my opinion and I am really loving this Refreshing toner with hamamelis extract. It’s light, smells nice and really cleans off my skin well

Avon ima mnogo super izdelkov in težko sem izbrala enega, venar pa sem popolnoma zaljubljena v barvo Avon Nailwear Pro+ Minty. Spominja me na Essie Mint Candy, vendar pa je formula Avona po mojem mnenju boljša in se na mojih nohtih obdrži tudi po cel teden. Bell Hypoalergenic je znamka, ki jo šele spoznavam, vendar pa res uživam pri uporabi Mat Powder (natural effect). Gre za fin puder v kamnu, ki mojo kožo naredi čudovito, vendar pa ne ustvari videza maske, ko ga nanesem čez tekočo podlago. Catrice je moja najljubša znamka in moja kolekcija ni majhna, kot svoj najljubši izdelek pa sem izbrala Shine Appeal tekoče šminke, ki so lahke, dobro pigmentirane in niso lepljive. Prav tako mi je zelo všeč pakiranje in izbor barv. Dvorec Trebnik je ena najboljših slovenskih lepotnih znamk in Osvežujoči tonik z izvlečkom nepozebnika lepo diši, je lahek na koži in jo tudi dobro očisti. View Post

My top 10 nail polishes for the summer

I love changing the color of my nails as often as I find the time (which is not that often now with the baby M around, but still often enough). Going through my collection packing up for vacation, I found myself searching for very specific polishes and instantly decided to share my pick with you. 

Starting off with the lightest shades, we’ve got Ciate Snow Virgin, Delia Coral (n. 159) and Essie Sittin’ Pretty. I would say that Ciate and Delia work well with two coats, but I’m not a big fan of the Essie formula in this particular shade. Still, it’s a lovely violet color and I am willing to make an effort.

Next are the pinks and the orange shades – Avon Sheer Citrus, L’Oreal Nymphea, L’Oreal Cherie Macaron and Avon Flaming Orange. The L’Oreal polishes are spectacular – two coats do the job easily and the colors are so rich and vibrant! I didn’t think I’ll like the Avon Sheer Citrus very much but in fact it’s not as sheer as it appears in the bottle. I am hard pressed to find such neutral shades to fit my skin tone so I am a big fan of this particular polish. Avon Flaming Orange is from last year’s collection of Avon Glow, which has a ton of new releases this year.

Last but not least there are the cooler shades – Ciate Apples and Custard, Zoya Lilian and a new edition to my nail polish family, a polish from Bell Hypoalergenic (n. 45). The latter reminds me of my favorite Youtuber so I just had to pick it up, Ciate is perfect for a wash of color and Lilian is a staple on days when I can’t be bothered too much since one coat usually does the job.

What is your favorite nail polish for the summer days? Let me know!

Until next time, stay beautiful!

Pfeilring crystal nail file

My nails have never been great. I suspect I’m missing a vital nutrient that would make them stronger, but so far, I’ve had little luck with supplements. Some make my hair grow like crazy but my nails stay more or less the same all the time. So I decided that it was time to try something else.

Lovely Tara from The beauty of nail polish suggested I go ahead and try a glass or crystal nail file. I actually ordered one from Czech republic but we had some shipping problems so unfortunately, I never got it. So I simply walked into a Muller store and bought one. I thought that it probably won’t do much good anyway.

I am typing this with the longest and hardest nails I’ve ever had in my entire life. I don’t know whether I have my Pfeilring file to thank for that, or perhaps some change in hormones, but I honestly think that this file is great. I make sure to never cut my nails, but simply file them down if necessary and then close the ridge by filing in one direction only. It makes a bit of a mess and it’s not as quick as only cutting them with normal nail scissors, but I think it’s totally worth it.

The file comes in a little pouch which is great since I always bring this nail file wherever I go – if I get a split nail, I can make a quick fix on the go. It’s also easy to clean with a bit of rubbing alcohol every once in a while.

If you have trouble with nail layering or very brittle nails, I would definitely recommend you include a file into your routine!

Until next time, stay beautiful.

Best of the rest 2015

Last Sunday I wrote about the make-up products that impressed me the most in 2015. This week, I’d like to share the skincare, haircare and nail products that have been my absolute favorites in 2015 (and the months after).

Let’s start with skincare. My favorite moisturizer and face mist both come from the brand Melvita. I wrote an extensive review of both already and you can check it out in this post (click). In short, my face has been mainly clean of imperfection and my skin is feeling well hydrated ever since I’ve started using these products. They are not the cheapest, but I look at it as an investment!

I’ve tried many make-up removers in 2015 and yet I keep returning to the Decleor Aroma Cleanse. This gentle cleansing milk really removes both normal and waterproof make-up off my face and leaves it feeling smooth. The 200ml bottle costs about 20 € – I buy if from my beauty salon. This bottle lasted me about six months, so it’s not overly expensive for the amount you’re getting.

I am so bad at moisturizing my body in the colder months! Once I get out of the shower, I just want to get dressed as quickly as possible and not stand there waiting for the lotion to soak in for the next 10 minutes. The L’Occitane Jasmin-Immortelle-Neroli body lotion from the Pierre Herme line is one of those lotions that takes no time at all to sink into the skin. It leaves my body feeling well hydrated and fresh. Since I used it throughout the pregnancy and escaped without a single stretch mark, I’m giving it a 5 out of 5 points for effectiveness as well! View Post