I often get asked by my readers why I don’t write more about natural products. I must admit that I often feel a bit guilty, especially because I often get sent natural products to review but they simply don’t amaze me enough to warrant a post of their own. That certainly isn’t the case of today’s TOP product since I fell in love with it after just a couple days of use.
Dekleta me pogosto sprašujete, zakaj večkrat ne pišem o naravnih izdelkih. Priznam, tudi sama se dostikrat počutim krivo, sploh zato, ker kar precej naravnih izdelkov dobim v last za testiranje, vendar pa me le redko navdušijo do te mere, da o njih pišem. V primeru današnjega TOP izdelka pa je zgodba malce drugačna, saj sem se v njega zaljubila že po nekaj dneh uporabe.
In April, I visited the Love Beauty Forum in Ljubljana and had a little chat with the nice representatives of Mirta natural cosmetics. They also provided me with a few samples, including their two deodorants with eucalyptus and lavender – first one being a bit too fragrant for my liking but the lavender one just perfect. The 10ml sample was more than enough for me to use for more than two weeks and by the time I hit the bottom I was sure that I absolutely needed to buy this product. Since I gave birth about a year ago, I tried more than ten different deodorants but none of them worked as it should which really stressed me out a lot.
Na sejmu Love Beauty, ki je v aprilu potekal v Ljubljani, sem na stojnici Mirta naravne kozmetike spregovorila nekaj besed s predstavnicami in dobila tudi nekaj vzorčkov, med drugim vzorček sivkinega in evkaliptusovega deodoranta. Evkaliptusov mi je bil po vonju nekoliko premočan, zato sem do konca porabila vzorec sivkinega deodoranta – 10 ml vzorčka mi je zadoščalo za več kot dva tedna uporabe! Ko je bil lonček skorajda prazen, je bila odločitev na dlani – to je izdelek, ki ga vsekakor moram imeti. V zadnjem letu od poroda sem preizkusila kakšnih deset različnih deodorantov, vendar pa so me pogosto pustili na cedilu, kar je resnično neprijetno. View Post