I have been thinking about getting my blog a new home and a new look. It took a while (a whole month, to be exact), but finally, it’s here! I hope you like the way it looks – I think it’s prettier and much easier to navigate. On the top, you have different categories you can browse through and on the right, you can use search to look for specific things that might interest you. I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out although I still have a lot of work to do since all the old posts look a bit different and need a bit of TLC (and computer skills). Hopefully, I will get everything just the way it’s supposed to be in a couple of months.
Že kar nekaj časa sem želela svoj blog preseliti na njegov lasten naslov in mu podariti tudi nov videz. Trajalo je kar dolgo (cel mesec, da smo čisto natančni), ampak končno je tu! Upam, da ti je nov videz všeč – meni se zdi lepši in precej bolj pregleden. Na vrhu lahko najdeš različne kategorije zapisov, na desni pa z iskalnikom lahko poiščeš vse, kar bi te morda zanimalo. Čeprav bo s starimi objavami še kar nekaj dela, saj se jim je videz med prenosom kar precej spremenil, pa sem osebno zelo vesela, da smo že skoraj na cilju. Upam, da bo čez kakšen mesec vse izgledalo tako, kot želim.
While I was sorting through old content, I found an old tag post (almost two years old) that I enjoyed very much and wanted to do it again. I’m talking about the A-Z tag where you choose one favorite brand and one favorite product from that brand for the entire alphabet. I am missing H & I (since I apparently don’t have any favorites for those letters), but other than that – here they are!
Ko sem brskala po starih zapisih, sem našla tag, v katerem sem zelo uživala, zato sem ga želela ponoviti (do takratne objave je namreč že dve leti). Gre za A-Z tag, v katerem za vsako črko abecede izbereš eno najljubšo znamko in znotraj tiste znamke še najljubši izdelek. Priznam, da nisem našla nobenega res dobrega izdelka za črki H & I, ampak vse ostale favorite ti predstavljam tu.
A, B, C, D
Avon has many great products and it was hard to choose one, but I love the color of this Avon Nailwear Pro+ in Minty. It’s similar to Essie Mint Candy, but the formula is better and it stays on my nails for up to a week. Bell Hypoalergenic is a relatively new brand to me but I’m really enjoying the Mat Powder (natural effect) and I’m about to hit pan! It’s a fine tinted pressed powder which makes my skin look flawless but doesn’t cake up on the liquid foundation. Catrice is my favorite drugstore brand and I have a large collection, but the winners in my book are the Shine Appeal Fluid Lipsticks that are light, well pigmented and not sticky at all. The shades and the packaging are gorgeous as well. Dvorec Trebnik is one of the best Slovenian beauty brands in my opinion and I am really loving this Refreshing toner with hamamelis extract. It’s light, smells nice and really cleans off my skin well
Avon ima mnogo super izdelkov in težko sem izbrala enega, venar pa sem popolnoma zaljubljena v barvo Avon Nailwear Pro+ Minty. Spominja me na Essie Mint Candy, vendar pa je formula Avona po mojem mnenju boljša in se na mojih nohtih obdrži tudi po cel teden. Bell Hypoalergenic je znamka, ki jo šele spoznavam, vendar pa res uživam pri uporabi Mat Powder (natural effect). Gre za fin puder v kamnu, ki mojo kožo naredi čudovito, vendar pa ne ustvari videza maske, ko ga nanesem čez tekočo podlago. Catrice je moja najljubša znamka in moja kolekcija ni majhna, kot svoj najljubši izdelek pa sem izbrala Shine Appeal tekoče šminke, ki so lahke, dobro pigmentirane in niso lepljive. Prav tako mi je zelo všeč pakiranje in izbor barv. Dvorec Trebnik je ena najboljših slovenskih lepotnih znamk in Osvežujoči tonik z izvlečkom nepozebnika lepo diši, je lahek na koži in jo tudi dobro očisti. View Post