Empties ***** Porabljeni izdelki

Empties ***** Porabljeni izdelki

First empties in 2017! I’ve been stacking up the empty products in a closet and only yesterday I realized that the little bag was overflowing. I know I promised the Maybelline Cushion Foundation review for this week – but we’ll need a bit of sun in this gloomy Ljubljana so I can take some good photos. Until then, enjoy these empties to tie you over!

Prva objava o porabljenih izdelkih v letu 2017! Vse izdelke sem hranila v omari in šele včeraj sem ugotovila, da je vrečka že čisto polna. Vem, da sem za ta teden obljubila tudi oceno Maybelline Cushion Foundation, ampak za dobre fotografije bo moralo v Ljubljani posijati vsaj malo sonca. Zato upam, da boš lažje počakala med tem, ko prebiraš ocene mojih “lepotnih smeti”.

I’ve been really good with my skincare lately – so good in fact, that I’ve used up quite a few of my favorite products. The Caudalie Micellar Cleansing water (organic grape water and chamomile) isn’t strong enough to remove all my make-up so I used it for second cleaning after removing most of the make-up from my face already. I really enjoyed the dispenser and the nice, soft smell. Caudalie is a natural, eco friendly brand that I really appreciate. I would buy it again. Next up is one of my favorite cleansing milks ever – La Bri floral cleansing milk. I already did a review so read more about it *here* – but I can honestly say that it’s one of the best skin products I’ve ever used in my life. The same goes for Bocassy Clean&Tone tonic (with aloe vera, green tea and marigold – read a full review *here*). This tonic has a funny smell and color, but I felt like it really hydrated and replenished my skin. Another product I’d definitely repurchase. Last but not least, I used up the Ombia hyaluron activator. I must say that I’ve noticed a definite improvement in my skin after a couple of weeks – there was definitely fewer dry patches than before. I’ve now switched to hyaluronic gel from Ombia and I’ll report on that soon.

Zadnje čase se res trudim za svojo kožo in posledično tudi izdelke porabljam veliko hitreje. Caudalie Micelarna čistilna vodica (z organsko grozdno vodo in kamilico) sicer ni bila dovolj močna, da bi odstranila ves moj make-up, zato sem jo uporabljala kot drugi korak po odstranitvi večine ličil. Všeč mi je priročno pakiranje in nežen, blag vonj. Caudalie je naravna, okolju prijazna znamka in to cenim, zato bi izdelek spet kupila. La Bri cvetilno čistilno mleko je eden mojih najljubših izdelkov za nego kože vseh časov. Kratko oceno sem že napisala in jo lahko prebereš *tukaj*, na kratko pa lahko rečem, da gre res za odličen izdelek. Enako velja za Bocassy Clean&Tone tonik (z aloe vero, zelenim čajem in ognjičem – celotna ocena te čaka *tukaj*). Ta tonik ima nekoliko hecno barvo in vonj, vendar pa se mi je zdelo, da je res lepo nahranil in obnovil mojo kožo. Tudi to je izdelek, ki ga bom ponovno kupila. Nenazadnje se je med porabljenimi znašel tudi Ombia aktivator hialuronske kisline. Že po nekaj tednih uporabe sem opazila očitno razliko, saj je bilo na moji koži manj suhih predelov kot običajno. Sedaj sem ga zamenjala za Ombia hialuronski gel, o katerem bom več napisala ob drugi priložnosti.

I’ve really been into foaming shower gels recently and I used up two of them in the past months – Ritual Zensation and Artdeco Senses Asian Spa. I like them because I need a really tiny amount and they do all the work for me, dispensing soft foam directly into my hands. I would have liked the Senses Spa gel even more if I could get all of the product out of it (especially regarding the price!) – I think there’s at least fifth remaining in there but pressing it doesn’t work anymore. Both of these gels smelled fantastic, but I’ll probably look for something new to try out. Stenders Salt Scrub (Rose) was a semi-gentle salt peel with pieces of rose in it. I liked using it a lot but I must say that it left a right mess in the bath tub every time – it’s very oily and the pieces of roses stuck everywhere. I also used it way past its expiration date which is only 3 months after opening – this makes me think that it really is a natural product. I didn’t have the same issues with Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Body scrub-gelee which is very soft, but more importantly, smells like a freshly squeezed grapefruit. If I ever find it again, I’ll definitely repurchase it. I wrote a bit about Just intimate gel *here* already, but I’ll repeat myself – it’s the only gel for intimate care I’ll ever use because it’s gentle and doesn’t have any weird chemicals in it. I definitely won’t repurchase the Stenders Melon shower gel which was OK as far as shower gels go, but the fruity smell was way to overpowering for me.

Peneči geli za prhanje bodo očitno postali moja šibkost, saj sem v zadnjih dveh mesecih porabila kar dva  –Rituals Zensation in Senses Asian Spa znamke Artdeco. Všeč mi je, ker potrebujem res majhno količino, hkrati pa se mi ni treba truditi, ampak mi kar embalaža sama postreže s peno. Po drugi strani bi mi bilo predvsem pri Senses gelu všeč, če bi ven dobila vse, kar je v steklenički – občutek imam namreč, da je notri ostala kakšna petina izdelka. Oba gela sta imela prijeten vonj, vendar pa bom verjetno sedaj poiskala še kakšen drug peneči gel za prhanje. Stenders Salt Scrub (Vrtnica) je srednje nežen solni piling s koščki vrtnice, ki sem ga z veseljem uporabljala, moram pa reči, da je v tušu pustil za sabo pravo razdejanje, saj je zelo masten in koščki so bili prilepljeni povsod. Vsekakor sem ga uporabljala veliko predolgo, saj je njegov rok po odprtju samo tri mesece, kar mi da misliti, da gre res za dober, naraven proizvod. Po drugi strani te težave nisem imela s Pink Grapefruit body scrub-gelee znamke Body Shop. Sam piling s tem izdelkom je bil res nežen, ampak mislim, da vonj ne bi pustil ravnodušne nobene ženske, saj diši ravno tako, kot sveže prerezana grenivka. Če ga bom še kje zasledila, ga bom z veseljem kupila. O intimnem gelu Just sem že pisala *tu* – je edini, ki ga uporabljam, saj se mi zdi res nežen in primeren za intimno nego, zato ga bom še kupila. Vsekakor pa ne bom ponovila nakupa Stenders Melon gela za prhanje, ki je bil sicer kot gel za tuširanje čisto uporaben, vendar mi je bil njegov vonj veliko presladek, tudi v poletnih dneh, kaj šele zdaj pozimi. View Post


We’ve done best of make-up 2016, now it’s time for skincare. I must say that this year, I’ve been paying more attention to my skin than ever before since I had so many issues with it because of hormonal imbalance during my pregnancy (but the end result is worthy every discoloration and pimple, I promise). I also discovered many new brands and the end result is here.

O najljubših ličilih leta 2016 sem že spregovorila, zdaj pa je čas za negovalne izdelke za nego obraza in telesa. Priznam, da sem moji koži v zadnjem letu posvečala več pozornosti kot kadar koli prej, saj sem imela med nosečnostjo zaradi hormonskega neravnovesja nemalo težav (vendar prisežem, da je končni rezultat vreden vsakega pigmentnega madeža in mozoljčka). Odkrila sem tudi nekaj novih znamk in tu je končni rezultat.

First, let’s talk showers. I absolutely adore cream-to-foam products and the one I’ve been loving the most in the past year is the Senses Asian Spa foaming shower gel in the scent ginger and goji berry. This is actually an Artdeco brand and I first discovered it during summer. I appreciate the scent and also the fact I have to use the smallest amount to get all cleaned up.

Najprej čisto na kratko o najljubšem gelu za tuširanje. Obožujem izdelke, ki se iz kremastih spremenijo v peno in moj najljubši je bil letos Senses Asian Spa foaming shower gel v vonju ingverja in goji jagod. To znamko, ki sodi pod Artdeco, sem prvič odkrila poleti. Poleg super vonja mi je všeč tudi dejstvo, da potrebujem res majhno količino, da se namilim po celem telesu. View Post


The year is coming to an end and among other things, a post about my favorite make-up products in 2016 is an absolute necessity. I reviewed quite a few of these products during the year. Where such post already exists, I’m including a link so you can read about the product in detail.

Eden od letnih zaključkov, ki je vsekakor nujen, je takšna objava o mojih naljubših ličilih, s katerimi sem se srečala v letu 2016. Mnogo teh izdelkov sem tekom leta že ocenila – kjer takšna ocena obstaja, bom vedno dodala povezavo, da si lahko prebereš še moje podrobno mnenje.

I tried to choose one product in each category but had to leave some categories out (like bronzer) because I simply didn’t find a product that would amaze me in 2016. Since there are still a bunch of products I want to talk about, let’s get started!

V vsaki kategoriji sem poizkusila izbrati en izdelek, pri čemer pa sem morala nekaj kategorij izpustiti (na primer bronzer), ker enostavno letos nisem našla izdelka, ki bi me tako očaral, da bi ga danes želela deliti s tabo. Ker pa je ličil vseeno veliko, predlagam, da kar začneva.

Let’s start at the base. My favorite primer of the year is L’Oreal Infallible Mattifying base. It’s a silicone primer that was put on hold during the warm summer months, but in normal weather this primer creates a lovely base on my face, fills the pores and prepares the skin for the liquid foundation. In that category, I really enjoyed the Catrice HD Liquid Coverage which is a mattifying foundation. Dropper made sure that the application was simple and besides being mattifying, this foundation also excelled in coverage. I also have to mention the Cover FX Custom Cover Drops (review *here*) that truly amazed me this year. I mixed them with primer, day cream, BB creams and other liquid foundation. They always blended nicely and made my skin look nice and fresh. Last but not least I want to mention the Maybelline Affinitone concealer that is creamy and thick (more than I can say for most concealers I own) so I mainly use it to cover imperfections and not for highlighting under my eyes. It’s too heavy and creamy for that in my opinion.

Začniva pri osnovah. Moj najljubši primer leta je L’Oreal Infallible Mattifying base. Gre za silikonski primer, ki je v največji vročini sicer počival v predalu, vendar pa mi v normalnih temperaturah ustvari lepo podlago na koži, zapolni pore in kožo s tem pripravi na tekočo podlago. Med temi sem letos uživala predvsem v uporabi Catrice HD Liquid Coverage, ki je mat tekoča podlaga. Kapalka poskrbi za enostaven nanos, poleg matiranja pa se ta podlaga lahko pohvali tudi z dobro prekrivnostjo. Poleg te podlage dodajam še Cover FX Custom Cover Drops (ocena *tu*), kapljice, ki so me letos poleti resnično navdušile. Dodajala sem jih primerjem, dnevni kremi, BB kremam in drugim tekočim podlagam, s katerimi so se odlično zmešale in ustvarile lep, svež videz moje kože. Nenazadnje je tu še Maybelline Affinitone korektor, ki je bolj kremast in gost, kot je to značilno za večino korektorjev v moji last, zato ga uporabljam predvsem za prekrivanje nepravilnosti na koži, ne pa toliko za osvetlitev predela pod očmi, saj je za to po mojem mnenju pretežak in pregost. View Post

Blogmas #2: Best gifts for her **** Najlepša darila zanjo

I’ll admit that shopping for women in my life isn’t particularly difficult. They love cosmetics, books, decorations, handmade articles – almost anything that I buy, carefully wrap up and set under the Christmas tree. But not all women are like that, am I right? You probably have at least one girlfriend, relative or coworker who is super difficult to shop for. If that’s the case, this is the perfect post for you and I really hope it helps you at least a bit!

Priznam, za ženske v mojem življenju ni preveč težko nakupovati. Vesele so kozmetike, knjig, darilc za okrasitev doma, ročnih izdelkov – skorajda česarkoli, kar jim skrbno zavijem in postavim pod smrečico. Vsekakor pa vse ženske niso takšne, kajne? Verjetno imaš vsaj eno prijateljico, sorodnico ali sodelavko, za katero nikoli ne veš, kaj bi ji podarila. V tem primeru je to popolna objava zate, jaz pa upam, da ti bo v pomoč!

Naturally, we’ll start with cosmeticcs. I think that I can always spot the prettiest holiday sets at L’Occitane and Le Couvent des Minimes. At L’Occitane, this year I’d recommend the Hugs and kisses Arlesienne set that contains a hand cream and lip balm from Arlesienne collection. I had the chance to try both and they are fantastic.

Začniva seveda pri kozmetiki. Najlepše praznične paketke imajo za moje pojme vedno pri L’Occitane in Le Couvent des Minimes. Pri L’Occitanu ti letos priporočam L’Occitane Objemi in poljubi Arlesienne, ki vsebuje kremo za roke in balzam za ustnice iz omenjene kolekcije. Oba sem imela priložnost preizkusiti in sta res fantastična.Izdelke L’Occitane lahko kupiš v njihovih trgovinah, preko spleta in v Maxiju.

Le Couvent des Minimes also presents a variety of options but I am a sucker for their hand creams which are fabulous. This set is perfect to try different ones and decide which one is the best for your skin.

Pri Le Couvent des Minimes pa imajo prav tako ogromno lepih kompletkov, mene pa najbolj navdušuje komplet kremic za roke, saj so res odlične. Ta komplet je odličen za preizkušanje različnih kremic in ugotavljanje, katera je najboljša za kožo vsakega posameznika. Le Couvent des Minimes je na voljo v Nami ter trgovinah Muller.

I could recommend dozens of make-up items, but I won’t do that. Among the new products I recently discovered, I’m loving the Artdeco Most Wanted palette that seems very similar to Urban Decay Naked 3. Of course, Urban Decay is a bit more difficult to come by in Slovenia and the price is much lower.

Seveda bi ti lahko priporočala desetine ličil, ampak tega ne bom storila. Med novostmi, ki so na naše police prišle v zadnjih tednih, pa me je že na prvi pogled najbolj navdušila paletka Most Wanted znamke Artdeco, ki mi deluje zelo podobna Naked 3 paleti Urban Decay. Seveda pa je do Urban Decay palet težko priti, Artdeco pa ti je dosegljiv preko njihove spletne strani in v drogerijah Muller, pa tudi cena je precej nižja.

Sticking with the topic of beauty, but with a twist. I present the Rondo Scented bracelet. That’s right, a scented bracelet. You can choose between six different scents (white musk, vanilla, rose…).

Še za trenutek ostaniva pri lepoti, ampak tokrat malo drugače. Predstavljam ti dišečo zapestnico. Tako je, dišeča zapestnica! Izbiraš lahko med šestimi različnimi vonji (muškat, vanilija, vrtica itd.), naprodaj pa so v trgovini Flat (Trubarjeva 8, Ljubljana) ali preko njihove spletne trgovine. 

A proper lady loves her jewelry and likes to display it. A perfect gift for her is a jewelry stand. There are countless in the market but I am loving the one above.

Za pravo damo, ki je nora na nakit in ga rada postavi na ogled, je odlično darilo stojalo za nakit. Na trgu jih je kar nekaj, mene je najbolj navdušilo zgornje, ki je dostopno v trgovinah 1001 dar ali preko njihove spletne trgovine. 

Another thing that I’m sure would benefit many is a sleep mask. I have been waiting for years for someone to gift it to me – if that doesn’t happen this year I’m buying the one above with Swarovski crystals for myself!

Še ena stvar, za katero sem prepričana, da bi marsikateri olajšala življenje, je maska za spanje. Tudi sama osebno že leta čakam, da mi jo bo kdo podaril – če se to letos ne zgodi, si bom zgornjo masko s Swarovski kristali podarila kar sama. Tudi ta je iz trgovine 1001 dar. 

Home decor is a must in December, but I like to look at pretty things all year round. And what could be nicer than some warm light by Happy Lights? These are available in a number of colors and a necessity in every home.

Okrasitev doma je v decembru nepogrešljiva, sama pa rada kaj lepega gledam celo leto. In kaj je lahko lepšega kot malo tople svetlobe, ki jo pričarajo Happy Lights lučke? Dosegljive so v Smile Concept Store in v njihovi spletni trgovini, izbirate pa lahko med ogromno različnimi barvami.

Last but not least is a gift for those who tend to get cold. I’m certainly one of them and I already own a very cute hot watter bottle that keeps me warm during cold winter nights.


Nenazadnje pa še nekaj za vse, ki jih rado zebe. Sama še sodim med njih in prav prisrčen termofor že imam, saj potrebujem nekaj, da me greje v mrzlih zimskih večerih. Termofor na slikici je iz trgovine 1001 dar.

These are my ideas for presents that the women in your life will surely love. If in doubt, I still consider a gift certificate a nice gift, but only if it’s put in a nice hand-made card and perhaps given with a box of home-mad cookies. This way, even an impersonal gift gets a nice touch. Don’t forget to stop by in two days when we’ll be looking at best gifts for men. Also, don’t forget to find today’s secret word that will allow you to participate in my giveaway. If you missed the instructions, find them *here*.

To so moje ideje za darila, ki bodo ženskam v tvojem življenju gotovo všeč. Če pa si v dvomih, je še vedno popolnoma primerno darilo tudi kakšna darilna kartica oziroma bon, lepo skrit v ročno narejeni čestitki in priložen škatli domačih keksov. Tako tudi darilo, za katerega sicer pravimo, da je neosebno, dobi lepo noto. Ne pozabi se ponovno oglasiti na blogu čez dva dni, ko si bova ogledali najboljša darila za moške, prav tako pa ne pozabi poiskati današnje besede, ki ti bo na koncu omogočila sodelovanje v nagradni igri! Če ne veš, o čem govorim, si navodila lahko prebereš *tu*.

Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

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Recent beauty disappointments

As you probably know from your own experience, not everything in sunshine and rainbows in beauty land – every once in a while we all encounter products we expected a lot from but didn’t perform as we hoped for. And since I like to write honest reviews about the products I use, it’s only fair that I also talk about the ones I didn’t like. I will say that I love these brands, just not these products, and while the products did not work for me, you might like them – I am just stating my own personal experience.

Starting off with deodorants which is a frequent topic (read *here* about the two I didn’t get along with recently) on this blog, I am also not in love with the Dove Maximum protection (original clean) anti-perspirant deodorant cream. The formulation is incredibly thick and I can literally feel it clogging my skin up. An anti-perspirant? Sure. Good for me? Most likely not at all.

I heard great things about the Balance Me brand and I was happy when I received the super toning body polish in my Look Fantastic beauty box. The product itself is actually more of a peel than a polish which looks and smells like perfumed walnuts. While it does the job well, my skin is incredibly dry and feels quite damaged after I use it.

Another product from a LF Beauty Box is the Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! deep conditioning mask without parabens, silicones or phalates – so goo free, basically. It promises to reduce breakage for up to 81 % after 3 uses. I must say that I used it more then three times and I don’t see my hair getting any better, or better said, I haven’t noticed any difference at all.

Moving on to make-up, I found another mascara I’m not a fan of, which is quite a common occurrence. It’s the Manhattan Long&Swing mascara. As you can see from the wand shape, it really does curl the lashes nicely, but the formula is quite thin so the curl doesn’t hold. I have quite long lashes so I prefer some volume which unfortunately is not something this mascara was able to do for me.

I also didn’t enjoy the Avon Outstanding eyes dual-ended kohl eyeliner. As you can tell from the swatches, both are quite patchy and the pigmentation is simply not there. I like the idea of dual-ended products, but I would like it to perform a bit better.



Sadly, I also cannot vouch for the Artdeco strobing fluid from their new line. You can see it in the photo above- unblended and blended. Again, this goes on quite patchy and is a pain to blend out, but once blended, I literally can’t even tell I put anything on my face at all. I was expecting a radiant shine, but found it lacking. I would suggest their strobing powder though, it’s simply amazing and highly pigmented.

That’s it for the recent disappointments. Until next time, stay beautiful.