Paese brow products: natural brow vs. Instabrow

Paese brow products

You all know my dislike for the “I can see it’s fake from the airplane” Instagram brows a.k.a. Instabrows. But the other day, a girl in the local supermarket had brows like that and I couldn’t stop staring at her. Only later I realized why – because I rarely, if ever, see brows like that in real life. They are reserved for social media, to attract audience, to show off your make-up skills. They’re not really meant for everyday life.

Nevertheless, I decided that for the first time in my life, I’ll actually attempt to do a proper Instagram eyebrow and compare it to my regular eyebrow routine. You can decide which one you prefer – and naturally, let me know in the comments below.

Paese brow products brow couture pomade

The products I’m using to show you my brow routine and to attempt an Instabrow are all by Paese Cosmetics. I’ve grown to love most of the products they offer and I really appreciate the quality. The prices are mid-range, meaning that you won’t find products for a couple of Euro, but you also won’t be living on crumbs if you purchase a make-up item from them here and there. In Slovenia, we can buy their products online *here* or in a single store in BTC City.

Natural brows with Paese products

Paese brow products natural brow


Paese brow products natural brow

First, let’s look at my natural brow routine. There are two ways I go about this, depending on how much time I actually have in the morning. First option includes the Paese Brow Couture Gel (mine in the shade Brunette, 12€) and the Paese Brow Couture pencil (shade Brunette, 9,50€). After combing through my lashes with an eyebrow gel (currently, I’m using Pixi), I’ll use the Brow Couture Gel to add some color to my brows and then just fill in the blanks with the pencil. The Paese pencil is two-sided and comes with a spoolie at the other and meaning I can easily and quickly comb through the brows after I’m done. This is a really natural look and I like it a lot.

Paese brow products Paese brow couture pencil

I already mentioned the Paese Brow Couture Pencil as my favorite eyebrow pencil of 2017. I think that the formula is beautiful – creamy enough so you don’t have to press too hard. At the same time, the pencil is not to soft so it won’t break with some more pressure and won’t leave chunks in your brows. I really appreciate the sleek look and the added spoolie brush which makes it a great 2-in-1 product. It’s available in three different shades.

Paese brow products Paese brow couture gel

Paese brow products Paese brow couture gel

The Paese Brow Couture Gel was a new product for me and the first few times, things didn’t go well. When you rotate the bottom,  the gel will leak out of the spoolie and can be applied to the brows. Be advised – don’t rotate more then once or twice as you only need one or two drops per each brow. I also suggest you start of where your brows are the thickest and then brush the product out toward the beginning and the tail. This is not a product for precision, but to add color. It comes in three different shades.

Paese brow products natural brow

Paese brow products natural brow

The second natural brow option combines the Paese Brow Couture Pomade (shade Brunette, 13€) and the already mentioned Paese Brow Couture pencil. I use a precise angled brow to carve out the bottom and upper border of the brow with the pomade and then fill the brow in with the pencil. In doing so, I’m always careful to use a light hand at the start of the brow and then gradually add more brow strokes toward the tail. This kind of brow is a bit more out there in terms of everyday wear.

Paese brow products Paese brow couture pomade

Paese brow products swatches

The Paese Brow Couture Pomade comes in four different shades. The formula is interesting since it’s not very creamy, but more waxy. I prefer it this way, because I have more control over how much product I actually pick up. If you’re new to using a pomade on your brows, I definitely recommend applying some on the back on your hand first and picking it up with the brush as you go. This way, you’ll warm up the product and at the same time have more control over the application. Pomades are the trickiest to make look natural and there is some practice needed. In the Paese pomade, you’ll get 4,5g of product, meaning it will last you ages to get through it since it’s very pigmented and you only need the tiniest bit on a daily basis.

Now, for the Instabrow. View Post

Colourpop haul

My Colourpop order finally arrived, two full packages of make-up just for me! In the beginning of May, Colourpop was celebrating their b-day by offering free international shipping and naturally I jumped at the chance. Although both my orders totaled under 22 € (which is the magic limit so you don’t have to pay VAT, in case you were wondering), Colourpop declared the value as much higher on the package and both packages were held and opened by our lovely Slovenian customs which cost me additional 5 € per package for their “control” and a whole lot of nerves. So this might be the last Colourpop order for a while…

Moja Colourpop paketka sta končno tu! Dve škatli, polni ličil, samo zame! V začetku maja je Colourpop praznoval rojstni dan in svoje uporabnice nagradil z brezplačno poštnino po vsem svetu, kar sem seveda izkoristila. Čeprav sta obe moji naročili znašali manj kot 22 € (kar je magična meja, da se izogneš plačilu DDV-ja), je Colourpop na paketka napisal višjo vrednost (brez popustov) in čudoviti gospodje na carini so se odločili, da je potrebno oba paketka nujno pregledati. To me je stalo še dodatnih 5 € na paket, kar me vsekakor niti najmanj ne navdušuje, zato bo verjetno to za nekaj časa tudi zadnje Colourpop naročilo.

Anyway, I ordered a bunch of different items and got them at a really good price and they even threw some additional gifts in there. Since I recently dyed my hair back to blonde from dark brown, I needed some new brow products to match my hair color. I chose both the pot and the pencil in the color Honey Blonde, which is a warm toned blonde. I must say it matches my brows quite well and doesn’t have any grey undertones which are so common with brow products for blondes. The pencil is especially great – a very slim tip makes for a precise application and the spoolie on the other side is very practical for a comb-through afterwards. The pot cost 6 $ and the pencil 5 $ which is really not a lot considering the amount of product you’re getting.  Verdict: 5/5 for both of these.

Naročila sem cel kup različnih izdelkov po super cenah, zraven pa dobila še nekaj darilc. Ker sem si pred kratkim lase iz temno rjave barve po nekaj letih ponovno pobarvala na blond, sem potrebovala tudi nove izdelke za obrvi. Izbrala sem pomado in svinčnik v odtenku Honey Blonde. Barva je za moje obrvi super, prav tako pa nima nobenih sivih podtonov, ki so tako značilni za svetle odtenke izdelkov za obrvi. Še posebej sem navdušena nad svinčnikom, ki ima izredno tanko konico za natačno vrisovanje dlačic, ščetka na drugi strani pa je prav tako koristna, da na koncu obrvi še natančno prečešem. Cena pomade je 6 $, svinčnika pa 5 $, kar se mi ne zdi veliko, sploh glede na to, da je v obojih kar velika količina izdelka. View Post