I’ll admit that my make-up collection isn’t exactly tiny. And also, I don’t really like thinking about it as a collection. I have more make-up than the average woman so I can compare products when I review them, but I really don’t want to hoard my make-up to the point where I no longer have anywhere to put it. Consequently, I decided that for the first time I’ll try to use up some of the products in the upcoming year.
Priznam – moja zbirka ličil ni ravno majhna. In o njej nerada razmišljam kot o zbirki. Seveda imam več ličil kot povprečna ženska, predvsem zato, da jih lahko med seboj primerjam, ko jih ocenjujem, vendar pa si v resnici ne želim toliko ličil, da ne bi vedela, kam z njimi. Posledično sem se letos prvič odločila, da bom nekaj izdelkov namensko skušala porabiti do konca tekom leta 2017.
The first product is the Catrice Chocolate Nudes Palette – you can find the review and more photos *here*. The biggest issue I have with small palettes is there is always something missing – a light matte shade for under the browbone, a shimmery shade for the inner corner or a good neutral crease color. This palette has it all so I can use it alone, but I simply don’t remember about it often enough. Hopefully, I’ll be able to use up the whole thing since all the shades are lovely and well pigmented.
Prvi izdelek je Catrice Chocolate Nudes paletka – oceno in več slik lahko najdeš *tu*. Problem manjših paletk je, da jim vedno nekaj manjka – bodisi svetla mat senčka za pod obrvi, bodisi svetlikajoč odtenek za v kotiček očesa, bodisi dobra nevtralna barva za v pregib očesa. Ta paletka ima prav vse to, zato jo lahko uporabljam tudi samostojno, vendar se premalokrat spomnim nanjo. Upam, da mi jo bo uspelo porabiti v celoti, saj so prav vsi odtenki zelo lepi in dobro pigmentirani.