Here comes the sun: Mirta Tanning Body Butter & Aloe Vera Lotion

Sunny days are finally here and this year, they caught me by surprise. Since I spend most of my days cooped up in the office, I’m always excited for the months with longer days when I get to spend some time outside in the sun after work. Naturally, I make sure not to expose my skin to the sun when it’s at its strongest. I use SPF cream on my face throughout the entire year and always make sure to put SPF on my body at least half an hour before sun exposure. If you want to read more about appropriate sun protection and the reasons why it’s so important, make sure to read *this* post I wrote last summer.

Sonček nas je že kar dodobra pobožal in vsaj mene osebno prijetno presenetil. Ker sem večino dni zaprta v pisarni, sem vesela mesecev, ko se dnevi podaljšajo in lahko ure po službi izkoristim, da svoje telo malce nastavim sončnim žarkom. Seveda tudi poleti pazim, da se soncu ne izpostavljam, ko je to najmočnejše, kremo z SPF na obrazu uporabljam skozi celo leto, vsaj pol ure, preden se odpravim ven, pa tudi preostale izpostavljene dele zaščitim s sončno kremo. V kolikor želiš o primerni zaščiti in temu, zakaj je ta tako pomembna, prebrati več, ti v branje predlagam moj lanski zapis o sončenju (skriva se *tukaj*).


Super tanned skin hasn’t been in trend for a couple of years now, but I don’t mind getting at least a bit of color. This year, I got to test a product that will get me to a nice looking bronze skin quicker, meaning shorter exposure to sun rays – the Mirta tanning butter. I already wrote about Mirta deodorant *here* so I’ll only repeat myself quickly: it’s a Croatian brand from the island of Lošinj that produces completely natural products. I only disovered the brand this year and I’m very impressed with their products so far.

Zagorela polt že nekaj let ni preveč in, vendar sama nimam nič proti temu, da tekom poletja dobim vsaj malo barve. Letos sem imela možnost testirati super izdelek, ki bo poskrbel, da bom lahko malo tena pridobila hitreje (kar pomeni tudi krajše izpostavljanje sončnim žarkom) – Mirta maslo za sončenje. O znamki Mirta sem že pisala *tu*, če pa na kratko ponovim – gre za hrvaško znamko z otoka Lošinja, ki izdeluje popolnoma naravne izdelke in mene osebno zadnje čase kar precej navdušuje.

Mirta tanning butter (100ml) is made out of 100 % natural ingredients and also carries a bit of natural SPF protection (6-8). If you’re not in the mood to read my previous posts, I’ll repeat myself here: I don’t think that SPF 6-8 is high enough protection for sun exposure. Personally, I recommend using SPF 30 or more. Mirta tanning butter could only serve as a protective agent for everyday errands when the periods of sun exposure are very short and random  – quick walk from the bus station to the office or a brisk stroll to the nearest bank. I use this product over a sun cream with SPF and I recommend you use it the same way.

Mirta maslo za sončenje (100ml) je narejeno iz izključno naravnih sestavin in vsebuje tudi nekaj malega naravne SPF zaščite, natančneje SPF 6-8. Če se ti ne ljubi brati mojih preteklih objav, naj še tu jasno povem, da se meni to nikakor ne zdi dovolj visoka zaščita za izpostavljanje soncu in tu, odvisno od tvoje polti, sama priporočam izdelke z SPF 30 ali več. Mirta maslo za sončenje lahko samostojno uporabiš morda le za šolski ali pisarniški vsakdan, ko je izpostavitev nog in rok na sonce zgolj naključna in hitra – hiter sprehod od avtobusne postaje do pisarne, skok okrog vogala na banko in tako dalje. Gre torej za izdelek, ki ga sama nanašam preko kreme z zaščitnim faktorjem in takšno uporabo priporočam tudi tebi. View Post

Sun protection – beauty bloggers collaboration

Dear ladies,

first let me welcome you to the whole new look of my blog. I’m still working on improving some things, I have some editing to do and a whole lot of corrections, but I still want to post in the meantime, so please bear with me 🙂 I hope you like it, since I have been wanting a new look for a long time and this one really caught my eye.

Secondly, and possibly even more important, I want to again address the issue of safety in the sun. I already wrote a long post about it, which you should go and read since it guides you through understanding SPF in general (*click* to read that post).

I won’t repeat the dangers of exposing your skin to the sun in exaggerated amounts – you do need some sun exposure to get the all important vitamin D, but keep in mind that you need to be careful in the way you achieve that.

Saying that, I’m not the palest person in the world. I love to be out and about meaning that I do catch some sun rays. But I always, always wear SPF and I don’t bake in the sun deliberately – my tan comes from long walks with baby M and from the time I spend in the sea. But if you are the kind of person who values their pale skin and makes sure to keep it pearl white in all seasons – my hat goes out to you! There is no doubt that your skin will look much better than mine in twenty years’ time.

To make sure that you get all possible information about sun safety, our little group of Slovenian bloggers did a little collaboration with different posts about sun and sun screen. Make sure to check the link below where you can find posts by other great Slovenian beauty bloggers!

Click *here* to get to the entry site for other posts.

Until next time, stay beautiful (and out of the sun!)

Knowledge is power (a.k.a. all about SPF)

The topic about sun protection is close to my heart since I inherited a skin with many birthmarks that I always need to keep an eye out for. I also didn’t pay much attention to my skin in my early 20’s and I’m trying to be better about it now.

Before we start looking at different products that can help you with keeping your skin safe, let’s start with some basics. Sunscreen helps prevent the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays to penetrate the skin. UVA and UVB rays (which sunscreens protect from) cause wrinkling and sagging of the skin and are one of the primary culprits for skin cancer. So, in short, it’s not a joke. View Post