Products I want to use up in 2017 ***** Izdelki, ki jih želim porabiti v letu 2017

I’ll admit that my make-up collection isn’t exactly tiny. And also, I don’t really like thinking about it as a collection. I have more make-up than the average woman so I can compare products when I review them, but I really don’t want to hoard my make-up to the point where I no longer have anywhere to put it. Consequently, I decided that for the first time I’ll try to use up some of the products in the upcoming year.

Priznam – moja zbirka ličil ni ravno majhna. In o njej nerada razmišljam kot o zbirki. Seveda imam več ličil kot povprečna ženska, predvsem zato, da jih lahko med seboj primerjam, ko jih ocenjujem, vendar pa si v resnici ne želim toliko ličil, da ne bi vedela, kam z njimi. Posledično sem se letos prvič odločila, da bom nekaj izdelkov namensko skušala porabiti do konca tekom leta 2017.

The first product is the Catrice Chocolate Nudes Palette – you can find the review and more photos *here*. The biggest issue I have with small palettes is there is always something missing – a light matte shade for under the browbone, a shimmery shade for the inner corner or a good neutral crease color. This palette has it all so I can use it alone, but I simply don’t remember about it often enough. Hopefully, I’ll be able to use up the whole thing since all the shades are lovely and well pigmented.

Prvi izdelek je Catrice Chocolate Nudes paletka – oceno in več slik lahko najdeš *tu*. Problem manjših paletk je, da jim vedno nekaj manjka – bodisi svetla mat senčka za pod obrvi, bodisi svetlikajoč odtenek za v kotiček očesa, bodisi dobra nevtralna barva za v pregib očesa. Ta paletka ima prav vse to, zato jo lahko uporabljam tudi samostojno, vendar se premalokrat spomnim nanjo. Upam, da mi jo bo uspelo porabiti v celoti, saj so prav vsi odtenki zelo lepi in dobro pigmentirani. 

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Adventni koledarji 2016

Objava samo v slovenščini?! Tako je, drage moje – tokrat samo v slovenščini, saj je namenjena prav nam, slovenskim odvisnicam od vsega lepega. In kaj je lepše, kot dan za dnem odpirati mala vratca čudovitih adventnih koledarjev, za katerimi pa se ne skriva čokolada, ampak lepotno darilce?

Lani je bilo na slovenskem trgu na voljo nekaj adventnih koledarjev, letos pa jih je prava poplava. Sama sem že izbrala svojega – spremljaj me na Instagramu @low_maintenance_beauty, kjer bom dnevno objavljala, kaj me tisti dan pričakalo za vratci. Poleg presenečenja (in dejstva, da tako mogoče prišparam kakšno kilo špehca na račun vseh čokoladic) mi je najbolj všeč, da adventni koledarji res ponujajo dobro vrednost za svojo ceno, poleg tega pa so v njih pogosto skriti tudi izdelki, ki jih same morda ne bi izbrale, a nas lahko navdušijo!

Ker je bila Nika z Beautyfull blog bolj pridna od mene in je podobno objavo že napisala, te najprej pošiljam k njej (*klik*) na ogled koledarjev Le Couvent des Minimes, Lush, L’Occitane, Essence in Alessandro. Potem pa si le preberi mojo objavo še naprej, saj sem jih sama odkrila še kar nekaj! Čeprav niso na voljo v Sloveniji, imaš še cel teden, tako da bodo verjetno še ravno pravi čas prispeli do tebe!

Če si velika navdušenka nad laki za nohte, potem je pravi zate Ciate Mini Mani Month koledar. Dobiš ga lahko na Feel Unique, pri čemer pa se zavedaj, da boš morala plačati DHL dostavo. Osnovna cena je 64 €, v njem pa se poleg 18 lakov za nohte skriva še nekaj drugih uporabnih presenečenj. View Post

What I am buying myself before Christmas

There are so many things I find while randomly browsing online and I never actually get around to buying them. But I decided that that will change this year. I work hard for 12 months, hardly ever take any time for myself and I deserve a treat. But since I will already be getting a bunch of presents for Christmas, I plan to do some Pre-Christmas shopping. This is my list.

1. Yankee Candle: Cosy by the fire

Photo: Yankee Candle Webpage

Cosy by the fire perfectly describes how I would like to spend December this year, but it’s also a name of a Yankee candle. This candle includes the smells of ginger, cloves and orange as the main notes and as much as I don’t think that the Yankee Candles are the best candles ever, I still like to have one handy for those cold winter nights when a candle or two brighten up the mood in the living room. Find this (and many other alluring candles) here for 11,90 € for medium sized candle.

2. Lush bath bomb: Shooting for the stars

Photo: Lush online store

Honey and caramel? Sign me up. This bath bomb from Lush is called Shooting for the stars and I need one (or two, or, you know, a couple) in my life. I need to do an online purchase though because I know that if I set foot in the actual Lush store, we will only be eating potatoes for the rest of December. Find it here for 5,95 € for 200g.

3. Carpisa: Hard Toiletry Bag

Photo: Carpisa IT

If you’re a traveler like myself and always worry about what is happening to your make-up in the back of the car or in the airplane cargo space, you need one of these. It’s the Carpissa Hard Beauty Toiletry Bag and I find it a must for everyone who values their foundation bottle over their life. Naturally, it won’t hold all of the make-up that I necessarily want to bring with me, which is why I will probably afford myself two of them. You can find it in Carpisa stores for 19,99 €.

4. Smile Concept store: Happy Lights

Photo: Smile Concept Store

I know that these lights would certainly make me happy every evening I would turn them on. And since I deserve to be happy, why not? You can find them at Smile Concept store in shop or online for 29,40 €.

What are you treating yourself with this month? Let me know (and give me some ideas) in the comments below. And as always, stay beautiful!