Blogmas #11: How to cure a hangover? ***** Kako se znebiti mačka?

As I have learned in my 32 years on earth, December parties are fun! Sometimes they are too much fun, to be quite honest. For me, this has been the case, especially in the past few years when my general alcohol intake is quite small during the year and consequently, I lack the stamina, for a lack of a better word. This means that my December mornings are often plagued with hangover and since nobody likes that, here are a few tips on how to help your body recover.

V svojih 32 letih na svetu sem se naučila, da so decembrske zabave res super! Včasih so celo preveč zabavne, če sem čisto iskrena. Meni osebno se to pogosto zgodi, še posebej zato, ker zadnja leta skozi celo leto ne pijem kaj veliko alkohola in nimam “vzdržljivosti” – boljše besede pač ne najdem. To pomeni, da so decembrska jutra pogosto zaznamovana z mačkom, ki ga nihče ne mara, zato je tu nekaj namigov, kako lahko v takšnih primerih pomagaš svojemu telesu.

There are a couple of things you can do the night before. That kebab at 3 a.m. won’t help you cure a looming hangover, but anything you eat before you have your drinks will – so make sure not to drink on an empty stomach! Also, try to remember the 1-1 (or better yet, 1-2) rule: for each unit of alcohol, you have to have a unit of water, or even better, two units.  While this might up the number of your toilet breaks, you’ll thank me in the morning. I always remember to drink half of liter of water directly before bed as well.

Nekaj stvari lahko storiš že prejšnji večer. Kebab ob treh zjutraj ti ne bo pomagal pozdraviti prihajajočega mačka, vendar pa bo pozitivno delovalo vse, kar boš pojedla pred pitjem – nikakor ne pij na prazen želodec! Poizkusi imeti v mislih pravilo 1-1 (ali še bolje, 1-2): za vsako enoto alkohola, ki jo spiješ, moraš popiti tudi enoto vode, ali še bolje, dve! Čeprav bo to povišalo število tvojih izletov v toaletne prostore, se mi boš zjutraj zahvalila. Sama obvezno spijem pol litra vode tudi tik preden se zvalim v posteljo. View Post

Adam had Eve, Batman had Robin… and I have my Curaprox Superduo

I have a long lasting affair with Curaprox products. Although I have gone through the first three decades without any problems with my teeth whatsoever (knock on wood), I do contribute a large amount of that luck to the time I invest in dental hygiene and the products I use. Curaprox has been recommended to me by my dentist and I think it’s worth every cent that you pay for their products.

At the Beauty Bloggers Meetup, I received the Curaprox Superduo which includes a CS 5460 ultra soft brush and the CPS prime inter-dental cleaner. You can get yours here for 5,92 €. Considering you will be able to use it for about 3 months, it really is a bargain deal.

Anyway, I immediately opened my package since I haven’t seen this type of inter-dental cleaner before and wanted to try it out. But when doing so, I noticed this great pun in the back I want to share with you.

I love that the set also comes with very detailed instructions. If you’ve never used inter-dental brush before, it can be really handy to check out the instructions beforehand. And be prepared to find some unpleasant truths about your teeth – I know I was quite shocked a few years back, but I’ll spare you the details and let you figure it out for yourselves. View Post

Pink October: Pretty in Pink

Most of you probably know that October stands for the breast cancer awareness month. Along with fellow Slovenian bloggers, we decided to join together and dedicate one of our posts to this issue.

As with many other illnesses, prevention and early detection is the key factor. Remember to do regular check-ups and remind your loved ones to do that as well. If you need additional information, talk to your doctor or visit the website of Europa Donna which is a great foundation that fights breast cancer.

For my post, I went through my products and selected those that I really love in the color pink, which is the official color of breast cancer awareness month.

I love the Sleek blush trio in Pink lemonade which includes two powders (left and right) and one cream blush (middle). For highlighter, I can’t go wrong with The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer. Both of these are available from

The powder blushes are quite intense, so I usually tap away the excess from my brush before applying it. I particularly love the far right shade called Icing sugar for the autumn and winter months – it’s a nice coral shade which I think would look great on any skin tone.

The formula of the powder blushes is a bit powdery, but it doesn’t really show when you apply it with a good blush brush. View Post