My favorite Slovenian bloggers ***** Moje najljubše slovenske blogerke

When thinking about the topic of my favorite Slovenian beauty bloggers, I mostly focused on the situation when I’m asked a question about a specific beauty product I have no experience with. In such cases, I often rely on a handful of other beauty blogs that I know to be trustworthy and are written by girls that I know and respect in real life. These are also the beauty blogs that I always try to read when I find the time. Naturally, there are other bloggers out there that are just as great, but I simply don’t remember to read their blogs as often.

Ob napenjanju možgančkov, katere bloge bi vključila v današnjo objavo, sem razmišljala predvsem o situacijah, ko me prijateljice vprašajo za nasvet o izdelkih, ki jih ne poznam. Takrat se pogosto zatečem k iskanju teh vsebin po slovenskih lepotnih blogih, ki jim zaupam. Tudi sicer sama vedno, ko imam čas, rada pokukam, o čem pišejo kolegice, sploh tiste, s katerimi se osebno poznamo in dobro razumemo, saj se tako lažje vživim v njihovo pisanje. V nadaljevanju ti tako predstavljam tiste blogerke, ki bi ti jih vsekakor priporočala v branje. To seveda ne pomeni, da druge blogerke niso prav tako super, le sama se morda nekoliko redkeje spomnim nanje.

If you’re interested about the things that I dislike about some beauty blogs, you can also read about that at the very end of this post. I think that this kind of personal preference grows stronger with age – there are things that I don’t tolerate well so I simply choose to stay away from them. But in the end we are all different and like different things which is OK  – I’m sure there are things that bother other people about my blog as well and that’s just fine as well.

Če te zanima, si lahko prav na koncu objave prebereš še, kaj me od branja določenih blogov odvrne. Žal sem že toliko stara, da me nekatere stvari precej zmotijo in se na kakšen blog zaradi tega ne vrnem več. Prepričana sem, da je tudi na mojem blogu kaj, kar druge odvrne od branja, vsekakor pa smo si vsi različni in nas privlačijo in odbijajo različne stvari, kar je čisto OK, mar ne?


I sometimes call the creators, Gabi and Maja,  parrots in my head. If I remember correctly, that is one of the hidden meanings in the name of their *blog*. Parokeets was one of the first Slovenian beauty blogs ever and the mileage shows in the quality of the content, photography and the general view of beauty related topics. I also feel close to this blog because both Gabi and Maja are close to my age and have little children.

Paroketkam sama v glavi pogosto rečem kar papagajke, kar je baje tudi en od pomenov, skritih v skovanki. Njihov blog (*tu*) je bil eden prvih slovenskih lepotnih blogov sploh – Gabi in Maja imata za sabo ogromno kilometrine, kar se pozna v kakovosti objav, fotografij in njunega splošnega razmišljanja o lepoti. K temu, da na blog še posebej rada pokukam, pa pripomore tudi to, da mi ustvarjalki blizu po starosti, ter dejstvo, da imata obe doma majhne otroke.

The Beauty of Nail Polish

A young mother herself, Tara from Beauty of Nail Polish blog (which you can check out *here*) is quite similar to me in terms of thinking – we are both stubborn and don’t take much nonsense from anyone. She is always there to lend a kind word, some support or to simply laugh at my bad jokes and my irrational fits of anger. Her blog is mainly dedicated to nail related topics but lately, it’s becoming enriched with other beauty content as well. I suggest you pay close attention to the wonderful photos.

Tara z bloga Beauty of Nail polish – obišči ga *tu* – mi je precej podobna, saj sva obe precej trmasti, “no nonsense” mladi mamici. Pri njej vedno dobim besedo podpore, nasvet ali pa preprosto nekoga, ki se smeje mojim slabim šalam in nesmiselnim izlivom jeze. Njen blog je, kot ti pove že ime, sicer primarno osredotočen na nohte, vendar pa zadnje čase vedno več objav namenja tudi drugim lepotnim izdelkom. Priporočam ti, da si oči spočiješ na fotografijah, ki so res prava mojstrovina. 

Ajdas Blog

Ajda from Ajdas *blog* is a really beauty, a trendsetter and one of those bloggers who I’d like to see post every single day. Her blog fills me with ideas, refreshes my aesthetic batteries and keeps me in the loop about current trends. I love that she takes every post on with dead seriousness. I also like Ajda as a person because she is very straightforward and has wonderful eye for detail. Her blog is a mini mundus of contents like beauty, fashion, travel, home decor and many other topics.

Ajda, ki ustvarja *tu*, je prava lepotica, turbo trendsetterka in ena tistih, od katerih si vedno želim še kakšno objavo več. Njen blog me napolni z idejami, mi osveži estetske čute in mi pove, kaj je trenutno “in”. Pri Ajdi mi je všeč, da se vsake objave loti resno in natančno, poleg vsega naštetega pa me pri njej kot osebi navdušuje tudi neposrednost in občutek za detajle. Njen blog je svet v malem, kjer svoj prostor najdejo lepota, moda, potovanja, oprema doma in še marsikaj.

Mad About Red

On her *blog*, Ana doesn’t just write about red lipsticks as one could imagine from the name. Besides her spot-on reviews, I go to her blog for little tricks and tips I incorporate into my everyday life. Ana is one of the bloggers that knows what she’s talking about – she is a licensed aesthetician and my first go-to source of information when I’m trying to find out more about a certain skincare product. Besides all that, I also religiously follow her Insta Stories which are always a source of fun.

Ana na svojem *blogu* ne piše samo o rdečih šminkah, kot bi morda lahko sklepali iz imena. Poleg ocen dobrih in manj dobrih izdelkov v njenih objavah pogosto zasledim uporabne trike za lažji vsakdan, ki bi gotovo pomagali tudi tebi. Ana je ena tistih blogerk, ki o izdelkih ne govori na pamet – je namreč šolana kozmetičarka in moj prvi vir informacij, kadar želim o sestavinski kakovosti kakšnega izdelka za nego kože izvedeti še kaj več.  Poleg vsega naštetega prav vsak dan preverim tudi njene Insta Stories, saj so vedno pestre in polne vsebine.

Cherry Colors

Tamara is an incredibly vibrant and positive person that always puts me in a good mood. Her *blog* is very much focused on Korean beauty which puts a strain on my wallet but I enjoy her reviews and put complete trust in them. Tamara is a funky mom who often surprises me with new hair color or other change in style and always makes me laugh with her spontaneous Insta Stories.

Tamara je taka vesela, pozitivna oseba, da ob njej sploh ne moreš biti slabe volje. Na njenem *blogu* mi je najbolj od vsega všeč to, da ogromno časa nameni testiranju in ocenam korejske kozmetike. S tem sicer močno obremenjuje mojo denarnico, vendar pa so njena priporočila vedno na mestu in mi omogočajo bolj premišljene nakupe. Funky mama me na Instagramu redno preseneča s stilskimi preobrazbami in nasmeji s svojimi dnevnimi dogodivščinami.

Lippie Hippie


Sometimes, I just want to scream with frustration because Aida doesn’t *post* nearly as much as I’d want her to. For the time being, I’m willing to forgive her because she’s been traveling like crazy (and sometimes brings back some goodies for me from her travels as well). I often say that we could share our make-up collection since our taste in products is very similar. Word of advice: don’t visit her Instagram hungry since it’s always full of yummy looking food photos.

Aido bi včasih najraje stresla iz hlač, saj objavlja veliko manj, kot bi si jaz želela, vendar pa ji to odpustim, saj ogromno skače po svetu (in me občasno založi z težje dostopnimi izdelki), hkrati pa še pridno skrbi zase in svoje telo. Pogosto pravim, da bi si lahko delili kozmetično zbirko, saj imava glede izdelkov zelo podoben okus, kar lahko preveriš v njenih objavah *tu*. Na njen Instagram nikakor ne hodi, v kolikor te grabi lakota, saj skoraj vsak dan s svojimi sledilci deli nadvse privlačne obroke.

Beautyfull Blog


Nika from Beautyfull *blog* keeps the Slovenian beauty bloggers in check with reality. As the organizer of the Beautyfull Bloggers Meetup, she connects, educates, motivates and pushes Slovenian bloggers outside our comfort zones and I’m very grateful to her for that. Besides her blog (and her lovely family), she is always involved in a thousand different projects but somehow makes it seem like a piece of cake.

Nika je tista blogerka, ki pazi, da celotna slovenska lepotna blogerska scena ne zaspi in da smo blogerke vsaj približno na tekočem s tem, kar se dogaja po svetu. Kot organizatorka Beautifull Bloggers Meetup-a nas povezuje, izobražuje, izziva in potiska izven naših okvirov, za kar sem ji sama izredno hvaležna. Seveda tudi sama ustvarja svoj *blog*, poleg tega pa se izredno uspešno loteva še tisoč različnih projektov.

Beauty Of a Lemon

Name of this *blog* might seem a bit unusual until you’ve met Simona in real life. Soft and gentle, with big gentle eyes and ridiculously good skin, you’d never expect her quirky character and witty humor. I know that her reviews are trustworthy and count on them for good photos and credible information. You absolutely need to read her empties posts and her Lush hauls!

Ime *bloga* je morda malo nenavadno, dokler Simone ne spoznaš v resničnem življenju. Na prvi pogled mila in nežna, z zasanjanimi očmi in nesramno lepo kožo, v sebi skriva živahen karakter in precej našpičenega humorja. Pri njej vedno najdem oceno, ki ji zaupam, podkrepljeno z dobrimi fotografijami in verodostojnimi informacijami. Nujno branje so njene objave o izpraznjenih izdelkih in njene ocene Lush dobrot.

I also wanted to share what I dislike about certain blogs. I am most bothered by bad grammar. If I can find ten mistakes in the first paragraph, I won’t continue reading. I am also not attracted to blogs where practically every post is sponsored or based on PR products. I understand that beauty bloggers must make a living, but the sheer amount of promoted products that have nothing to do with beauty is really off-putting. The same goes for blogs that don’t base their audience on quality content but on almost daily giveaways. Last but not least, I really don’t read any blogs where creators don’t put their imagination and knowledge to work when creating content but rather just copy the information from PR materials that we all get in our mailboxes.

Sedaj pa čisto na kratko še o tem, česa pri blogih ne maram preveč. Najbolj od vsega me zmoti slaba slovnica, sploh pri slovenščini. Ko odprem objavo in vidim, da že v prvem odstavku manjka deset vejic, jo bom enostavno zaprla. Prav tako me ne pritegnejo blogi, v katerih je vsaka praktično vsaka objava sponzorirana ali osnovana na PR izdelkih. Razumem, da je potrebno od nečesa tudi živeti, vendar pa me poplava promoviranja izdelkov, ki nimajo nobene zveze z lepoto, včasih zelo zmoti. Enako velja za bloge, ki bralk primarno ne pritegnejo s kakovostjo, ampak samo z nagradnimi igrami, ki jih objavljajo kot po tekočem traku. V zadnjo kategorijo blogov, ki jih sama ne berem, pa sodijo tisti, kjer se blogerke ne potrudijo z vsebino, ampak bolj kot ne le prepišejo informacije iz promocijskih materialov, ki jih prejmemo v svoje nabiralnike. 

Naturally, this is my personal opinion and I’m sure you don’t agree with everything I’ve written so far. As I already mentioned, we are all different and attracted to different things. My blog is far from perfect and I’m sure I do things that bother others. In the end, everyone decides for themselves if they will read my blog and take my thoughts and opinions into considerations. Until next time, stay beautiful!

To je seveda le moje mnenje in verjamem, da se z vsem zapisanim ne strinjaš. Kot sem omenila že uvodoma, smo vsi različni in so nam všeč različne stvari. Tudi moj blog je daleč od popolnosti in gotovo sama delam stvari, ki motijo druge, vsak pa se sam odloči, ali bo moje zapise in razmišljanja prebral in morda celo upošteval. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita.

Blogmas #16: Goodbye 2016! ***** Zbogom, 2016!

Another year is coming to an and it’s only right to say a few words about it. My year as a blogger has been extremely eventful despite the fact that I took a few months hiatus in the beginning of 2016 because of pregnancy. Luckily, it resulted in an incredibly happy-go-lucky baby so I can easily find time for my blog even with Baby M around.

Leto se danes zaključuje in prav je, da pod njega potegnem črto tudi na blogu. Moje blogersko leto je bilo izjemno pestro kljub dejstvu, da sem si prvih nekaj mesecev vzela prosto zaradi nosečnosti. Srečo imam, da se je ta končala z neverjetno pridnim in potrpežljivim otrokom, saj si lahko za moj blog vzamem čas tudi sedaj.

Year 2016 also brought along collaborations with a few new brands. I’m excited that Slovenian market is becoming more and more open for foreign brands, but I’m even more excited to try out new Slovenian products. Regardless of these collaborations I still want to say that I purchase around 90 % of things you see on my blog with my own money. I was always open and upfront about which products I received to review and by now you surely know that I can be a harsh critic.

Leto 2016 je prineslo sodelovanje s kar nekaj novimi znamkami. Veseli me, da se tudi slovenski trg odpira za tuje znamke, še bolj pa me veseli, kadar lahko preizkusim kakšen nov slovenski izdelek. Ne glede na vsa sodelovanja ocenjujem, da je še vedno okrog 90 % vsega, kar vam predstavim na blogu, kupljenega z mojim lastnim denarjem. Vedno sem in tudi v prihodnje ti bom odkrito povedala, kateri izdelek sem prejela v oceno, verjamem pa, da zdaj že veš, da so moje ocene lahko tudi pošteno kritične.

In the past year, Slovenian bloggers came together for different events, the piece de resistance being the Beautiful Bloggers Meetup. I thoroughly enjoyed this years’ events because many of the bloggers have become true friends to be, so I am not only getting new knowledge but plenty of laughter from these events.

Tudi v tem letu smo se blogerke družile na različnih dogodkih, med katerimi je seveda glavni in osrednji dogodek Beautiful Bloggers Meetup. Letos sem v dogodkih izjemno uživala, saj smo z mnogimi dekleti postale prave prijateljice in se lahko poleg novega znanja na vsakem tovrstnem dogodku nadejam tudi veliko dobre volje in smeha.

Last but not least, I was able to finally show you my face this year. Personally, I find this decision liberating and I’ll be able to blog with even more enthusiasm from now on, while I also believe that you’ll find the posts more informative and better.

Nenazadnje pa sem letos končno lahko sprejela odločitev, da ti pokažem, kdo sem. Mene osebno je ta odločitev osvobodila in bom lahko blogala še z večjim veseljem, verjamem pa tudi, da bodo objave zate še bolj zanimive.

These are the most viewed posts of the year/Najbolj brane objave preteklega leta so bile:

Pink October collaboration (*click*)

Delivery services in Slovenia rant / Bes nad dostavnimi službami v Sloveniji (*click*)
Best of 2016: make-up (*click*)

My favorite posts of the year/Moje najljubše objave leta so bile:

Wellness in Hotel Špik (*click*)
Lancome Juicy Shaker (*click*)
My top 10 make-up brushes / mojih top 10 čopičev (*click*)

Thank you for sharing this year with me. Thank you for all the nice comments, wishes, for every time you asked my opinion on something, for every click and every like. Thank you for being part of the Low Maintenance Beauty family and I hope that we’ll continue our journey together in 2017! Have a great New Year’s Eve and a wonderful new year. Don’t forget – today’s secret word was the last of the bunch so you can now go through all Blogmas posts, send me the hidden thought and by that participate in the giveaway. For more instructions go to Blogmas #7. Until next time, stay beautiful!

Hvala, da si to leto delila z mano. Hvala za vse lepe komentarje, želje, za vsakič, ko si me vprašala za mnenje, za vsak klik na objavo in vsak stisnjen všeček. Hvala, da si del Low Maintenance Beauty družine in upam, da bova pot nadaljevali skupaj tudi v 2017! Želim ti čudovito silvestrovanje in nepozabno novo leto. Ne pozabi – danes sem objavila tudi zadnjo skrito besedo, tako da če pobrskaš po Blogmas objavah, mi lahko že danes pošlješ skrito misel in s tem sodeluješ v nagradni igri, več o pravilih pa lahko prebereš v Blogmas #7 objavi. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita.

Blogmas #15: Slovenian bloggers Secret Santa ***** Slovenske blogerke postanejo skrivne božičke

Opportunities for Slovenian beauty bloggers to connect in an informal way are rare, but this December we once again joined forces and organized a Secret Santa. Or better said, since we are all girls, Secret Clara. This year I again took on the role of organizing the whole thing which means I could not participate myself, but I enjoyed watching gifts other received and I was happy with them.

Slovenske lepotne blogerke smo se tudi letos povezale in organizirale Skrivnega božička. Bolje rečeno, glede na to, da smo sama dekleta – vse smo postale skrivne božičke. Tudi letos sem naše blogerke organizirala jaz, kar pomeni, da sodelovati nisem mogla, ampak sem z veseljem gledala darila drugih in se veselila skupaj z njimi.

We set no limits or boundaries regarding the gifts – the girls can give whatever they want to each other, but it is important that they get to know the person they’re gifting to as good as possible. That way they can really put together a gift that is pretty, useful and makes the recipient happy.

Pri obdarovanju ne postavljamo nobenih meja in nobenih omejitev – dekleta se lahko obdarujejo, kakor želijo in s čimer želijo, pri čemer pa je seveda pomembno, da svojo obdarovanko čim bolje spoznajo. Tako jo res lahko obdarijo z darili, ki so lepa, uporabna in se jih obdarovanka iz srca razveseli.

Even though organizing such a project takes quite some work, it suits my character perfectly so I enjoy doing it. I’d like to show you some of best gifts that Slovenian beauty bloggers received from their Secret Claras this year.

Čeprav je z organizacijo takšnega projekta kar nekaj dela, takšna naloga ustreza mojemu karakterju, zato se je lotim z veseljem. Tebi pa bi rada pokazala nekaj najlepših daril, ki so jih dekleta letos prejela od svojih skrivnih božičk.
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Beautiful Bloggers Meetup

I know that it’s Saturday and I don’t normally post on Saturdays, but the thing is Beautiful Bloggers Meetup (#bbmulj on Instagram if you want to check it out) under the motto Be yourself. Be an unicorn got me too excited to keep things to myself. And I bet you’re curious about what was happening, amirite?

Anyway, I need a few more days to really get my mind in working order so I can summarize everything that happened and my thoughts on the whole conference (which will be post #2, I suppose) and I still need to go through all the goodies that I got (obviously, post #3), so in the mean time, here are some photos to keep you entertained.

My breakfast – a fab cake pop!
Le Couvent des Minimes body sprays were available in the hall and in the toilets – for warmth, happiness or energy after the lunch, depending on whatever each girl needed on that particular day.
I am absolutely in love with the wonderful lights from Smile Concept Store. These and the roses by Box Of love really made the atmosphere in Hotel Lev magical – perfect for unicorns!
I love when people pay attention to the little details – my morning coffee came with a cute bow!
This is just a glimpse at everything that could be seen at the Avon stand – there were so many product my head was spinning!
sOliver stand showcasing their new perfumes (for him and for her) was absolutely gorgeous with all the flowers, bows and pastel colors
A good smoothie kept my stomach from being louder then the speakers 🙂

DM stand with Trend it up products was the only stand being presented by a man. Well done, DM!
Melvita stand was out of this world simply because it took me to another place and time – in all that crowd, I got complete attention and felt like I was the only person in the world while they were talking to me. I <3 it!

That’s it for now, I’m afraid. But remember – there is more to come 🙂

Until next time, stay beautiful!

My view on blogging

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while for a while, you know I have a full time job. I wouldn’t even call it a full time job, more of a 1+1 job, since it’s not unusual for me to reach 250+ hours per month. I also have different hobbies, a house, hubby and a princess kitty to take care of and quite recently, I added a baby to the mix. So it’s not like my life was boring before I started blogging.

When I wrote the first post, I seriously doubted anyone will ever read anything I wrote. I didn’t know how to take photos (I mean, they are still not excellent, but looking back I will say that I’ve come a long way in the past two years), I didn’t know how to tag, how to address people, what information to include and so on.

Two years later, I don’t really care about blogging rules that much I like my photos as they are and I’m not willing to invest more money into new gadgets and aids to make them any better. I don’t buy subscribers on any platform. I don’t really use GA. I know that people prefer shorter posts and more photos, but I don’t care about that – I will give you long, like super long posts most of the time. I love writing so that’s the way I roll – if you don’t like it, nobody is forcing you to read it. View Post