Top 5: summer nail polish 2017 *** Top 5 lakov poletja 2017

summer nail polish 2017

Summer is officially here and you can tell just by looking at my nails. I went through the new nail polishes I acquired recently and chose five that I find the prettiest and will definitely be using both on my hands and feet this summer: the perfect summer nail polish of 2017.

summer nail polish 2017 Essence Colour Boost Instant Party

Essence Colour Boost in the shade Instant Party is a bright pink polish, perhaps a bit darker than it appears in the bottle. The whole Colour Boost line is incredibly pigmented, so I always only apply one coat for perfect coverage.

summer nail polish 2017 Catrice IcoNails Mermayday Mayday

Catrice Iconails (which I already talked about *here*) in the shade Mermayday Mayday is a beautiful polish in an emerald color. This is the current shade of my toenails and I believe that the polish will remain mainly intact for the entire vacation, including swimming and walking on beaches. This formula is one of the most long-wearing I’ve ever come accross.

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Adventni koledarji 2016

Objava samo v slovenščini?! Tako je, drage moje – tokrat samo v slovenščini, saj je namenjena prav nam, slovenskim odvisnicam od vsega lepega. In kaj je lepše, kot dan za dnem odpirati mala vratca čudovitih adventnih koledarjev, za katerimi pa se ne skriva čokolada, ampak lepotno darilce?

Lani je bilo na slovenskem trgu na voljo nekaj adventnih koledarjev, letos pa jih je prava poplava. Sama sem že izbrala svojega – spremljaj me na Instagramu @low_maintenance_beauty, kjer bom dnevno objavljala, kaj me tisti dan pričakalo za vratci. Poleg presenečenja (in dejstva, da tako mogoče prišparam kakšno kilo špehca na račun vseh čokoladic) mi je najbolj všeč, da adventni koledarji res ponujajo dobro vrednost za svojo ceno, poleg tega pa so v njih pogosto skriti tudi izdelki, ki jih same morda ne bi izbrale, a nas lahko navdušijo!

Ker je bila Nika z Beautyfull blog bolj pridna od mene in je podobno objavo že napisala, te najprej pošiljam k njej (*klik*) na ogled koledarjev Le Couvent des Minimes, Lush, L’Occitane, Essence in Alessandro. Potem pa si le preberi mojo objavo še naprej, saj sem jih sama odkrila še kar nekaj! Čeprav niso na voljo v Sloveniji, imaš še cel teden, tako da bodo verjetno še ravno pravi čas prispeli do tebe!

Če si velika navdušenka nad laki za nohte, potem je pravi zate Ciate Mini Mani Month koledar. Dobiš ga lahko na Feel Unique, pri čemer pa se zavedaj, da boš morala plačati DHL dostavo. Osnovna cena je 64 €, v njem pa se poleg 18 lakov za nohte skriva še nekaj drugih uporabnih presenečenj. View Post

First Empties of 2015!

This post is way overdue, especially due to the fact that my spare closet was starting too look like some hoarder’s wet dream. A bunch of empties and no time to share my thoughts on them with you, my beauties. But this changes – right now!

Let’s start with some haircare.

I used up the Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair for dry and damaged hair – and for once, the shampoo and the conditioner both lasted the exact same amount of washes. I don’t know why, but usually I use up the conditioner way faster. Anyway, this came recommended by a friend and I loved the product. It really did make a difference in my hair, leaving it a bit shinier and I’ve also noticed less frizz and fewer flyaways. I also use the deep conditioning mask, but I’ve got a couple more uses in that one.

As for this Essence Road Trip dry shampoo, I just don’t know. It was a random purchase and I used it just as randomly. It didn’t really convince me in making my hair any less greasy, so I mainly used it if my hair was clean but had a smell (e.g. if I was baking/cooking something with a heavy smell). So I wouldn’t repurchase this.

I have rambled about the Axe Anarchy deodorant so much in my empties, I’m not going to repeat myself. I was however slightly surprised by the Nivea Angel Star Invisible deodorant. I think they changed the formula on that one – when I used it in the past it really did the job, but for some reason this one just did not perform. It’s not really empty, but I am throwing it away since it’s useless.

Alas, I also used up an entire bottle of Chloe by Chloe perfume in about 6 months. I purchased a double size of this a couple of months back so I hope it lasts me at least until 2016. I love this smell, but I would not recommend a certain perfume to anyone, since it’s completely a personal preference. I will say, however, that it lasts beautifully on my skin – I get compliments on it even after 12 hours. View Post