Top 5 spring nail polishes **** Top 5 spomladanskih lakov za nohte


Until I started loving make-up more, I never even considered which nail polish would be suitable for a certain season. I wore lime green in winter and dark red in the summer and even though I still mix it up, I prefer to keep my nails appropriate to the weather and my mood that goes along with it. Here in Slovenia, spring already arrived a couple of days ago and I was inspired to go through my stash and find the nail polishes I will be wearing in the following months. Here are my favorites.

Včasih, ko v mojem življenju make-up ni igral posebne vloge, nisem niti razmišljala o tem, kateri lak za nohte bom izbrala v določenem letnem času. Pozimi sem nosila limetasto zelen lak, poleti temno rdečega in čeprav to še vedno občasno naredim, se večino časa moji nohti ujemajo z vremenom in seveda mojim razpoloženjem, ki se spreminja skozi letne čase. V Sloveniji je pomlad prav zares že tu, zato sem pobrskala po svoji zbirki lakov in izbrala tiste, ki jih bom z veseljem nosila v prihodnjih mesecih. Predstavljam ti pet mojih najljubših.

OPI  – I believe in manicures

OPI I believe in manicures is a light blue polish, the color of the spring sky and a color I associate strongly with Easter eggs. It’s a part of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s collection. The formula is very easy to apply as with moth OPI polishes. I prefer three coats but you’ll get a strong color with two coats as well.

OPI I believe in manicures je svetlo plav lak za nohte, lak v barvi spomladanskega neba in v barvi, ki jo sama močno povezujem z velikonočnimi jajci. Ta lak je del kolekcije Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Formula je kot pri večini OPI lakov enostavna za nanos. Sama ga nanesem v treh slojih, že dva pa zadoščata za močan odtenek čudovite plave barve.

Catrice Soft Blossom – Coachella Vibes

This nail polish will surprise you with a slight flowery scent once applied and dry. It looks brighter in the bottle than it comes out on the nails but it’s still warm enough to be considered a spring polish in my book. It gives a semi-matte finish which you can either accept or top it off with a shiny top coat to give it that extra shine. The pigmentation is comparable to any other high-end nail polish – in the photo, I’m only wearing one coat!  There are six different shades available in the collection, each unique in its own way.

Ta lak te bo po sušenju presenetil z lahnim cvetličnim vonjem. V steklenički izgleda nekoliko svetlejši, kot na nohtih, vendar pa se mi barva še vedno zdi nadvse spomladanska. Zaključek je rahlo mat, seveda pa z nanosom nadlaka še vedno lahko dosežeš svetleč zaključek. Pigmentacija tega laka je primerljiva s kakšnimi mnogo dražjimi znamkami – na fotografiji imam nanešen samo en sloj! V kolekciji je šest različnih odtenkov, prav vsak poseben na svoj način.

Revlon Parfumerie – Lime Basil

It’s been years since I bought the Revlon Parfumerie nail polish in the shade Lime Basil, but you can still find it in stores and online. Again, it’s a scented nail polish which I don’t mind at all. The color in the bottle is a bit brighter than on the nails, but that’s due to the fact that you’ll definitely need two coats to get full potential from this polish. The color of fresh grass in the morning is not something I can wear to work, but I do enjoy putting it on my nails when I have some days off.

Ta Revlon Parfumerie lak v odtenku Lime Basil sem kupila že leta nazaj, še vedno pa ga občasno vidim v drogerijah in v spletnih trgovinah. Ponovno gre za odišavljen lak, kar mene ne moti. V tem primeru je barva laka v steklenički svetlejša kot na nohtih, kar je tudi posledica tega, da za lepo barvo vsekakor potrebuješ nanesti dva sloja. Barva sveže trave v spomladanskem jutru sicer ni nekaj, kar bi bilo zame primerno za službo, vendar pa ga z veseljem nosim med vikendi in takrat, ko me ne čaka noben pomemben sestanek.

L’Oreal – Dimanche Apres-Midi

The name of this nail polish translates to “Sunday afternoon” which incidentally is also the time when I always paint my nails. It’s one of the prettiest nail polishes that I found in 2017 and the formula of these “grenade” L’Oreal Color Riche polishes is absolutely amazing, I have no trouble applying them at all! The pigmentation is super strong – I’m wearing two very thin coats in the photo, but you can get full coverage in the color of faded ballet slippers with two thicker coats or three thin coats. This is a “wedding” color every woman should have in her collection.

Ime tega laka v dobesednem prevodu pomeni “nedeljsko popoldne”, kar je čisto po naključju tudi čas, ko si sama vedno lakiram nohte. Gre za enega najlepših lakov, ki sem jih do sedaj našla v letu 2017. Formula teh “granat” – L’Oreal Color Riche lakov je odlična. Sama z nanosom nimam prav nobenih težav. Pigmentacija je zelo močna – na fotografiji sem nanesla dva tanka sloja, polno prekrivnost v barvi zbledelih baletnih copatkov pa lahko dosežeš z dvema debelejšima ali tremi tanjšimi sloji. Gre za “poročno” barvo, ki bi jo prav vsaka ženska morala imeti v svoji zbirki!

Deborah Milano gel effect – 73 (swimming blue)

This Deborah nail polish matches the color of a tropical sea somewhere in the Maldives. Since not many of us get to see that sea (read that out loud) whenever we feel like it, why not bring some color into our lives on our nails? This is actually the first Deborah nail polish I ever bought and I’m impressed by the color payoff and the formula, which is very forgiving. I usually apply to coats to get the best effect. The finish is gel-like, so super shiny, but I prefer to put on a top coat to make sure the color stays in place. A definite must for the spring season.

Barva tega Deborah laka za nohte me spominja na barvo morja nekje na Maldivih. Ker pa Maldivov večina ne more obiskati ravno vsakič, ko se nam zahoče, lahko nekaj barve v svoje življenje prinesemo tudi na nohtih. Gre za prvi Deborah Milano lak, ki sem ga kdajkoli kupila. Formula je enostavna za nanos, pigmentacija pa zelo solidna – običajno sama nanesem dva sloja. Kljub temu, da je zaključek res gel, torej izredno sijoč, preko tega laka nanesem še nadlak, ki mi zagotavlja daljšo obstojnost. Zame vsekakor nujno potrebna spomladanska barva.

These are my top five polishes for this spring season. I’m already looking forward to doing some fun manicures with these – make sure to follow me on Instagram (scroll down for the feed or follow me on @low_maintenance_beauty) to see what I’ll create. I hope it’s warm wherever you are and that you’re already getting some sunshine in your life! Until next time, stay beautiful!

Tako, to je mojih pet najljubših barv za to pomlad. Veselim se ustvarjanja kakšne posebne manikure – če mi slediš na Instagramu (fotografije lahko najdeš čisto na dnu te strani ali mi slediš na @low_maintenance_beauty), si boš lahko ogledala kakšno od mojih stvaritev. Upam, da je tudi tam, kjer se nahajaš že toplo in te božajo sončni žarki. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

Grazia Beauty Award Winners 2016

This Thursday, the Slovenian issue of Grazia Magazine gave out the Beauty Awards for the first time in Slovenian history. Among 111 products, seven beauty experts chose winners in different categories. We also got to vote, but I haven’t gotten any feedback from Grazia if our votes counted in any way (will update if I find out).

Anyway, here are the winners. All the photos (which are gorgeous, are from the Grazia website, give them some love *here*).

Life changing product: Vichy Dermablend

I have not tried this product yet. It is supposed to cover minor to major imperfections, such as redness, dark circles and uneven skin surface).

I voted for: Vichy Dermablend, because Nika from Beautyfull Blog gave it a big thumbs up 🙂

Wau effect: OPI Rapid Dry quick drying top coat

I like OPI polishes but so far, I haven’t been too impressed with the base and top coats

I voted for: Avon Eyeshadow Primer, which is one of my favorite primers of all times. View Post

Midyear favorites 2015

You may have noticed that I stopped doing monthly favorites about 6 months ago. The reason is quite simple – I don’t have many new favorites every month, so I prefer not to talk about products until I have a firm opinion about them. With that in mind, I give you my mid-year favorites for 2015 – the products I used and loved in the first six months of this year.

Let’s start with body products. I’ve talked about both of these before.

My first favorite is Nivea In-Shower Body Milk with shea butter. I love the idea of moisturizing while taking a shower and it really saves me a lot of time. I prefer this formula for dry skin to the one for normal skin – the shea butter really gives it the additional *umph*.

Secondly, I’ve really been enjoying my Stenders Salt Scrub in Rose and it’s not long before I’ll completely run out. It’s a fine scrub with some rose petals in it – it gets rid of the old epidermis and also moisturizes, since it’s oil based. The only downside is the amount of time you’ll need to scrub your shower clean after using it.

For hair, I haven’t found my new favorite shampoo&conditioner combo just yet. The only thing I am including here is my Kerastase Elixir Ultime. I apply this to my roots and about 10 cm up after each wash and I feel I’ve had lot less split and dry hair in the past few months. This product is quite expensive, but the bottle will last you ages, since you need the smallest amount per day / per wash.

I was the last beauty blogger on the planet to get something from the L’Oreal Micellar line, but I now understand why everyone is so excited about it. I really, really like this micellar gel – the tiniest amount removes my daily make-up without any problems. It also does quite a good job at removing waterproof mascara, although I must admit that I usually tackle that with other products.

After L’Oreal Micellar gel, I tend to use the Ole Henriksen African Red Tea Foaming Cleanser. I have talked about this great product before – it’s really easy to use (massaged into the skin and rinsed off), smells wonderfully and leaves my face clean and fresh.

For moisturizer, I am almost done with the Afrodita Hydra Thermal 24h Ultra Moisturizing Cream. I really like this product – it’s a simple, no fuss moisturizer and it does its job. Also, from all of the products in these favorites, I would guess that it has the best price: number of uses ratio. View Post

April Favorites

Another month rolled by and I almost can’t believe that it’s almost been a year since I started writing this blog 🙂 Anyway, April brought some new, wonderful discoveries for me, and I also found some of my old friends lurking in the back of that closet that I keep mentioning all the time.

Quite a few were already mentioned in my other posts, so let’s start with those. First is the Lord&Berry liner that I received in the LookFantastic beauty box about a month ago. It’s been well loved but I’m determined to use the very last inch of it. You can read more about it here – and thank me later when you go and buy it 😉

Essence Longlasting Lip Liner in Yummy Berry

Another favorite that I only recently became acquainted with is the Essence Longlasting lip liner. I love quite a few colors, but as I already mentioned in this post, the Yummy Berry is my favorite. I need to go out and buy a few back-up’s in case it makes a disappearing act from the shelves.

O.P.I. Don’t pretzel my buttons

This O.P.I. Don’t pretzel my buttons featured in my Simple manicure routine post. It’s a really lovely beige nude and I’ve been wearing it a lot in the past two months, simply because it’s long lasting and – to be completely honest – doesn’t look terrible even when some chipping occurs. It’s the only nude polish I own and we have quite a romance going on at the moment.

Medex Elanosol lip balm

I don’t talk much about Medex cosmetics line and I don’t really know why – I love most of the products and use them quite religiously. But my favorite has to be the Elanosol lip balm that contains propolis, honey and bee wax. First of all, this lip balm really does smell and taste of honey, and secondly, it leaves quite a thick layer on the lips meaning that they are fully protected. That being said, it’s not really a product I use out of home, because it also leaves a little white residue which doesn’t look too appealing. But I love using it at home and it helps my lips tremendously. View Post

My simple manicure routine

I don’t have a lot of spare time, so I tend to really simplify anything that I can – including my manicure routine. It’s simple, straightforward and works for me. First, I prepare everything I’ll need.

Basically, I put together all the necessary tools – nail files, cuticle nippers, cuticle pusher, small scissors and the likes.

Then, I go through my nail polishes and gather up everything I think I’ll use – sometimes I give myself more than one option (like here, where I debated between matte finish and glossy finish).

Next up, it’s time to get that old nail polish off. I just bought this Delia polish remover which smells like strawberries and doesn’t contain any acetone. I kind of prefer it this way, since I find that acetone really dries up my nails.

I start by working on my cuticles. If I do this every time I change my nail polish they tend to stay nice, but I sometimes skip this step if I’m in a hurry and then I really need to spare an extra minute on them the next time. First, apply a bit of oil and let it sit for a minute or two.

Then, I push the cuticle back with the soft side of the cuticle pusher so I’m not scratching the nail too hard. View Post