Even though the weather has been acting up, calendar says it’s spring so the time is ripe for me to show you the products I’ve been enjoying lately. Some have been in my collection for quite a while and some are relatively new. Naturally I’m constantly trying out new products so you can expect a lot of reviews in the following weeks, as well as an exciting giveaway.
Čeprav nam vreme malo nagaja, je pomlad koledarsko že nekaj časa tu in čas je, da ti pokažem izdelke, brez katerih to pomlad ne morem. Nekaj jih je v moji zbirki že kar nekaj časa, nekaj pa je novih pridobitev, v katerih res uživam. Seveda pa ves čas pridno testiram tudi nove izdelke, zato lahko v prihodnjih tednih pričakuješ kar nekaj objav o novostih na našem trgu, pa tudi eno lepo nagradno igro.
My skin has been enjoying L’Occitane concentrate with almond milk which I’m about to run out of. That’s not really an issue though because in the beginning of May, L’Occitane is launching a new almond concentrate with caffeine and almond proteines which promises a firmer skin – just in time for the summer. I think this is probably the fifth (or so) pot of concentrate I’ve used so far so I’ll definitely continue to repurchase it. For keeping my hair damage-free and protected from heat, I’ve been using the Charles Worthington Heat Defence Spray that is applied from the scalp to the roots of my hair before blow-dry. I wash my hair every other day and color it so it’s important to give them quality protection. After a month of use, I’ve really noticed a positive difference in the shine of my hair and less split ends and breaks.
Kožo po telesu trenutno negujem z L’Occitane koncentratom z mandljevim mlekom in lonček bo vsak čas prazen. Še dobro, kajti na police že po prvomajskih praznikih prihaja nov mandljev izboljševalni koncentrat s kofeinom in mandljevimi beljakovinami, ki obljublja bolj čvrsto in napeto kožo – ravno prav za poletje. Glede na to, da je lonček na fotografiji že kakšen peti, ki sem ga porabila v svojem življenju, bom vsekakor izdelku ostala zvesta tudi po prenovi. Za zaščito las pred toplotnimi učinki to pomlad skrbim s Charles Worthington Heat Defence sprejem, ki ga pred sušenjem las nanesem od lasišča do konic. Ker si lase umivam vsak drugi dan in imam od nedavnega ponovno barvane, mi je pomembno, da jim nudim kakovostno zaščito in po mesecu uporabe tega izdelka res opažam razliko v zmanjšanem lomljenju las in njihovem sijaju. View Post