Mirta hand cream for softer and protected hands in cold days

Mirta hand cream

When cold days arrive, my hands are always in need of extra protection. My skin gets cracked and dry, especially around the knuckles, so I’m always looking for something extra to protect them. This year, my companion will be the Mirta hand cream. It’s available in two scents and instead of going for the classic lavender, I chose Orange since it reminds me of Christmas.

Mirta hand cream oranges

This cream isn’t one of those that you apply and after five minutes it feels like you did nothing. It is based on shea butter which is a great ingredient on it own. The hand cream contains essential oil of orange (which acts as a fragrance), immortelle (which promotes blood circulation and helps with skin regeneration), oil of Ylang-Ylang (that calms the skin and has antiseptic properties) and glycerin which ties in extra moisture and restores elasticity in the skin. View Post

What’s in my beach bag 2017

Summer is fast aproaching and the days when we hit the beach are so close I can almost smell them. Thinking back, the contents of my beach bag changed a lot in the past few years. Waterproof mascara was replaced by a pacifier, BB cream by a small float. Naturally, the way I spend my days at the seaside changed as well – hitting the bars or restaurants directly on the way from the beach is out of the question now since baby M has his own ideas on how we’ll run the show. That doesn’t make our vacation bad – just different, and I’m sure all the mothers out there will agree. Anyway, I wanted to show you the products that will surely be hiding in my beach bag this summer.

Poletje je tik pred vrati in kmalu se bomo vsi odpravili na morje. Če pomislim nekaj let nazaj, se je vsebina moje torbe za na plažo res spremenila, saj se zdaj namesto vodoodporne maskare v njej skriva duda, namesto BB kreme pa napihljiv čolniček. Seveda se je spremenil tudi moj dopustniški vsakdan – zdaj ne pride več v poštev, da s plaže z mojim zavijeva kar direktno na večerjo ali koktejle, saj ima mali M svoja pričakovanja. Pa ni zato dopust nič slabši – le drugačen, s čimer se boste gotovo strinjale vse mamice. Skratka, spodaj ti predstavljam nujne izdelke, ki poleg poplave igrač letos ne bodo manjkali v moji torbi.

Let’s start with the basics – sun protection. This year, my first line of deffence will be the Eucerin Sun Spray (SPF 30). It’s a transparent spray under pressure that can easily be used for the places that are normally hard to reach. I admit that I’ve really been enjoying the sprays in the past few years because I can apply sun protection super quick – remember that you need to apply it every few hours even if you stay out of the water! Eucerin products are available in all pharmacies. My face will be protected by Afrodita Sun Care (SPF 30) which I’ve spoken about before – it’s a light formula that absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave a white cast which is why I also use it under my make-up every single day. Last but not least, I’ll continue using Mirta body butter to get some quick tan. You can find more information about this butter and how to use it in my recent post *here*.

Začniva z osnovo – zaščito pred soncem. Letos me bo na plaži ščitil Eucerin Sun Spray (SPF 30). Gre za prozoren sprej pod pritiskom, ki ga povsem enostavno uporabim tudi na težje dostopnih delih telesa, hkrati pa so mi spreji zadnja leta še posebej všeč. saj se pred soncem zaščitim en, dva, tri. Ena steklenička bo ravno dovolj za prvi teden dopusta – ne pozabi, da je treba celotno telo zaščititi vsakih nekaj ur tudi, če vmes ne greš v morje! Eucerin izdelki so na voljo v vseh lekarnah. Moj obraz bo varovala Afrodita Sun Care krema (SPF 30), o kateri sem že govorila, pa vendarle – gre za lahko formulo, ki se hitro vpije in ne pušča belega filma. Afrodita izdelki so na voljo v vseh večjih drogerijah in preko njihove spletne trgovine. Vsak dan jo uporabljam tudi pred ličenjem. Nenazadnje pa bo v moji torbi tudi Mirta maslo za telo, s katerim bom hitreje dosegla tiste nekaj barve, ki jo želim, potem pa se preostanek dopusta skrivala v senci. Več o maslu in o tem, kako ga pravilno uporabljati, si lahko prebereš *tu*.

I hate cold water which is why I rarely venture into the sea more than once or twice per day, but I still love the feeling of being refreshed. I’m happy to report that I’ve found the perfect solution – the Balea Water spray (mine smells like coconut, but there are other scents available) which I can use to spray my face and body and get some chill on! I’m sure that the male side of my family will enjoy it as well, and we’ll smell great! Available in all DM stores. Another products which is never missing in my purse is the Twigs Anti-rub gel. If your thights don’t meet, feel free to skip the following few lines, but if they do, you know that walking in heat can cause some rubbing and even inflammation. This gel is silicone based. I only apply a little on the critical points and I have absolutely no issues walking in even the worse of heat. Twigs gel can be bought at online store Licila.si.

Ker se sama več kot dvakrat dnevno težko spravim v morje (pa ne, da ga ne maram, ampak vedno je tako mrzloooo!), mi prijajo tudi druge oblike osvežitve. Zelo sem vesela, da sem odkrila Balea vodni sprej (moj je z vonjem kokosa, imajo pa še kar nekaj drugih), s katerim lahko na hitro popršim obraz in telo in si zagotovim hitro osvežitev. Prepričana sem, da bo ta dobro dela tudi moškima v mojem življenju, pa še lepo bomo dišali. Ta sprej in njegove bratce lahko kupiš v vsaki DM trgovini. Drugi izdelek, ki že leta ne sme manjkati v moji torbi, pa je Twigs Anti-rub gel. Če se tvoji stegni ne dotikata, lahko naslednjih nekaj vrstic preskočiš, če pa se (in statistika pravi, da si v večini), potem veš, kako neprijetno je drgnjenje suhe kože poleti, ki lahko privede do dejanskih površinskih poškodb. Twigs gel je osnovan na silikonski osnovi – jaz ga na stegna nanesem približno v velikosti lešnika in potem pri hoji tudi v največji vročini nimam nobenih težav. Twigs gel lahko kupiš na Licila.si.

As always, I’ll be bringing my Tangle Teezer along for the ride – it’s the easiest way to keep my wet hair under control. I’ll probably be looking for some hair protecting spray before summer and I promise to report if I find anything good. I’ll also pack up the Mirta Lavender deodorant (read more about it *here*) because I don’t believe we should be torturing people around us with various body odors just because we’re at the beach. You can buy both their tanning body butter and the deodorant from their online store www.mirta.si.

Kot vsako leto me bo tudi letos na plažo spremljal Tangle Teezer, s katerim po kopanju najlažje ukrotim moje lase. Verjetno bom pred poletjem poiskala tudi kakšno zaščito las in obljubim, da bom o njej tudi poročala. V torbi bo tudi Mirta sivkin deodorant (več o njem *tu*), saj mislim, da poletje ni izgovor, da ljudi okrog sebe razveseljujemo s svojimi telesnimi vonjavami, ki jih sploh v vročini ni malo. Tako maslo za telo, kot tudi deodorant sta dostopna preko Mirta spletne trgovine na www.mirta.si.

Last but not least, I’ll also be bringing my L’Occitane Pivoine Sublime lip balm (SPF 25) that nourishes my lips, gives them a hint of red color and also protects them against damaging sun rays. L’Occitane always impresses me with great ideas and I think that lip protection is something we tend to forget about all too often. I’m also really loving the screw-on lid which will prevent the lip balm from opening in the bag, and the nice smell which follows me for hours after application. You can buy the balm at all L’Occitane points of sales and on their online stores.

Nenazadnje pa gre z mano na plažo tudi L’Occitane Pivoine Sublime Obarvani balzam za ustnice (SPF 25), ki ustnice lepo nahrani, jim da čisto malo nežno rdeče barve in jih zaščiti pred nevarnimi vplivi sonca. L’Occitane me vsako leto prepriča s kakšno odlično idejo in mislim, da na zaščito ustnic vse prepogosto pozabimo. Dodaten bonus zame je embalaža na navoj, ki preprečuje, da bi se balzam v torbi po nesreči odprl, in pa prijeten vonj, ki me po nanosu spremlja še nekaj ur. Balzam je dostopen v vseh trgovinah in na prodajnih mestih L’Occitane ter na njihovi spletni strani.

These are the basics that certainly won’t be missing from my beach bag this summer. Will you invest in some of these, or do you recommend something that I need besides all of the above? Until next time, stay beautiful!

To so torej osnove, ki v moji torbi letos na plaži ne bodo manjkale. Si boš kaj od naštetega privoščila tudi sama – ali pa je morda še kaj, na kar sem sama pozabila? Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

Here comes the sun: Mirta Tanning Body Butter & Aloe Vera Lotion

Sunny days are finally here and this year, they caught me by surprise. Since I spend most of my days cooped up in the office, I’m always excited for the months with longer days when I get to spend some time outside in the sun after work. Naturally, I make sure not to expose my skin to the sun when it’s at its strongest. I use SPF cream on my face throughout the entire year and always make sure to put SPF on my body at least half an hour before sun exposure. If you want to read more about appropriate sun protection and the reasons why it’s so important, make sure to read *this* post I wrote last summer.

Sonček nas je že kar dodobra pobožal in vsaj mene osebno prijetno presenetil. Ker sem večino dni zaprta v pisarni, sem vesela mesecev, ko se dnevi podaljšajo in lahko ure po službi izkoristim, da svoje telo malce nastavim sončnim žarkom. Seveda tudi poleti pazim, da se soncu ne izpostavljam, ko je to najmočnejše, kremo z SPF na obrazu uporabljam skozi celo leto, vsaj pol ure, preden se odpravim ven, pa tudi preostale izpostavljene dele zaščitim s sončno kremo. V kolikor želiš o primerni zaščiti in temu, zakaj je ta tako pomembna, prebrati več, ti v branje predlagam moj lanski zapis o sončenju (skriva se *tukaj*).


Super tanned skin hasn’t been in trend for a couple of years now, but I don’t mind getting at least a bit of color. This year, I got to test a product that will get me to a nice looking bronze skin quicker, meaning shorter exposure to sun rays – the Mirta tanning butter. I already wrote about Mirta deodorant *here* so I’ll only repeat myself quickly: it’s a Croatian brand from the island of Lošinj that produces completely natural products. I only disovered the brand this year and I’m very impressed with their products so far.

Zagorela polt že nekaj let ni preveč in, vendar sama nimam nič proti temu, da tekom poletja dobim vsaj malo barve. Letos sem imela možnost testirati super izdelek, ki bo poskrbel, da bom lahko malo tena pridobila hitreje (kar pomeni tudi krajše izpostavljanje sončnim žarkom) – Mirta maslo za sončenje. O znamki Mirta sem že pisala *tu*, če pa na kratko ponovim – gre za hrvaško znamko z otoka Lošinja, ki izdeluje popolnoma naravne izdelke in mene osebno zadnje čase kar precej navdušuje.

Mirta tanning butter (100ml) is made out of 100 % natural ingredients and also carries a bit of natural SPF protection (6-8). If you’re not in the mood to read my previous posts, I’ll repeat myself here: I don’t think that SPF 6-8 is high enough protection for sun exposure. Personally, I recommend using SPF 30 or more. Mirta tanning butter could only serve as a protective agent for everyday errands when the periods of sun exposure are very short and random  – quick walk from the bus station to the office or a brisk stroll to the nearest bank. I use this product over a sun cream with SPF and I recommend you use it the same way.

Mirta maslo za sončenje (100ml) je narejeno iz izključno naravnih sestavin in vsebuje tudi nekaj malega naravne SPF zaščite, natančneje SPF 6-8. Če se ti ne ljubi brati mojih preteklih objav, naj še tu jasno povem, da se meni to nikakor ne zdi dovolj visoka zaščita za izpostavljanje soncu in tu, odvisno od tvoje polti, sama priporočam izdelke z SPF 30 ali več. Mirta maslo za sončenje lahko samostojno uporabiš morda le za šolski ali pisarniški vsakdan, ko je izpostavitev nog in rok na sonce zgolj naključna in hitra – hiter sprehod od avtobusne postaje do pisarne, skok okrog vogala na banko in tako dalje. Gre torej za izdelek, ki ga sama nanašam preko kreme z zaščitnim faktorjem in takšno uporabo priporočam tudi tebi. View Post

Best deodorant EVER? Mirta natural cosmetics lavender deodorant review

I often get asked by my readers why I don’t write more about natural products. I must admit that I often feel a bit guilty, especially because I often get sent natural products to review but they simply don’t amaze me enough to warrant a post of their own. That certainly isn’t the case of today’s TOP product since I fell in love with it after just a couple days of use.

Dekleta me pogosto sprašujete, zakaj večkrat ne pišem o naravnih izdelkih. Priznam, tudi sama se dostikrat počutim krivo, sploh zato, ker kar precej naravnih izdelkov dobim v last za testiranje, vendar pa me le redko navdušijo do te mere, da o njih pišem. V primeru današnjega TOP izdelka pa je zgodba malce drugačna, saj sem se v njega zaljubila že po nekaj dneh uporabe.

In April, I visited the Love Beauty Forum in Ljubljana and had a little chat with the nice representatives of Mirta natural cosmetics. They also provided me with a few samples, including their two deodorants with eucalyptus and lavender – first one being a bit too fragrant for my liking but the lavender one just perfect. The 10ml sample was more than enough for me to use for more than two weeks and by the time I hit the bottom I was sure that I absolutely needed to buy this product. Since I gave birth about a year ago, I tried more than ten different deodorants but none of them worked as it should which really stressed me out a lot.

Na sejmu Love Beauty, ki je v aprilu potekal v Ljubljani, sem na stojnici Mirta naravne kozmetike spregovorila nekaj besed s predstavnicami in dobila tudi nekaj vzorčkov, med drugim vzorček sivkinega in evkaliptusovega deodoranta. Evkaliptusov mi je bil po vonju nekoliko premočan, zato sem do konca porabila vzorec sivkinega deodoranta – 10 ml vzorčka mi je zadoščalo za več kot dva tedna uporabe! Ko je bil lonček skorajda prazen, je bila odločitev na dlani – to je izdelek, ki ga vsekakor moram imeti. V zadnjem letu od poroda sem preizkusila kakšnih deset različnih deodorantov, vendar pa so me pogosto pustili na cedilu, kar je resnično neprijetno. View Post