Judging by the weather, spring is right around the corner. Being a summer baby, I’m very excited about that, how ’bout you? Anyway, new season means new trends, new lines of products and new temptations at the drugstore. Among the first to roll the products out is once again Catrice that really stepped up their game in the past few years in regard to how they follow the trends and how they plan new lines. You can head over to Parokeets blog to see some more products from the new line, but today, I want to talk about three specific ones – a palette, a blush and a mascara.
Sonček, ki je danes posijal tudi v našo kotlino, napoveduje skorajšnji prihod pomladi. Sem otrok poletja in ljubim toplo vreme, zato me to zelo veseli, prav tako pa me veselijo tudi novosti v naših drogerijah. Med prvimi novo linijo napoveduje Catrice, ki zadnje čase res izredno dobro sledi lepotnim trendom, kar se odraža tudi na njihovih linijah izdelkov. Na Parokeets blogu si lahko ogledaš še več novih izdelkov, sama pa bom danes spregovorila o treh – paletki senčil, rdečilu in maskari.
Catrice introduced four new eyeshadow palettes (Nude, Copper, Matt and Blossom) but since I own more than enough neutral and matte palettes, I decided to go for the Blossom palette that reminds me of Urban Decay Naked 3 – smaller and ten times less expensive, that is. I can certainly say that the price-quality ratio goes in favor of the Catrice Palette. You get seven basic shades and additional shades for highlighting (inner corner or under the brow) and contouring (for instance for the outer V). All basic shades are derived from the pink category and range from light pink to dark purple color.
Pri Catrice so sicer predstavili štiri nove palete senčil (Nude, Copper, Matt in Blossom), ker pa imam nevtralnih in mat paletk že kar nekaj, sem se odločila za Blossom paletko, ki na hitro kar močno spominja na Urban Decay Naked 3 – seveda v pomanjšani različici in z desetkrat nižjo ceno. Vendar pa lahko vsekakor rečem, da premosorazmerje med kakovostjo in ceno v tem primeru ne velja. V paleti je 7 osnovnih odtenkov ter dodatni senčili za osvetljevanje (na primer v kotičku očesa in pod obrvjo) ter konturo (recimo v zunanjem V). Vsi osnovni odtenki izhajajo iz rožnate družine in se prelivajo od svetlo roza do temno vijolične barve.