Golden Rose Lipsticks: matte vs. matte vs. matte!


Golden Rose matte lipsticks are all the rage right now. Golden Rose just released a bunch of new shades of liquid matte lipsticks and the social media in Slovenia have gone crazy over them. I already discussed my opinion on GR liquid matte lipsticks once before (you can read about it *here*) but I often get asked about other matte lippies by Golden Rose. So here is the long promised and awaited post of matte lipstick vs. matte lipstick vs. matte lipstick.

Golden Rose mat tekoče šminke so v Sloveniji ogromen hit. Pred dnevi so v kolekcijo dodali še cel kup novih odtenkov in družbena omrežja so eksplodirala od navdušenja nad njimi. Sama sem o tekočih Golden Rose mat šminkah že pisala (mnenje si lahko prebereš *tu*), vendar pa me bralke pogosto sprašujete tudi, kakšno je moje mnenje o drugih mat šminkah te znamke. Zato danes končno objavljam dolgo pričakovano objavo o troboju med tremi Golden Rose mat variantami šmink.

Let’s start with the classic I talked about above – the Golden Rose Longstay Liquid Matte Lipstick (photo: shade 11). Unlike most of my blogger colleagues, I’m really not a fan of this formula since it has a strong vanilla scent that really bothers me when I’m wearing it. I also find the applicator too big for precise application. Granted, once it’s on your lips, it will last a long time and is pretty comfortable to wear, but I simply don’t enjoy it as much as I hoped I would.

Začniva s klasiko, o kateri sem govorila že zgoraj – Golden Rose Longstay Liquid Matte Lipstick (na fotografiji odtenek 11). Za razliko od večine blogerskih kolegic nisem ljubiteljica te formule, saj ima močan vonj po vaniliji, ki me moti ves čas nošenja te šminke. Prav tako se mi zdi aplikator prevelik za natančen nanos, ki ga tekoče šminke seveda zahtevajo. Res je, da je obstojnost dobra in je v primerjavi z mnogimi tekočimi šminkami formula dokaj udobna, vendar pa mi žal ta šminka ni tako všeč, kot sem upala. View Post


You know what? When one of your favorite brands comes out with a product line that carries the same name as your first born son, you don’t buy one thing. You don’t buy two things. You go on a shopping spree. I’m sure that all of you can relate to me and understand that I would buy a ton of Avon Mark products even if just to look at. But it just so happens that they are not only pretty, but the quality is there as well.

Letos sem se naučila nekaj zelo pomembnega o svoji racionalnosti in to izkušnjo bom delila s tabo. Meni zelo ljuba znamka je izdala novo linijo izdelkov. Nisem kupila ene stvari. Ali dveh. Ne, tudi treh stvari ne – kupila sem celo goro izdelkov! Prepričana sem, da bi jih ogromno kupila tudi, če bi bili le lepi na pogled, vendar pa so izdelki iz Avon Mark tudi kakovostni, poleg tega pa nosijo tudi enako ime kot moj edinec.

Today, my baby Mark is celebrating his 1st birthday. Yes, he was born on April Fools day – many people didn’t even believe us when we texted them about his arrival. So in honor of the biggest milestone in Baby M’s life so far, here is a review of 5 shades in the Mark Plump It Lipsticks range. In total, there are 15 shades in this lipstick range but I chose five that I though would compliment me the most.

Danes moj mali Mark praznuje svoj prvi rojstni dan. Da, rojen je bil na prvi april – ko sva po njegovem rojstvu s ponosnim očkom naokrog pošiljala sporočila, nama marsikdo ni verjel. V čast največjemu mejniku v njegovem dosedanjem življenju ti danes predstavljam 5 odtenkov iz nov Avon Mark Plump it linije šmink. V celoti linija obsega petnajst različnih odtenkov, sama pa sem jih izbrala pet, za katere se mi je zdelo, da bodo najbolj ustrezali moji polti.

First, let’s talk formula. I did a lot of swatching and came to the conclusion that I don’t own many lipsticks as creamy as these. They glide on your lips effortlessly without pulling or tugging. In the shades I chose, one coat is more then enough because of great pigmentation. The finish is creamy but not shiny. After a year of wearing matte lips, I really appreciate the creamy formula as it doesn’t dry out my lips – even more, I feel like it really nourishes them.

Najprej beseda ali dve o formuli. V iskanju podobnih odtenkov sem naredila ogromno razmazov šmink v svoji zbirki in ugotovila, da jih je le malo tako lepo kremastih, kot so Marki. Na ustnice se nanesejo povsem enostavno, brez zatikanja in vlečenja. Pri odtenkih, ki sem jih izbrala sama, je en hiter nanos povsem dovolj, saj je pigmentacija izvrstna. Zaključek je kremast, vendar ne sijoč. Po tem, ko sem celo leto nosila skoraj izključno mat šminke, je mojim ustnicam všeč tudi, da jih ne izsuši. Še več – lahko bi rekla, da je šminka celo malce negovalna.

On my lips, they last about four hours if I’m not eating or drinking much. They do transfer with touch as most normal lipsticks do. What I love the most about this formula is the fact that it fades evenly all over the lip – you don’t get the »ring« as with drier formulas.

Na mojih ustnicah so Mark šminke obstale približno štiri ure, v kolikor ta čas nisem preveč jedla ali pila. Z dotikom se prenesejo, enako, kot to velja za vse standardne šminke. Zelo všeč mi je, da ta formula enakomerno bledi in mi ne pusti samo praznega »krogca« sredi ustnic, kot je to običajno za bolj suhe formule.

As with many other lipsticks, I was worried about the exaggerated scent and taste, but it’s pleasantly fruity and actually reminds me of some candy, but I cannot remember the brand for the life of me.

Kot je pri meni že običajno, me je nekoliko skrbel izrazit vonj in okus, vendar pa je v tem primeru prijetno saden. Spominja me na neko sladkarijo, vendar pa se žal na noben način ne morem spomniti, katero.


Cantaloupe is a nice warm peach color. If your complexion is dark, this probably wouldn’t work the best for you, but it looks pretty with lighter complexion.

Cantaloupe oziroma po slovensko melona je tople breskove barve. Če si temnejše polti, bi morda ta odtenek na tebi izgledal nekoliko nenavadno, zelo lep pa je na svetli polti.

Divine Wine is my favorite out of the range. It’s a lighter mauve color and a perfect everyday lip for me.

Divine Wine je moj najljubši odtenek v celotni liniji. Gre za svetlejšo vijolično barvo s plavim podtonom –  zame perfekten primer odtenka, ki ga lahko nosim čisto vsak dan.

Rose Kisses is a light pink shade that is really easy to wear. I was expecting it to be sheerer, but it’s very reasonably pigmented.

Rose Kisses je svetlo roza odtenek, ki ga je res enostavno nositi. Pričakovala sem bolj prosojen odtenek, vendar pa je pigmentacija tudi pri tem odtenku super.

Reddy to go made me think that it will be a red lipstick (red…reddy…), but it’s actually a bright fuchsia. These kind of shades usually look horrible on me but this color has enough blue undertone that I can pull it off.

Reddy to go mi je z imenom dal misliti, da bo svetlo rdeče barve, vendar pa gre v resnici za odtenek fuksije. Takšni odtenki običajno na meni izgledajo grozno, vendar pa ima ta dovolj plavega podtona, da ga lahko nosim tudi sama.

Uptown Pink is a dark pink that I’ll mostly be wearing in the summer. I haven’t got anything like it in my collection so I was excited about a new addition to my color range.

Uptown Pink je temnejša roza barva, ki bo najprimernejša za poletje. Takšnega odtenka v svoji kolekciji še nimam in sem ta odtenek z navdušenjem dodala v svojo zbirko.

Regular price of each lipstick is over 8 €, but you can currently get them in special promotion for 3,90 € each. The design of the bullets is absolutely beautiful in my opinion – they look spectacular on my vanity and they are a beauty blogger’s fantasy to photograph.

Redna cena vsake od teh šmink je preko 8 €, trenutno pa jih lahko dobiš v posebni promociji že za 3,90€. Dizajn šmink je čudovit – prekrasno izgledajo na  moji omarici, več kot enostavne pa so tudi za ustvarjanje prekrasnih fotografij.

Out of all the Avon lipstick formulations I’ve tried so far, these are absolutely my favorite. I probably won’t get any other shades because five is plenty, but if you’re interested in other Mark range products, check out the mascara review *here* and the primer review *here*. Also, let me know in the comments which other Mark products you’d like to see me review. And until next time, stay beautiful!

Reči moram, da je formula Avon Mark šmink moja najljubša izmed vseh, ki sem jih preizkusila pri Avonu. Drugih odtenkov ne bom naročila, saj mi jih pet popolnoma zadošča, v kolikor pa te zanimajo drugi izdelki iz linije, lahko oceno maskare prebereš *tu* in oceno primerja *tu*. Prav tako mi lahko sporočiš tudi druge izdelke, za katere bi te zanimala ocena. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!

BEAUTIFUL PINK OCTOBER (Slovenian beauty bloggers collaboration)

Why pink, you might ask? Sure, there is nothing pink about it if you look at the nature – all golds and greens and yellows everywhere you look. But the color pink is tied to the month of October in a different way.

In the month of October, me and my fellow Slovenian beauty bloggers want to remind every girl, mother, woman, sister out there that none of us are safe from the danger of breast cancer that is commonly connected to the pink bow, like the one in the photo below.

I want to remind you that self-checking is important. Early detection is key to successful treatments! Ideally, you would check your breasts every month, about 7-10 days into your monthly cycle. On this webpage (click!) you can read more about how to check yourself and can also download an app that will remind you to check your breasts and show you exactly how you do it.

Remember that not every change in the breasts means malignant cancer, so if you feel something, there is no reason to panic! Talk to your doctor and together you will choose the right way to proceed. I am knocking on wood, though, that none of us will ever have to go through that!
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Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick review

I’ve been dreaming about owning one of these lipsticks ever since I first saw them online. I didn’t know anything about the formula, but I was simply enchanted by the bullet.

So when opportunity arose, one of these beauties (there are 39 shades available!) found a home with me. Meet Lolita, a lovely chestnut rose shade which comes across slightly lighter than it looks in the bullet.

The Studded Kiss lipstick is very soft, almost velvety on the mouth. The formula is quite thick so it definitely is a single layer lipstick but with the thickness, it causes a bit of a tug on the lips so they need to be properly moisturized beforehand. It’s not as long lasting as I would like, but I can still have a drink and kiss my boy without any transfer. However, it does not pass the salad test 🙂

As most Kat Von D products, these lipsticks are 100 % cruelty free and vegan.

The lipsticks are available from Sephora or Kat Von D online store for 21 $. If you are on the lookout

Makeup Revolution ICONIC PRO lipsticks

It will probably come as no surprise to most of you that I am quite partial to when it comes to make-up shopping. And they are often lovely and spoil me with a thoughtful gifts when they receive new products. One of such packages arrived yesterday and inside was one of the new Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipstick in the shade Game of mystery matte.

I took it out, applied it and a couple of hours later I was in love. So normally, I went and ordered a few more, because why not, right? You can now buy Makeup Revolution products on a brand new site and until end of June 2015, you can use the code BLOG17 to get 17 % off your purchase (on the products not yet on sale).

I now own not one, not two, not three, but four of the Iconic Pro lipsticks. In all, there are twenty different lipsticks in the collection.

They come in either a satin or matte finish, so you could basically choose the same shade in two finishes, but this is not true for all of the shades in the range.

Each individual lipstick costs 4,95 €. View Post